Thursday, January 27, 2022

I Like Thursday #126

 It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post happy posts. To see more, visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to see more of these posts. It was my birthday this past week so I thought I'd show you my cake! We bought it from a local bakery that we like. It was chocolate cake and was quite delicious!

This was one of my gifts. I'm making over my sewing room so my son and girl friend made me a little art work for the walls. I love this! This is such a thoughtful gift. 

I finally turned the heel on my sock. This sock is taking forever but I feel like it's speeding up. The pattern is made only on the top of the foot. The bottom is just the stockinette stitch. This is much faster to knit up! I can't believe I have to make another one when I'm finished with this one!

Look at this kitty! She's helping me quilt but she's getting sleepy! She fell asleep while I was quilting on the longarm. I just had to take her picture. 

I hope you all have a great weekend. We're expecting a huge snowstorm Saturday. I'm so glad I don't have to work my Saturdays any more. I'll be happy to stay home and see the snow fall!

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Ruler Work/FMQ Fast Forward

I've been so busy posting about Bonnie Hunter's Mystery Quilt that I've been ignoring my quilting of  Fast Forward. This quilt was designed by Victoria Findlay Wolfe. I'm working the lighter parts of the quilt with white thread. I'll go back and quilt the darker areas with a darker thread. This block is in the corners of the border. I quilted some ribbon candy in the middle but used lines and wish bone in the triangles. 

This is what I decided to do with the borders. I used my boomerang ruler to make the arcs as well as the curved crosshatching. I used a straight ruler for the lines that were spaced one inch apart.

This is just another triangle. It's bigger than the triangles found in the corner of the border. I used the same quilt motif.

I used curved lines along each side of the square but quilted pebbles in the center. I'm trying to clean up my pebbles but they're still a little messy.

This just shows an overview of the border where the blocks meet up. I like the way all the different quilt motifs look together. I'm still deciding how to quilt the dark fabric. Too much to decide!! I'll post more pictures when I finally get there!

Thursday, January 20, 2022

I Like Thursday #125

It's Thursday so it's time for another happy and positive post. Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more of these uplifting posts. Well, now that Rhododendron Trail has been revealed it's time to put this quilt together. This is not an easy task! There's lots of sashing and cornerstones that are on the very small side. I like to work on 2 corners at the same time when a quilt has blocks on point. I'll eventually meet in the middle! This is what I've done so far. I'll get the next rows ready. Even that takes a good amount of time! So far, I like it!

My mother has been making pizzelles for years. When she complained that her pizzelle iron wasn't working very well, it was the perfect Christmas gift for her. Her old machine was 50 years old! She said this machine is different and I'm sure she has to get used to it. She made her first batch and I got to try them. They taste exactly the same! She can keep making her pizzelles!

My front door looked so empty now that the Christmas decorations are gone. I know it's early but I put up a Valentine! I figure if the stores can do it, so can I!

I just finished this book. If you like mysteries with a twist, you'll love this book! This book had so many twists towards the end that it really surprised me!

I hope you all have a great weekend. I don't know about you, but the number of people that I know with Covid just keeps getting larger. I don't want to get it but I'm not sure how I can keep avoiding it. I'm vaccinated and boosted but that doesn't seem to make much of a difference. I'm hoping we all stay healthy!

Monday, January 17, 2022

Rhododendron Trail Mystery Quilt Part 8 (Reveal!)

This past Friday was the last part of the Rhododendron Trail Mystery Quilt by Bonnie Hunter. I placed my blocks together without the flying geese border or any sashing. I just wanted to see how my fabrics would look together. I'm happy to say I like it! We'll see how it looks once I add the sashing. I chose a marbled green fabric. I feel these colors occur in nature and should look good together.

The instructions included how to piece setting triangles. 

And we also had to piece corners. I cut out my sashing today so I'm all set to sew this all together. Piecing a quilt with blocks on point isn't fun but I'll do my best! This might take awhile!

I'm sort of glad that the reveal has happened. It was making me nervous to get directions on Friday. I never knew what to expect and I enjoy working at my own pace. I know I could have saved the directions and worked on them when I felt like it but I just couldn't do it! I tried to keep with Bonnie's speed. 


Thursday, January 13, 2022

I Like Thursday #124

It's time for I Like Thursday! Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to link up with other positive and fun posts. I probably shouldn't have but I started a new project. I was getting sick of seeing so many small pieces of fabric that I've been saving. Victoria Findlay Wolfe has some great projects using crumbs. So, I bought some solid fabric and started putting those crumbs together. These are my first blocks and I like the way they look so far. They remind me of stained glass.

As I was cooking, I felt like someone was watching me! Rusty, our neighborhood cat, came to visit Lily and Molly!

I bought a new toy for the cats. It's a Valentine's Day tent! I haven't seen the cats sit in it yet but they have hit the ball hanging from the top of it. I think Molly might be too chubby to fit in there. I'm not calling her fat, just pleasantly plump!

I also got them a new house that's supposed to be a Cozy Cottage! Molly does fit quite nicely as you can see! I love the little bluebird hanging in front of the door! So cute!

That's it for me! Enjoy your weekend and stay warm!


Monday, January 10, 2022

Rhododendron Trail Mystery Quilt Part 7

I've made it through Part 7 of Bonnie Hunter's Rhododendron Trail Mystery Quilt. I wish I had all the directions so I could work at my own pace. It makes me a little nervous to get the new part every Friday and wonder how much I have to get done. I've had an okay time keeping up but I tend to rush through it. Anyways, this is Block B! We made a ton of hourglass blocks a while ago and now we know why!

Before I could make Block B, I had lots of cutting of neutral fabrics. This part took awhile!

I now have a pile of Block B and still have no clue as to what this quilt will look like. 

I put a few of Block A with Block B. I have a ton of flying geese left as well as other pieces. I have no idea how they'll be placed. And there's one color we haven't even touched yet! It's kind of fun to see how the blocks play together. I'm looking forward to the big reveal which is due to happen sometime in January. I can't wait to see it!


Thursday, January 6, 2022

I Like Thursday #123

I hope everyone had a Happy New Year 2022! However, it's Thursday so time for I Like Thursday post. A bunch of us bloggers get together to write positive and uplifting posts. You can visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to link up with the other bloggers. Here I am all ready for New Year's Eve! My mom came over for dinner so it was a very small crowd. My husband loves buying the glasses and crowns but rarely wears them himself!

Here's our table all set up for dinner. I had a few frozen alcoholic drinks that I bought last year. My mother and I each had one! Hers was blue and looked like one of those fruity drinks. Mine was half lemonade, half iced tea. It went very nicely with our Chinese food.

I was laying in bed and watching television. Lily came up and lay right down next to me. My daughter took this picture when she saw her. Doesn't she look so comfy??!!

I just finished this book and really enjoyed it. Liane Moriarty never disappoints! I highly recommend it!

That's it for this week! I wish you all a healthy and Happy New Year!


Monday, January 3, 2022

Rhododendron Trail Mystery Quilt Part 6

Happy New Year!  Bonnie Hunter released the last set of instructions for the Rhododendron Mystery Quilt this past Friday. The last part revealed an actual block! They didn't take that long so I was able to finish over the weekend.

I made a few at a time. It was fun to see how the colors were placed as well as the secondary patterns that emerged when the blocks were placed together. However, I'm sure Bonnie Hunter still has a few tricks up her sleeves. I bet there will another block that will play off this main block. We'll have to wait and see! 

Can you see my error?? Look at the bottom right hand block. I kept sewing that yellow to the outside so many times! I got real good at fixing it! I'm not sure why but I would never notice it as I was sewing. Maybe I made too many at once?? Who knows?! I checked them and they're all okay now! Phew!!


Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...