Thursday, August 27, 2020

I Like Thursday #66

It's Thursday so it's time for happy and positive posts. Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more positive posts. I saw this framed print hanging on the wall while getting my hair done. It's so true! I'm still best friends with my college roommate. We think so alike. It's great to have a friend who just gets you. We all need someone like that in our life. 

Look at that temperature! It's so nice and cool. I think I sleep better when it's naturally cool out. There's no air conditioner pumping away. It's just so more comfortable!

I have 2 secret projects all cut out! I'm going to work on my Christmas gifts earlier this year. I feel a sense of accomplishment starting this early! I feel this will give me plenty of time to cusrom quilt my projects 

I'm trying to learn brioche knitting. I have figured out brioche knitting with one color yarn. I'd love to make this scarf using 2 different colors. Each side is the opposite of the other. Each side has a different dominant color. It's a very thick and cushioned stitch. There are quite a few tutorials on line and many patterns on Ravelry. I hope I catch on!

Those are my likes for the week! Have a great weekend and stay safe!

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Hot Off the Press!


I finished quilting this t-shirt quilt today before the thunderstorms began. It came out better better than I expected! It's not the best made quilt but I think it works!

These are just a couple of closeups to see the quilting. It was just a large meander. It's very quick but does the job! I also feel large quilting keeps the actual quilt as the focal point. There is no intricate quilting to take away from the blocks.

Here's the backing at one of seams. I think it all blends pretty well. I need to bind this quilt for her. The quilt owner doesn't sew at all. She's already seen these pictures and likes how it's come out. I'm so happy I could help her.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

I Like Thursday #65


It's Thursday so it's time for a positive and uplifting post. This picture shows that I'm sewing down the binding on my Long Time Gone quilt! The binding is my favorite part! The quilt is done and you can just relax!!

While on vacation last week, I went to a quilt shop and bought this great book. I love table runners and think they would make great Christmas gifts. There are some wonderful patterns in this book. They're all very different. I can't wait to start one!

I also bought this pattern. I have wanted to make a medallion quilt and loved this pattern. I liked the size and thought I could really go scrappy if I wanted. 

Lily always lays down next to me when I go to bed. I usually read for awhile. I liked this picture of her. She's laying down, stretched out with her eyes open! So funny!

Those are my likes for this week. I went back to work Monday. I think I liked being off better! Oh, well! Please go visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more happy posts!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Pineapple Blocks & T-shirt Quilt


Here are my 36 Pineapple Blocks all together! I still have many more blocks to make but I love how they look together. I wish I could say my scraps are decreasing but I haven't made much of a dent at all. I'll just keep going!

Here's a picture while I'm loading the t-shirt quilt. It's not square at all. The seams are crooked. I was a little nervous to quilt it.

I'm just quilting a large meander over the whole top. Once I started, it was easier than I expected.

I wasn't sure how my machine would quilt over the plastic portions of the t-shirts. It cut right through the plastic like butter! I'm about half done and it's going well. That's a good thing because I have another t-shirt quilt to finish for the same person.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

I Like Thursday #64


Welcome to I Love Thursday! Each week, a group of us bloggers try to write happy and uplifting posts. Go visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more fun posts. I bought this cute ornament for a friend of mine whose birthday is coming up soon. She loves to cook so I thought it was perfect! I found it at my local quilt shop. I didn't expect to find such a cute non-quilting gift there.  Hope she likes it!

I bought this scarf at CVS. Another unusual find! It's so soft and the lace is so pretty. I just couldn't resist buying it. I think it will be perfect for when the cooler weather arrives. If it ever arrives!!

I've noticed these free little libraries around my town. I would have loved this when I was in school. You can borrow books and just return them when you're done. I'm going to look around and see if I have any left over books from when my kids were little. I would love to donate since it's such a great idea.

Speaking of books, this is what I'm reading now. I'm about 1/4 of the way through and it's wonderful! It takes place in Nantucket and is the perfect summer read.

That's my likes for the week! I've been off all week and enjoying myself! I've caught up on many projects and got out to shop a few times. So nice to not have to get up at 5am! I just wish I didn't have to go back.

Monday, August 10, 2020

First Day of Vacation

I had a great first day of vacation. I didn't have to wake up before 5AM. That's always a plus! Anyways, I worked on these 4 Pineapple blocks. When these are finished, I'll have 36 blocks done.

Here are the completed 32 blocks. I feel the more diverse the scraps, the better the blocks look. I guess I have lots of scraps so that's a good thing for this project! I'll be linking up with Quilting is More Fun than Housework so you can see more scrap projects. So fun to see what other people are doing with scraps!

I managed to go out and visit my local quilt shop, Bits N Pieces. I found this great ruler! I've always wanted the arc template. I have plenty of circles. I bought it and chalked it up to vacation fun! Thanks to Covid, vacations are a little different this year. This was my way to help the economy and have a little vacation enjoyment! I hope the rest of my vacation is as fun as today was!

I'll be linking up with Quilting is More Fun than Housework so you can see more scrap projects. So fun to see what other people are doing with scraps!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

I Like Thursday #63

It's Thursday so it's time for positive and uplifting posts. Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more fun posts. I finally hung my Kaffe's Bouquet in the family room. It was a fun project. I like seeing it as I watch TV or sit on the couch reading. It's a pattern by Creative Bee Studios. They like to use the wrong side of fabrics. My watering can in the wall hanging is made up of the back of the fabric.

I spied this hornet's next right outside my dining room window. I have noticed the cats looking out of the window more often than usual. I guess they like seeing the hornets fly in and out. I'm so glad there's a pane of glass between us!

I'm almost done my shawl/curl! I love working with his yarn. It's 100% merino wool that was hand dyed. 

The day before we were supposed to get the hurricane, my husband decided to plant this Canadian Cherry tree. Thankfully, the hurricane wasn't too bad and the tree is still there! My husband tells me to expect pink blossoms in the spring. 

Those are my likes for the week. I'm still staying in as much as I can although I have gone to appointments. I'm off next week but don't expect to really go anywhere. It will be a treat just to not go to work. I always enjoy my time at home. 

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Farewell to Long Time Gone

I'm just posting a few pictures of my completed Long Time Gone! I had a blast quilting this one. It wasn't always easy to come up with ideas but once I did, it was easy!

I tried some new ideas. I liked some but not all of them. The quilt came out pretty good whether or not I liked the quilting pattern so it worked out fine!

I have a whole new respect for straight parallel lines. They look simple and add a lot to the quilt. They aren't as easy as they look. It's so easy to wander off the ruler.

I love the ribbon candy in the sashing. It's fun, quick and always looks good.

I'll end this post with a picture of the backing. It's actually more pink than purple as it looks here. I hope you liked my pictures! I'm getting my binding ready. I can't believe it's done!

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...