Thursday, October 21, 2021

I Like Thursday #113

Welcome to I Like Thursday! A group of us bloggers write positive and uplifting posts that can be viewed at LeeAnna's blog, Not Afraid of Color. I finally did it! I quit work. Officially, I have retired but if a good opportunity was presented to me, I may change my mind! I've had one offer but I turned it down. I'm so tired of work. I've been a pharmacist for over 41 years. My schedule was changed without asking me and I just couldn't take it anymore. The holidays are coming and I didn't want to work any of them. I'm tired of going out in the snow. As unpopular as this will sound, I was tired of taking orders from millennials who have no experience and don't know what they're doing. I was told my opinion didn't matter. So done! I may open an Etsy shop or advertise my longarm services. I'm not going to make any decisions for awhile. I want to catch up on my sleep and sew to my heart's content!


The first picture is my last day of work. I got all sorts of gifts. They had this picture made for me that everyone signed. I really treasure it. I'm going to hang it in my sewing room. I got a few other gifts as well but this one is my favorite!

I already finished quilting my Scrap Log Cabin. Quilting is so much faster when work doesn't interfere! It measures 84" X 84". It took me 3 afternoons to quilt. 

I quilted it with Chantilly Lace. I bought this pantograph years ago but I thought it would be perfect for this quilt. It was vert fast and looks great! I'm going to work on my binding today. 

I think I can get used to not working! It's not too tough to get used to! Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Congratulations! Enjoy. Hope you get to love your new routine!

    1. Thanks, Colette! I have no routine right now but I'm sure eventually I'll figure it out! I feel a little guilty not working but I'm getting used to it a little bit at a time.

  2. Hi Rosemary! Big HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to you. That must be a type - 41 years as a Pharmacist. You are far too young to have worked 41 years at anything. Even 21 years would be pushing it . . . just sayin'. I hope - no, I KNOW this is a good move for you. Making the decision is the hard part. After you catch up on sleep, enjoy the heck out of the holidays and not have to work overtime at all . . . you may just find your perfect niche. I look forward to hearing all about it!! I just today counted how many work days I have left before I can retire. 407. By the end of October, it will be down to 400. I know that sounds like a lot, and it is . . . it's the small things that get us through. {{Hugs}} Take care. ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Roseanne, you are too kind! Thank you! I've been thinking about it for awhile but figured I'd work another year. Conditions changed so I decided it was time to do it! I'll let you know my next move when I figure it out! I'm starting to feel like myself again. Resting is good right now.

  3. Congrats! Good for you!

    That scrap log cabin is pretty cool.

    1. Thank you, Sally! I think I made the right choice and I look forward to more quilting!

  4. Congrats!!!! So happy for you. I wish I could do the same but medical for hubs takes all our money. It's nuts. I know what you mean about millennial. I was doing 2 days of billing, weighing twice the number of trucks, running credit cards, answering phones while boss goes is billing done yet while on personal calls to her family all day. I feel like saying take this job and shove it and someday I may be pushed to that point.sooooo not fun to work anymore

    1. Thanks, Dawn! This last year was so miserable for me. I felt like I didn't belong there anymore. Everything I did was questioned and scrutinized. Too stressful. I'm so glad I don't have to go back there anymore. Four of us left at the same time.

  5. Congratulations Rosemary on making it to retirement!! I have one more year to go.

    1. Thank you, Linda! I had planned on one more year but I just couldn't do it. It just became so difficult that stepping down was the right thing to do for me.

  6. Hi Rosemary, I agree with seem far too young to have these many years into a career!!I'm glad to hear you made this decision which isn't easy so congrats to that. And after some breathing time and more stitching time, it will be interesting to see what else pops up for you to tackle. Relax and enjoy for now!

    1. Thanks so much, Jocelyn! The time was right for me to go. I'm very happy with my decision. I've been so unhappy for quite a while. I feel so much better now.

  7. OMG congratulations!!! I hear you... all those reasons make perfect sense to me, having felt them too.
    Best of luck, you'll be busier than ever now that you can choose from more happy options to spend your days

    1. Thank you so much, LeeAnna! I felt I would know when the time was right and I did! I feel so much better now!

  8. Congrats on your retirement! Seems like the time was right.

    1. Thanks, Cheree! Yes, it definitely felt like this was the right time to leave. I'm so glad I did it!


Halloween BOM Frightful Fu

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