Thursday, September 30, 2021

I Like Thursday #110

It's time for I Like Thursday! They seem to come faster every week! You can visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more happy and uplifting posts. We got the house all decorated for Fall. This is my front door. (obviously!!) I can see the backs of those little scare crows from my kitchen and I always think it's someone at my front door! I love the Fall decor but hate the colder weather as well as the upcoming Winter.

Here's the lamp post. We have orange lights on it. It looks really cute at night.

I got this orchid as a gift. It's so pretty! I hope I don't kill it off too quickly! The directions say 1/2 cup of water per week and to keep in indirect sunlight. Not sure how long it will last!

I love the colors of the hydrangea in the cooler weather. Nature makes some beautiful shades and combinations of color.

That's my week! This is an Autumn themed post. It's definitely cooler up here in New England. Don't tell anyone but I have put my heat on a few times. I hate the cold! Have a great weekend! Stay warm!!


Monday, September 27, 2021

Color My World Through September

We're at the end of September and I realized I never showed you a picture of Color My World so far. The houses have been sewn together in groups of 4. You can see how the background slants that the quilt will end up being square when finished. I have 4 houses left for the middle of the rows. The corners will be made of up very tall buildings which include the Eiffel Tower and Big Ben! 

Once all the buildings are complete, there will be a simple border made of the background fabric. Then, it's done! I was sort of afraid of this quilt but it turned out to be easier than I thought. Great directions helped too! 

I'll be starting the middle houses at the end of the week. I can't believe it's almost October!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

I Like Thursday #109

It's time for I LikeThursday! You can visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more fun and positive posts by bloggers. It's officially Fall so we bought a new play house for the kitties. As you can see, Molly took to it right away! There's a scratching pad at the top as well as the bottom of the house. They also like to chew it. Not sure why!? They only last a few seasons since the cats are so rough with it!

I started tutoring at the library again. It was a little weird to be in there. The library was virtually empty. In the past, once the doors opened at 9am, the place was packed. It was difficult to find a place to sit. Not anymore. I felt comfortable going there to meet my student. We're both vaccinated and wore our masks the whole time. We sat on opposite ends of the table. It felt good to get back to volunteering. It always gives me a good feeling. I couldn't help but take this picture with my last name in it!

We had a little work done around the house. They just finished fixing up our retaining wall. It looks so much better. It's been difficult to get any work done between Covid and this crazy weather. We're all set for the winter now!

I got this candle from my daughter last year. You have access to read the featured book while burning the candle. I'm not sure how the candle will smell but it's supposed to be appropriate for whatever book it features. Sounds interesting!!

That's my likes for the week! I hope all is well and you all have a great weekend!!


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Brioche Shawl

I finally finished my Brioche Shawl. I can't even remember when I starting working on it but it seems like forever! Final measurements are supposed to be 55" X 25". I have to do some serious blocking to get to that size. It measures about 45" X 20" right now.

This is a close up of the actually brioche stitching. I love that puffiness! Brioche isn't easy but it does make a beautiful stitch! I have another brioche project I'd like to make but I'm going to take a break from brioche for a little while. I've got a few bindings to sew which is much easier than brioche!


Thursday, September 16, 2021

I Like Thursday #108

It's time for I Like Thursday! Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more fun and uplifting posts. I've got all my Big Houses sewn together in groups of 4. They need to be ironed and I still need to figure out where to place them. It was fun to sew them together. There are just 2 months left in the Color My World BOM. This went by so fast!

I sewed the binding on my table runner. I really love the colors. I'm also a little amazed that my math all worked out!

I just got this catalog in the mail. I'm going to get my coffee ready and look through it later!

I bought this for my friend's birthday. We're both Italian and our mothers always warn us about the evil eye! She'll get a kick out of it!

That's it for me. It's been a quiet week which is fine with me! Enjoy the weekend!


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Finished Table Runner

Here's the table runner all quilted! It didn't take very long at all. The table runner is so much smaller than the quilts I make. I already knew how I was going to quilt it so the whole process was so much faster! I did mark 1/4" all around the edge since so I could make the arc in the proper place. I didn't want the arc to get hidden by the binding. 

Here's a closeup of the quilting. I made arcs in the larger blocks and clamshells on the smaller blocks. It's quick but efficient and looks great!

I used this cute little circle to make the clamshells. I lined up the lines of the block with the line on the circle. So easy! 

Binding is next! I love a quick project!


Thursday, September 9, 2021

I Like Thursday #107

It's time for I Like Thursday! A group of bloggers write positive posts once a week. You can read more of these posts over at LeeAnna's blog, Not Afraid of Color. I finished all my houses yesterday for the Color My World BOM. I have to sew the 8 groups of houses together. Then, I'll be done for this month. I love the solids together. It's definitely a different look from using prints. It looks more streamlined.

These are the rest of the Big Houses for the month of September. I was very happy to finish them up! They really are big!

A friend at work told me about this website. You'll find some great recipes and cooking tips. I plan on making the French Apple Cake. It sounds delicious!

This is my current book. It's about a group of 4 friends, all in their 30's. Something happens that makes them wonder how well they actually know each other. It makes you think about your own friendships. It's very well written as well as addictive!

That's my week! It's humid and rainy today. It's a great day to stay home and putter around!


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Two Big Houses Left!

This month's houses are taking awhile. They're about 13.5 inches high at the top point. Those windows take awhile! I have a little system but it's still slow. I work on 2 sets of windows at a time. That seems to be the quickest I can get.

I have 2 blocks left with left shadows. I should be done this week. When they're done, I have to sew the houses together. I'll have 8 groups of 4 houses. Let's hope my colors work out and I have a nice variety. I'll post pictures when they're all grouped together. November will be the month we get final instructions for this quilt. It seemed to go by fast!

Thursday, September 2, 2021

I Like Thursday #106

Welcome to I Like Thursday! I'm so glad I'm able to post today. We had the remnants of Hurricane Ida overnight and I wasn't sure what I'd wake up to. We have power and got close to 3.7" of rain. Everything is soaked but we made it through just fine! Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to read more fun posts. My first picture shows the two fawn that keep visiting my yard. They're adorable and always seem to be together. They're fun to watch!

I started my houses for September for the Color My World BOM. These houses are big and take awhile. I got 2 done today but they took much longer than I expected. I have 6 more to make this month. 

I started to quilt my table runner. I'm making arcs in the 4 patches. I stitched in the ditch before I quilted the arcs. I think it makes everything sharper although stitching the ditches is not fun! I'm using Aurifil cotton thread on the top and Bottom Line in the bobbin.

Some quilters free motion their arcs. I don't like to leave anything to chance so I use this little circle. It's quick and always looks nice. You just have to place it properly, 1/4 inch from the corners. Other than that, it's easy peasy!

That's my week. I hope we don't get anymore rain or hurricanes. This has been such a wet summer. I hope that doesn't mean the winter is going to be bad. 


Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...