Thursday, November 3, 2022

I Like Thursday #164

Welcome to my weekly likes! Go visit Not Afraid of Color to link up to more happy likes. This is my front door. It's been decorated for Fall for awhile now but it's going downhill! The squirrels are munching on the pumpkins. The poor mums look like they've had it. Oh, well, I hope it lasts a little longer. It's way too early for Christmas decorations!

We bought 8 bags of Halloween candy and this is what's left. Our Trick or Treating hours were on Monday from 5-7PM. It took awhile before the kids started showing up. Once they showed up, it didn't stop! I like seeing them all dressed up. It's always a fun time.

This week's prompt is cooking with pumpkin. I love to make pumpkin pie. I use the recipe right on the can of pumpkin. It always comes out great and it's easy too! I also make Paleo Pumpkin Bread but I'm the only one that eats it in my house. I like the recipes at Paleo Running Momma if you're interested.

I usually have a little plant on my kitchen window. My last one died so I bought this cute little Polka Dot plant to take it's place. It's so cute and has such a great color. I think I'll enjoy the color throughout the winter. (I hope it makes it until then!) I'm not the best with plants. I always seem to forget about them.

Have a wonderful weekend! I can't believe Thanksgiving is 3 weeks from today! Oh no!!!!



  1. Pretty front door! I'm sure the squirrels are hungry this year - I've heard it was a poor year for acorns. Those KitKats look good - I'd have stopped by your house. :-) Pretty little pink plant!

    1. Thanks, Sally! Poor squirrels. We all have a warm weekend to enjoy. I'm dreading when the cold finally gets here.

  2. Wow that is a lot of trick or treaters and what fun. I miss seeing them; I just had Robbie here. I love your plant; my white polka dot plant has hung in there for a couple of years now and it really did well outside this summer. Pumpkin Pie is a classic isn't it.

    1. I hope my plant does as well as yours. I also look forward to the trick or treaters every year. I miss those years!

  3. Nooo, Thanksgiving is in 3 weeks! Not that I’m doing anything. It’s just that time goes by so quickly when you’re having fun. I like the reflection you get on your door.

    1. I agree that time just flies by! I didn't see that reflection on my door until you pointed it out. I like it too!

  4. Oh I love the front of your house. I hope you share a photo of it at Christmas time. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks, Jeanna! I will share a photo at Christmas. We're in for a warm weekend up here. So weird for November.

  5. What a happy little pink plant! I was never a plant person, but it seems that I've become one in the last few years. Enjoy a few of those left over KitKat bars!


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...