I was off yesterday so we made a quick little trip to Ogunquit, Maine. We go every year. It's about an hour from my house. We always stop at Knight's Quilt Shop in Cape Neddick which is en route to Ogunquit. This is always our first stop!

The shop has a few special rooms that I love to visit. This little room up stairs has a nautical theme. There are some great panels and specialty fabrics.

There are many finished quilts available for purchase. There are also all sorts of kits in this area.

I loved seeing this crib full of quilts. These quilts are all donations for the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital in Portland, Maine. It's part of Maine Medical Center. What a great cause to quilt for! I'll have to keep it in mind for my next visit. I'd love to contribute to this great cause.

I almost forgot to post what I bought. I loved this cute little pattern. It's a great way to use up those fat quarters! And since I don't have enough, I bought more fat quarters!! They were too pretty to pass up!

After keeping my husband waiting, we made our way to Perkins Cove in Ogunquit. It wasn't as busy as usual. I heard yesterday was the first day of school. It was a little cool but so nice to walk around.
We visited our favorite shops and found a nice place to eat a lobster roll.

This was our view while eating our lunch. Such a great day! We made our way home in time for dinner.
I'll be linking up with LeeAnna of Not Afraid of Color if you'd like to see more happy and positive posts. I wish you all a Happy Labor Day weekend! I'll be working most of it. It's my turn to work a summer holiday.