Thursday, November 8, 2018

Stepping Up to Step Down Quilt

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Step Down Quilt is all loaded and ready to be quilted. It's made of 20 blocks that measure 9.5 inches square. The fabrics are all different. I'm going to try some grid design. These blocks are the perfect size to experiment with some new motifs.

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This is the seam I had to make so the backing would be large enough. I tried to follow the little blocks to keep my seam straight. I also hoped the seam wouldn't be too visible.

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I think it worked out pretty good! You can hardly see the seam! I think the print hides it too. I trimmed the left side so the edge would be even. It's so much easier to load when everything is even.

Image may contain: cat

Image may contain: cat and indoor

These two were very interested when I started to load the quilt. After a little while, I think they got bored and decided to nap instead! I can't blame them!!


  1. Love to see how you quilt your step down. I would love to quilt baptist fans on mine. Your two kitty pals are adorable.

    1. Thanks, Dawn! I love the idea of baptist fans. I should get a pantograph since baptist fans are too hard to free hand.

  2. Great job matching up the squared on the backing fabric. It goes very well with the squares on the quilt front.

    1. Thank you, Em! The backing fabric reminded me of the front so I grabbed it! It's from Liz's fabric sale area!


I Like Thursday #261 (Late!!)

I'm so late posting for I Like Thursday. Once a week, a group of bloggers post fun and happy likes. Please visit LeeAnna at  Not Afraid ...