Thursday, July 7, 2022

I Like Thursday #147

It's time for I Like Thursday! Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to read more inspiring and uplifting blog posts. I added a 2.5" border to my Garlic Knot quilt top. I had to reinforce quite a few seams before I added this border. The next step is a four patch border made of 2.5" squares. I already started to cut them. If I was smart, I would have been cutting them as I made each block but I didn't think ahead. Good to know for next time!

I haven't posted my scrap sock lately. I've turned the heel and I'm knitting toward the toe. I was actually knitting during our 4th of July cookout. Once the heel is turned, this becomes so much easier.

I bought this wide back for the next quilt I plan on quilting. I bought an antique quilt top years ago with the intention of hand quilting it. I used to hand quilt all my quilts but moved onto machine quilting which is so much quicker and less harsh on my hands and fingers. I really love paisley and feel it complements the quilt top. More on that later!

So we had a nice 4th of July cookout. There were only 6 of us but we had a good amount of food. I was getting the table ready and opened the umbrella. This little guy flew out of the umbrella and hit me in the eye. Boy, did I scream! A friend of mine asked me if I kissed him and maybe he'll turn into a prince? I don't think so! He definitely hit me in my eye. He hung out on the table for a while and then took off. I was glad to see him go!

 That's it for this week! I wish you all have a great weekend!


  1. Garlic Knots is fabulous and what a great stage you are at with it..the borders. Looks like a tree frog and not fun to get hit in the eye. We had one appear in the sink drain in our bedroom bathroom...that was startling as well. They are harmless I think.

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn! The frog is probably harmless but scary!

  2. Neat quilt! Love that backing fabric. Cute frog, but oh! what a surprise entrance!

  3. Your garlic knots is beautiful. Now I need to make one. Your prince sounds like he needs to work on his first impressions lol.

    1. Thanks, Dawn! If only he'd turn into a prince! He just stayed as a gross frog! Haha!

  4. What a great quilt you made with garlic knot! The scrap socks look fun! I would not appreciate being hit by a flying frog either!

    1. You should have heard me scream when that frog hit my face! Haha! So glad you like my quilt top and socks!

  5. You already know I love your garlic knots quilt. That fabric is going to make a nice backing and I look forward to seeing your plans. Your story about the umbrella and frog reminded me of the time my husband opened our patio umbrella and bats flew out. Needless to say, we replaced that umbrella LOL

    1. Thanks, Jeanna! I should probably get a new umbrella too! This post showed up on my blog. I have no idea why!!


Halloween BOM Frightful Fu

I've been working on my Frightful Fun BOM since I'm all caught up with the Laurel Ridge BOM sponsored by The Quilt Show. I finished ...