Thursday, October 28, 2021

I Like Thursday #114

It's Thursday so it's time for a fun and positive post. LeeAnna hosts us bloggers on her page, Not Afraid of Color, where you can read more of these posts. I bought this great fabric last week. It reminds me so much of The Grateful Dead. My son and his friend see them every year when they play in our area. I think I'm going to make a couple of pillow cases for him. 

I'm making cuff down seamless baby booties. I haven't made these in such a long time. I hope I don't screw them up! They're for the daughter of a very special friend. I'm so excited for her!

We had a huge storm Tuesday that ended yesterday. I went outside to make sure nothing was on the deck. I saw this cute squirrel sitting on the roof of our shed. I wonder if he was looking for shelter from the storm!

I have had so much fun watching this webcam. Rosalie, the cheetah, gave birth to 5 furry babies. I just love watching her take care of them. Most of the time, they're all sleeping in a huge pile but other times, they're up and walking around. So fun to watch!

I'm having a great week. I'm no longer sick from receiving both the Covid and Flu vaccine. I was very busy this morning tutoring my student. It's wonderful to be home and working on my own schedule. I love it! Have a great weekend!!

Monday, October 25, 2021

Binding Scrap Log Cabin Quilt

My mother and I were out on Saturday and unexpectedly found a wellness fair in town. We both got our Covid boosters and flu shots. I really didn't want to get them at the same time but it was so darn convenient that I just went for it. Well, I paid for it yesterday. I had a low grade temperature all day that blossomed in the evening. I had attached my binding to my Scrap Log Cabin and thought I'd be able to sit on the couch and stitch. I couldn't even do that! Between the achiness, headache and temp, I just laid there and watched television. (When I wasn't napping!)

I felt so much better today and did get to sew the binding.. We had an electrician booked to make the panel and transfer switch for a portable generator. We bought the generator over the summer and had to wait for the switch since it was backordered. He was here most of the day. I really didn't mind staying home after feeling so badly yesterday. The binding was made from fabric in my stash. This whole quilt used only stash fabric. Too bad my stash doesn't look like it's decreased at all. I still have too much! I think I see my scrap quilts in my future!

Thursday, October 21, 2021

I Like Thursday #113

Welcome to I Like Thursday! A group of us bloggers write positive and uplifting posts that can be viewed at LeeAnna's blog, Not Afraid of Color. I finally did it! I quit work. Officially, I have retired but if a good opportunity was presented to me, I may change my mind! I've had one offer but I turned it down. I'm so tired of work. I've been a pharmacist for over 41 years. My schedule was changed without asking me and I just couldn't take it anymore. The holidays are coming and I didn't want to work any of them. I'm tired of going out in the snow. As unpopular as this will sound, I was tired of taking orders from millennials who have no experience and don't know what they're doing. I was told my opinion didn't matter. So done! I may open an Etsy shop or advertise my longarm services. I'm not going to make any decisions for awhile. I want to catch up on my sleep and sew to my heart's content!


The first picture is my last day of work. I got all sorts of gifts. They had this picture made for me that everyone signed. I really treasure it. I'm going to hang it in my sewing room. I got a few other gifts as well but this one is my favorite!

I already finished quilting my Scrap Log Cabin. Quilting is so much faster when work doesn't interfere! It measures 84" X 84". It took me 3 afternoons to quilt. 

I quilted it with Chantilly Lace. I bought this pantograph years ago but I thought it would be perfect for this quilt. It was vert fast and looks great! I'm going to work on my binding today. 

I think I can get used to not working! It's not too tough to get used to! Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, October 18, 2021

Color My World BOM October

I'm all caught up with Color My World. I had made the small houses in the center of each row. The hard part was sewing them to complete the row. It wasn't that bad. I just had to make sure that everything lined up properly.

I'm all done for the month. November 1 will be when the next set of directions are released. Actually, the rest of the Block of the Month directions will all be released. I'll have 4 skyscrapers to make for the corners as well as the outer border. I feel like it went by fast! This turned out to be a great quilt to work on. I'm looking forward The Quilt Show's BOM for 2022. I can't wait to see it!


Thursday, October 14, 2021

I Like Thursday #112

It's time for I Like Thursday! A bunch of bloggers post happy, fun and uplifting posts that can be viewed at LeeAnna's blog, Not Afraid of Color. I spent another morning tutoring at my local library. They had a cute little display up for Halloween/Fall. You'd never know it was Fall since it was close to 75 degrees this morning. 

I saw another true sign of the season when I got home. We were having our irrigation system blown out before the cold temperatures arrived. I guess we could have taken our time with that but you never know! I heard cooler temperatures may arrive next week. We'll see!!

This is Rusty. He's the neighborhood cat who comes to visit my cats. Lily and Molly weren't too happy to see him yesterday. Lots of hissing and growling from my 2 cats. Rusty doesn't seem to care. He just ignores them and does his own thing. 

I finished my friend's quilt yesterday. She'll be over to pick it up soon. My method of drawing in the star worked great! I was worried about how it would look but it turned out good!

Hope you all had a great week! Enjoy the weekend!!



Monday, October 11, 2021

Longarm Meets Old School

This is the pantograph I'm quilting on my friend's grandson's quilt. It's called Star Shine by Apricot Moon Designs. One pass covers about 10 inches. I knew the large meander wouldn't be too difficult for me but I was worried about making that star! If you notice, it barely touches the meander. It's basically attached by a tiny little point. I was also afraid each arm of the star wouldn't be as straight as it should be. Or I could extend the lines and not get a nice crisp point. What's a quilter to do??

I decided to go back to my quilting roots and use cardboard! I traced the star. I would follow the pantograph but stop where the star was positioned.

I would go to the front of the longarm and trace the star using my disappearing purple pen.

I grabbed a ruler and stitched over my markings. Then, I'd go to the back of the longarm and continue with the pantograph until I encounter another star.

And so far, it seems to be working just fine! It does take a little longer but the stars look pretty good! I'm happy with the results. I hope my friend likes it too!

Thursday, October 7, 2021

I Like Thursday #111

It's Thursday again so it's time for I Like Thursday! LeeAnna hosts a bunch of bloggers who post uplifting fun posts every week. Check her blog out at Not Afraid of Color. I made my October houses for the Color My World BOM. They were relatively quick. Aren't they cute?? They will be placed in the middle of each row at the North, South, East and West position.

We found this little guy below our deck. Over the summer, I opened our umbrella and a frog looking just like this guy, fell out and scared me half to death. I wonder if it's the same little culprit?! He's less scary sitting on the post.

I held a literacy session this morning with my student. We meet at the library every week. We found this memorial set up on the front lawn. It's a tribute to the citizens of our town who serve the community.

So many flags! There was an article in the paper that the flags were monitored daily so they wouldn't touch the ground. No flag was touching the grass when we saw it this morning.

These flags had pictures of people currently serving in the armed forces. It was a very special tribute to witness. It was beautiful to see.

That's my Thursday likes! Have a wonderful weekend!!


Monday, October 4, 2021

New Pincushion

I made a new pin cushion using my  Pin Pals book by Carrie Nelson. I've made a few of her pin cushions and really enjoy making them. This one is a String Pincushion. It's about 4 inches square.

I started by making 4 sets of strings. The widths all vary which is part of the fun!

After sewing the strip sets together, I used the 45 degree angle on my ruler to cut 2 triangles. Then I sewed the 2 triangles together.

I decided on a nice arrangement of the 4 squares.

I sewed them together and added a border. Done!!

I sewed a backing on it and stuffed it with crushed walnut shells. They make the cutest gifts. I love this book but you can adapt any block into a pin cushion. You just have to make it small enough. This is a great use of scraps and make great gifts. 


Halloween BOM Frightful Fu

I've been working on my Frightful Fun BOM since I'm all caught up with the Laurel Ridge BOM sponsored by The Quilt Show. I finished ...