Welcome to I Love Thursday! Each week, a group of us bloggers try to write happy and uplifting posts. Go visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more fun posts. I bought this cute ornament for a friend of mine whose birthday is coming up soon. She loves to cook so I thought it was perfect! I found it at my local quilt shop. I didn't expect to find such a cute non-quilting gift there. Hope she likes it!

I bought this scarf at CVS. Another unusual find! It's so soft and the lace is so pretty. I just couldn't resist buying it. I think it will be perfect for when the cooler weather arrives. If it ever arrives!!

I've noticed these free little libraries around my town. I would have loved this when I was in school. You can borrow books and just return them when you're done. I'm going to look around and see if I have any left over books from when my kids were little. I would love to donate since it's such a great idea.

Speaking of books, this is what I'm reading now. I'm about 1/4 of the way through and it's wonderful! It takes place in Nantucket and is the perfect summer read.
That's my likes for the week! I've been off all week and enjoying myself! I've caught up on many projects and got out to shop a few times. So nice to not have to get up at 5am! I just wish I didn't have to go back.