Thursday, November 17, 2022

I Like Thursday #166

 It's time for Thursday likes! A bunch of us bloggers post things we like once a week. If you'd like to see more happy posts, please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color. Well, my lawn looks like winter. Our trees have lost their leaves and everything looks dormant. But I noticed this lone flower on a rose bush. I'm not sure how but it's still proudly blooming! I felt uplifted when I saw it. 

I finished my Christmas table runner. It was such a fun project. It was quick and easy! It measures 16" X 48".

I found this Riley Blake fabric for the backing. It's funny the stuff you find in your stash!

With Christmas season almost upon us, we just had to buy a new seasonal scratching house for the cats. This one is a van or truck full of Christmas gifts in the back that's being driven by a penguin. Sounds normal to me!! Each cat has taken their turn sitting next to the penguin! It always amazes me that the cats seem to know exactly what to do!

I don't have any fancy Thanksgiving recipes to share. My family grew up in Italy and this holiday was very foreign to them. They did serve turkey with vegetables and tried to make it as traditional as they could. However, we always had Italian food mixed in with normal Thanksgiving fare. We always had some sort of pasta dish, lasagna being my favorite! My mother's lasagna has meat in it but she makes the meat into tiny little meatballs. I don't have a picture to show you but I just think it's the best one I've ever eaten!

That's the week that was! Have a great weekend!


  1. Kitty in a truck - very cute! That lasagna looks delicious.

    1. Thanks, Sally. We always try to keep the cats happy!!

  2. Oh that is a sweet Christmas tablerunner, Rosemary. I love it and that lasagna is mouthwatering. I would love pasta of any kind served with Thanksgiving dinner. And the cats look so cute in their new house. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn. I don't think you can go wrong with a little Italian food on an American holiday!

  3. omg the cat sitting in the passenger seat is a great photo!!!!!
    when I found out I was adopted, I found out my birth father was Italian, parents from Italy. I'm sad I wasn't raised with your kind of special meals... (not all adoptions are pleasant) but the idea of tiny meatballs is terrific. Your table runner is so so pretty with all the christmas prints
    Love, LeeAnna

    1. Thank you, LeeAnna! If you lived closer, I would invite you over for some lasagna or whatever Italian food my mom was making!

  4. Your table runner turned out beautifully. You made the right decision to keep the stars the same size. The lasagne made me hungry LOL

    1. Thanks, Jeanna! I'm quilting the table runner and am about half done.

  5. hahah, your cats’ new scratching post is so fun and magical. Lucky cats! I read how you made your gorgeous table runner, which sounds easy-peasy. My kind of thing and I’ve been thinking we need a table runner. So, maybe. 🙂

    1. The table runner was a breeze to make! Let me know if you need any help. The cats love that scratching post. It's so funny to see them sitting in it!

  6. I love Thanksgiving at your home! YUM Lasagna! I love your tablerunner! So pretty!

  7. Sweet table runner and I'd gladly join your Thanksgiving table if you were serving lasagna! Haha!

    1. Thanks, Susie. You have an open invitation to join us!


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...