LeeAnna's prompt this week was asking what we wore most during the summer. I wear shorts and short sleeved tops. These are my favorite shorts. They're from J Jill and remind me of batik and sashiko. They're a nice light weight cotton and feel very comfortable no matter how hot it gets.
I'm finally retired and feel I can do what I love. I'm so happy to be out of the rat race! I try to quilt, read and knit as much as possible. I love to get comments and will respond to each and every one! I hope you enjoy my little blog as much as I do! Thank you for visiting me!
Thursday, July 28, 2022
I Like Thursday #150
LeeAnna's prompt this week was asking what we wore most during the summer. I wear shorts and short sleeved tops. These are my favorite shorts. They're from J Jill and remind me of batik and sashiko. They're a nice light weight cotton and feel very comfortable no matter how hot it gets.
Monday, July 25, 2022
Couple of Projects
This is the antique quilt top I bought years ago that I'm finally getting ready to quilt. It's from the early 1900's. I bought it in Maine when we used to vacation there when the kids were younger. I had planned to quilt it by hand but I stopped hand quilting years ago. The block is Crown of Thorns or Single Wedding Ring. Both blocks looked the same to me. The quilt has lots of bulk in it and doesn't really lay flat. I'm hoping my quilting will suck up that extra fabric and flatten it! We'll see. I'm still deciding how to quilt it.
I finally finished my crazy sock! I just used up odd pieces of yarn leftover from older projects. This was definitely fun to make. I just can't believe I have to do it all over again!!
Thursday, July 21, 2022
I Like Thursday #149
It's time for I Like Thursday! LeeAnna, over at Not Afraid of Color, hosts a bunch of us bloggers to post happy and uplifting posts. This one is bittersweet for me. My son got engaged to his long time girlfriend. I knew they'd probably get married but it still shocked me a little! No date has been set and they're not in any rush so maybe next year?! I'm going to be Mother of the Groom! How did that happen? I feel I was a bride not too long ago. (38 years is a long time ago!) I'm happy for Ben and
Tanzy. I'm just a little sad for me since it's a great reminder that time is moving so fast.
Today was my last tutoring session until September. My student is going back to Turkey for 6 weeks. She gifted me this African Violet that she brought from Turkey originally. I hope I don't kill it! I'll miss our weekly meetings but it will be nice to be off for the rest of the summer.
Monday, July 18, 2022
Weekend Stuff
I'm not quite sure what happened to the weekend. It just seemed to go by so fast! I had hoped to get a lot of sewing done. I did manage to sew on another border to the garlic knot quilt top. I'm in the process of cutting more squares for the remaining 2 borders. I love that scrappy look!
I did sew the binding onto Swoon. I had the binding ready for almost a week before I could get to it! I like my bindings to be bold so I chose this nice medium blue. It has little water bubbles as the pattern. I thought it was interesting! I haven't started to sew the binding by hand yet. It's just too hot and sticky. I'll get to it soon!
Thursday, July 14, 2022
I Like Thursday #148
It's time for I Like Thursday. LeeAnna, over at Not Afraid of Color, hosts us bloggers as we post happy and uplifting posts. Go visit to read more likeminded posts! I'm diligently working on the pieced borders for my Garlic Knot quilt. I got one side done! Only 3 to go! Cutting all those squares take a while!
I'm a member of Goodreads and always enter the book giveaways. I finally won! Twice!! I'll let you know how good the books are. I love reading and would be lost without new books!
Monday, July 11, 2022
Quilted Swoon
I finished quilting Swoon over the weekend. I was almost afraid to see how it would look once it was off the longarm. I'll have to say I was pleasantly surprised! It looked good once I could see the entire design. There are a few things I would do differently but over all, it's good!
This is just a close up of one of the Swoon blocks. Each block was quilted the same.
This part was the hardest. I marked a 10 inch square and made the curved outline for the cross hatching 2 inches within the square. The feathers were hard since they all meet the curves at different angles. I had it all written down and had to follow my master plan which didn't always work. I figured you can always rip out stitches and sew again and no one will know! It sure came in handy!! But it's done and waiting for binding!
Thursday, July 7, 2022
I Like Thursday #147
It's time for I Like Thursday! Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to read more inspiring and uplifting blog posts. I added a 2.5" border to my Garlic Knot quilt top. I had to reinforce quite a few seams before I added this border. The next step is a four patch border made of 2.5" squares. I already started to cut them. If I was smart, I would have been cutting them as I made each block but I didn't think ahead. Good to know for next time!
I haven't posted my scrap sock lately. I've turned the heel and I'm knitting toward the toe. I was actually knitting during our 4th of July cookout. Once the heel is turned, this becomes so much easier.
I bought this wide back for the next quilt I plan on quilting. I bought an antique quilt top years ago with the intention of hand quilting it. I used to hand quilt all my quilts but moved onto machine quilting which is so much quicker and less harsh on my hands and fingers. I really love paisley and feel it complements the quilt top. More on that later!
So we had a nice 4th of July cookout. There were only 6 of us but we had a good amount of food. I was getting the table ready and opened the umbrella. This little guy flew out of the umbrella and hit me in the eye. Boy, did I scream! A friend of mine asked me if I kissed him and maybe he'll turn into a prince? I don't think so! He definitely hit me in my eye. He hung out on the table for a while and then took off. I was glad to see him go!
That's it for this week! I wish you all have a great weekend!Sunday, July 3, 2022
Garlic Knots Top
Even though it's a holiday weekend, I found time to sew all my Garlic Knots together! It measures 80.5" square. I did my best with all the seams. There were too many seams but it's done. Done is better than perfect!
We're hosting 4th of July for our family. Everyone is bringing something so it shouldn't be too bad. I'll be baking in the morning but my husband will be doing the actual grilling. The weather sounds like it will be nice. I'm hoping we can eat outside on the deck. We'll see!
Happy 4th of July to everyone!
Frightful Fun BOM Update
I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...

I bought this wonderful book. I've been looking through it and drooling over the beautiful quilting. The author includes many proje...
I had my day planned yesterday but it just didn't work. I had a dental appointment that went well. I had hoped to come home and write up...
It's time to flaunt those Pets on Quilts! Lily Pad Quilting is sponsoring the annual Pets on Quilts Show. It's always fun ...