Monday, July 18, 2022

Weekend Stuff

I'm not quite sure what happened to the weekend. It just seemed to go by so fast! I had hoped to get a lot of sewing done. I did manage to sew on another border to the garlic knot quilt top. I'm in the process of cutting more squares for the remaining 2 borders. I love that scrappy look!


I did sew the binding onto Swoon. I had the binding ready for almost a week before I could get to it! I like my bindings to be bold so I chose this nice medium blue. It has little water bubbles as the pattern. I thought it was interesting! I haven't started to sew the binding by hand yet. It's just too hot and sticky. I'll get to it soon!


  1. I also love that scrappy border!! Looks so good with the quilt!!
    Stay cool if you can hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks, Julierose! I went to the grocery store early this morning and stayed indoors the rest of the day. Too hot!

  2. The scrappy border will be perfect for this quilt. I was in Tulsa, OK last weekend. Their temps were over 100 deg F. We don't even get that hot in southeast Florida. Stay cool and out from under the quilts...for now.

    1. Thank you, Jeanna! Yes, I'm keeping away from sitting under warm quilts. This weather is brutal!


I Like Thursday #265

It's time for I Like Thursday. We bloggers post our likes for the week. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more participating blogs. I...