Thursday, January 16, 2020

I Like Thursday #34

Image may contain: tree, plant and outdoor

Welcome to I Like Thursday! We're a group of bloggers who write about positive and uplifting items we find throughout the week. Go visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more fun posts to read. We had no snow after last week's warm temperatures. Until today! We got a little snow this morning. I'm so glad it's already melting. I loved not having to drive through it to go to work. I'm off!

Image may contain: drink, possible text that says 'She Who Loves the Story That Fach Quilt Tel'

Image may contain: drink

I received this great travel mug. It's the nicest little saying about quilters. I can really identify with it!

Image may contain: coffee cup

I got this mug too! Isn't she the cutest little kitty?? She looks like she's bundled up nice and warm for the winter.

Image may contain: indoor

This was my big gift for Christmas. My husband bought me the overhead HandiQuilter lights. I had my machine serviced a few day ago. While servicing my machine, he also installed the lights. They make a huge difference. They're so bright and I can really see so much better! I've been waiting for Nick, the service guy, to come for awhile now. I'm so glad he got my machine up to date. I'm already loading the next quilt I'll be working on! I can't wait to start quilting!

That's it for this week! See you next time!


  1. WOW you have a super quilting set up...
    that is a super cute kitty mug--I love mugs...I need them big enough to make my tea with lots of half and half lol hugs, Julierose P.S. No snow so far...just winds...

    1. I'm so happy to have that light! It's so hard to see well, especially as you get older!! So glad you didn't get the snow. Ours is just about all melted.

  2. Hi Rosemary! Wow, that light looks fabulous. Out of the way, yet nice and bright. You'll be all set to get to work on the next quilting project. ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Thanks, Roseanne! I loaded the next quilt. I changed thread and needle. I just have to decide how to quilt it!

  3. Such a pretty travel mug. Love that kitty mug, too! Oh - projects NEED good light. It makes such a difference.

    1. Thanks, Sally! I've wanted those lights for so long. My husband really surprised me!

  4. Cute travel mug, and the kitty mug is just too cute. Is your quilter computer driven, or do you do all the driving? The lighting looks awesome.

    1. Thanks, Colette! I don't have a computer for my longarm. I use rulers and free motion quilting. Too expensive for me!

  5. I love that travel mug!! The kitty is so cute all warm scarf and all. Your quilting area is so clean and inviting.

  6. Wonderful gift, the gift of light! And yes to not having to drive in snow. I also loved your little suitcase with fabric. I did not know Zulily had fabrics...must check it out too. Oh and here's to very cute mugs.

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn! I got some great gifts this holiday season!

  7. Wow what great Christmas presents!! I hate driving in snow as well. Those lights look awesome! We all need more light this time of year!!! Cheers!

    1. Thanks, Michele! I'm sorry for responding so late but I never get notifications for your comments. Darn Blogspot!!


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