Saturday, March 30, 2019

Binding GTSB

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The binding is done! I've been sick for the last few days with another cold. This is my third this season. I've been resting as much as I can but I wanted to get some sewing done. I've had the binding ready for awhile and thought I should be able to sew it on, cold or no cold.

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I put my walking foot on and was ready to go!!

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I think getting this binding on helped me to feel a little better. I'm still hanging out on the couch but at least I can hand sew the binding down. I guess it's not so bad to be sick after all!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Long Time Gone & Trip Around the World

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I finished the Trip Around the World block for Long Time Gone. It measures 13.5" X 13.5" including the seam allowance.

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This block is made up of 169 squares, 13 X 13. I didn't want to have to match up 12 seams every time I added a new row. I decided to make it into a large 9-patch. I started in the middle and then worked my way around the block. With this method, I only had to match up 12 seams two times! Much better!!

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Here are my blocks so far! I'm really enjoying working on this quilt so far! 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Schoolhouse Shop Hop 2019

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I had a very fun day yesterday. I took part in my first Shop Hop! I went to 5 different quilt shops.

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The Quilted Crow, Bolton, MA

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Cobblestone Quilts, Townsend, MA

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The Bunkhouse Quilt Shop, Lyndeborough, NH

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Quilted Threads, Henniker, NH

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The Red Barn Sewing and Yarn Center, Merrimac, MA

There was lots of driving involved! We started out in Massachusetts, drove north into New Hampshire and ended up back in Massachusetts again. 

Every shop gave us a free fat quarter as well as a quilt pattern. At the end of visiting the 5 featured shops, we were given a coupon for 20% off total purchase at each of the participating shops. We were also given a blue zippered case where you can place your quilting tools if you're taking a class or sewing at a friend's house. 

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There were some great sales going on at each of the shops. This is the stuff I ended up buying! I'm so glad I can return to these shops and use my coupon. I saw so many other things I want! 

All in all, it was a great day. We ate lunch at Daniel's in Henniker, NH. This was the view while we were eating.

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We were tired when we got home but it was well worth it. Quilt days are always fun!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Green Tea Sweet Beans Finished!

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Green Tea and Sweet Beans is done!! It measures 71.5" X 75.5". My binding is all ready. I just need a little bit of time to sew.

Here's a video that shows the quilt coming off the frame. 

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These are just a few close ups of the quilt and the quilting after the excess batting and backing have been trimmed.

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I still have a few little things to fix after the binding is sewn on. 

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This quilt was quite the project but it's a wonderful feeling to have all the quilting done. I wasn't sure I could execute the quilting I had in mind but it all worked out fine!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Beach Houses Pinnie

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Taking a break from my other projects, I decided to make a cute pin cushion! This one is called Beach Houses and it's found in the book, Pin Pals, by Carrie Nelson.

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These are all the little pieces I had to cut to make the pinnie top.

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Here are my three little houses. Of course, I just used scraps from my bottomless scrap bag.

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I sewed my beach houses together and added a little strip of grass. I also added background strips to the top, bottom and sides.

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The top and bottom were layered over batting and then quilted. I just sewed straight lines on my domestic. The top and bottom were both trimmed to 4" X 6".

I filled the pin cushion with crushed walnut shells. This was a fun and quick project. I love this book! I may end up making all 40 of the pin cushions!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Trip Around the World

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I have been dragging my feet on this one! This is the Trip Around the World block for Long Time Gone. I cut my main color squares once I figured out what colors I wanted. The block consists of 13 X 13 rows. That's a lot!  I cut 84 background squares and I'm finally ready to sew.  I'm thinking of setting up my block and subdividing it into smaller sections. I think it will be easier to sew this way. I'll find out soon enough!

Friday, March 8, 2019

Fabric Extravaganza 2019

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Image may contain: 1 person, standing and indoor

I made my way over to Fabric Extravaganza 2019 in Nashua, NH. There were about 10 quilt shops vending and their prices were great! However, as you can see in the pictures, it was so crowded! I don't enjoy having to weave through a ton of people in a small area. I did get some shopping done but I didn't stay quite as long as I had expected.

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I wanted to try this pressing mat made out of felted wool. I read the top and bottom of the block get ironed at the same time. They only had the small size left but I grabbed it anyways! 

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I got this cute little book for $2.50! It's got some unique pillow patterns. Great for scraps!

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I got this cute little group of fabrics. I like that it's a sample of prints as well as solids.

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I got this pantograph also. I spied a little bucket of pantographs right before we left. Lucky find!

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They even fed us! It was a fun sale. My friends and I went out for lunch when we were done shopping. It was a fun quilt day for me!!

Sunday, March 3, 2019

GTSB Last Blocks Quilted

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I'm so excited! The body of Green Tea Sweet Beans is all quilted. I just have the bottom border left! I found a great place to quilt feathers on this block. All of the other pieces were just quilted in the ditch. I free motioned a little meander in the background.

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This block was rather large. I made a swirl with echoed flowers. The applique of flowers and stems were all outlined. 

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This is just a close up of the previous picture. You can see the free motion flowers a little better.

I will start working on the remaining border this week. It's too bad I have to work tomorrow during a snowstorm. I'd rather stay home and quilt!

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...