Thursday, September 8, 2022

I Like Thursday #156

Welcome to this week of likes! Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more of these likes.  Our prompt this week was regarding clouds and watching clouds. I remember as a child laying down in the grass and watching the clouds move across the sky. I haven't done that in ages! I do like to see the clouds at sunset and just took this picture last week. I love seeing the pink color early in the evening sky.

Since it's now September, I bought my first box of pumpkin spice coffee! I had never tried this brand before. I like it! It's a flavor not a sugary sweet addition to the coffee. I just might have to buy another box!

I went to JoAnn's looking for a Pigma Micron pen. They didn't have any but I bought these two towels instead! There's always something to buy at JoAnn's! I needed something new for Halloween.

I brought Lily to the veterinarian this past week. I couldn't get her out of her carrier! She got into the very back of it, curled up as tight as she could! I don't think she liked hearing the dogs barking in the
 reception area. She got her shots and slept all the way home. I think she was grateful to be in her own house once we got back.

Have a wonderful weekend! The weather is gorgeous today. Let's see how long it lasts!


  1. Oh poor Lily. Dunks hates it too. I havebeen pumpkin spicing lately to. Beautiful sky and weather . Easier to enjoy outdoors

    1. I hope our nice weather continues! You never know around here.

  2. I'm not a huge pumpkin spice person (but I really liked the pumpkin ice cream I got last week!). Enjoy your coffee . :-) The vet office is no fun - I'm sure by now it's all forgotten.

    1. The cats keep away from their carrier. I think they know that's how to get to that nasty vet!

  3. What a big beauty your crumb quilt turned out to be! And gorgeous quilting on that pretty table topper too. Sunsets are always special it seems. Going to the vet is a necessary evil for every dog I've ever had!

    1. Thanks, Jocelyn! The quilt turned out so big but that's okay. I've seen so many animals shaking at the vet. I feel so bad for them!


Halloween BOM Frightful Fu

I've been working on my Frightful Fun BOM since I'm all caught up with the Laurel Ridge BOM sponsored by The Quilt Show. I finished ...