Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Loading Table Runner

How can it be the end of August already?? I was off today but had a hair appointment. I'm almost done loading my table runner. I just have to baste the top edge of the runner to the backing. I ran out of time! The hair dresser took 2 hours. That's what happens when you need lots of work!!

This is just a different view. I can't wait to start quilting this! I think I already know how I'm going to quilt it. I'll post pictures once I get going on it. Since tomorrow is the first of the month, I'll get the directions to the next set of houses for Color My World. More fun!!

Friday, August 27, 2021

Checkerboard Table Runner

I had my day planned yesterday but it just didn't work. I had a dental appointment that went well. I had hoped to come home and write up I Like Thursday post. However, on my way home, someone rear ended my car. I was on a busy street, stopped at a red light, when the car behind me decided to make another lane. There was no space so he ended up hitting the back of my car. We both pulled over. I asked him what he was doing since it's only one lane. I went back to my car to grab my cell phone when he took off. I called 911 but I never got his license plate. Other than a few scratches, there was no damage. It just screwed up my day. I did manage to finish my table runner. One good thing after all that! It measures 12" X 48". Sewing was my therapy!

This is the backing. I wanted something geometric but couldn't find anything. I do like this little floral and the colors are perfect. 

I felt better after finished my project. The rest of the day just felt off. I worked today and feel better about it. It was just aggravating more than anything else. 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Checkered Table Runner

I bought this fabric a few weeks ago with the intention of making a table runner. This is the layout I decided on. I'm not sure how long I'm going to make it. I'm sort of making rows, adding them and figuring out what I like.  I'll post dimensions when I'm finally finished.

I started out by making strips. Not knowing how big this table runner would be, I decided to just make 4 strips sets of each color. I think I'll need more yellow strips.

I didn't know how much to cut so I just cut enough for a a few rows. I decided to figure it out as I went along. This isn't my usual way of working but it was kind of fun to see just where this would take me.

Here are the first 2 rows! I was a little surprised to see it all come together. It's always a big step from the math to the actual product. I still have a ways to go but so far, so good!

Hurricane Henri hit our area this morning. Although a tropical storm when making landfall, we did get a good amount of rain this morning. The wind was picking up too. It seems to have moved more west than first anticipated so it's calmed down quite a bit. It's been a dark and dismal afternoon. We've had lots of drizzle and some wind but nothing crazy. That's fine with me!

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Color My World August

Here is Color My World so far including the blocks for August. I know I have 4 large blocks for each of the corners as well as 4 smaller blocks for the middle of each row. I'm not sure how many more houses I have yet to make. I'm enjoying the freezer paper method without actually sewing on the freezer paper. I would love to make a string quilt using this technique but I'm still working on that. I'm not sure how to go about it yet. I hope to come up with something!

These are the blocks I made for August. I love how even though they're the same size, the blocks are different depending on which side the lean to. This is a really fun quilt to make! I was so nervous about starting it and it's worked out really well. (So far!!) I can't wait until the September blocks!


Thursday, August 12, 2021

I Like Thursday #105

It's time for I Like Thursday! You can read more I Like Thursday positive posts by visiting LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color. She has a nice list of bloggers. So sorry I'm very late today. I've had such a busy day that I just sat down. I've been making great progress on my Frozen Forest Brioche Shawl. I'm still using a lifeline but I haven't had to actually use it lately. It makes me feel a little better to know that if I mess up, I don't have to rip up too much. I only have 2 1/2 repeats left to make! 

This is the latest book I read. Her previous book was "The Nest" which I haven't read yet. This book is about mothers, marriages and relationships. It's written well and kept my interest throughout. I highly recommend it!

I have never sewn garments before. A friend of mine talked me into trying to make a shirt. We chose this pattern together. I'm not sure how far this project is going to go!!

I was busy doing something when I looked up. These two were watching my every move. It was sort of funny to see them staring at me even though I wasn't doing anything very interesting! These kitties surely entertain us!

I hope you have a great weekend! It's so hot here right now. I'm looking forward to a cool down!

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Customer Quilt #2

I finished this second quilt for my friend. It measures 58" X 68".  I used Auriful polyester variegated thread 40 wt. It was the perfect thread for this quilt top. It was pink, green and beige. I used a pantograph I've used in the past called Curled Feathers. It was a great choice for this quilt.

These two closeups give you an idea of the how the quilting looks. It added so much great texture and depth to the quilt. I really love it!

Here's a peek at the back. I love the colors as well as the floral pattern. It's a great contrast to the quilt top.

Here's a close up of the backing. This quilt came out so nicely. I can't wait for her to pick up her quilts!

Customer quilts are done. It's time to go back to my own quilts! (I have too many that need to be quilted!)

Thursday, August 5, 2021

I Like Thursday #104

 Welcome to I Like Thursday where a bunch of bloggers post positive and uplifting posts. You can visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to read more of these posts. My husband and I went to Ogunquit, Maine yesterday. We try to go every summer although we missed it last year due to Covid. This was the view as we were shopping in Perkins Cove. So pretty!

As we were walking to the center of town, a home had a rock wall filled with these very inspiring colored rocks. They were very positive and optimistic. They were fun to read as we walked by.

I dropped off my sewing machine to get a much needed cleaning. Of course, I had to do a little shopping while I was there. I bought this pretty yarn for a future brioche project. As tough as brioche is for me, I have found another project that I'm going to try to tackle. More about that later!!

I found a bag of Cotton + Steel fabric scraps. I just couldn't resist! I have enough of my own scraps but these fabrics were so nice that they followed me home!

That's been my week! It's been on the cool side which is just fine with me! Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, August 2, 2021

Juvenile Quilt

 I just finished quilting this for a friend. I love the fabrics which are Australian. The orange is much more vivid than is looks in this picture. It measures 42" X 61". It was fun to quilt although you can't really see the quilt design very well. I used King Tut thread in variegated blue.  I used the same thread in the bobbin. The stitches look really nice. 

This is the backing fabric. Isn't it great?? I really love the colors.

Here's the pantograph I used. It's called Popcorn. I think you can see why it's called that! It was the perfect design for this quilt. I'm sure her grandson will love it!

Toil and Trouble

I finished the latest block released for the Frightful Fun BOM. I was a little nervous to make this one. The bird looked difficult to me, es...