Monday, July 25, 2022

Couple of Projects

This is the antique quilt top I bought years ago that I'm finally getting ready to quilt. It's from the early 1900's. I bought it in Maine when we used to vacation there when the kids were younger. I had planned to quilt it by hand but I stopped hand quilting years ago. The block is Crown of Thorns or Single Wedding Ring. Both blocks looked the same to me. The quilt has lots of bulk in it and doesn't really lay flat. I'm hoping my quilting will suck up that extra fabric and flatten it! We'll see. I'm still deciding how to quilt it. 

 I finally finished my crazy sock! I just used up odd pieces of yarn leftover from older projects. This was definitely fun to make. I just can't believe I have to do it all over again!!

Keep cool!


  1. Neat antique quilt--loving that sock--really nice and funky with all the colors!! Hugs, Julierose

  2. Love your sock. Great idea using that yarn. Your quilt will be beautiful once your magic quilting touches it.


I Like Thursday #265

It's time for I Like Thursday. We bloggers post our likes for the week. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more participating blogs. I...