Thursday, September 15, 2022

I Like Thursday #157

Welcome to I Like Thursday! Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to read more like minded happy and uplifting posts. Our prompt this week asks us what other crafts do we enjoy other than quilting. I think everyone familiar with my blog knows that I knit. I like to make socks and lace shawls. However, years ago, I used to do cross stitch. There was a store near me that stocked all sorts of fun cross stitch supplies. I bought a huge book and loved this adorable picture of a fireplace and knitting basket plus the kitty! I think it was called counted cross stitch since the fabric didn't have the design stamped on it. I stopped when my kids were born. It was harder to keep track of the design and I found knitting more practical. I knitted baby afghans and sweaters which I actually used. I wonder where my supplies are stashed?? I'll have to take a look!

Every year, once we hit September, I feel everything changes. If you look closely, this tree already has some leaves changing color. It happens way too fast in my area. It's very cool (68 degrees) and the air is crisp. I wore a jacket when I went out this morning.

We got eggplant! Most of the summer had passed and there was nothing growing. All of a sudden, we got 2 good sized eggplants. I can't wait to cook them!

I went to World Market and found this mochi. I love it! If you've never tried it, you're missing out. They're soft like marshmallows and so sweet and tasty. Green tea is one of my favorite flavors. This is always a fun treat to buy.  

It's been a quiet week which is always good. Enjoy your weekend!


  1. ooo we had that ice cream at the Folk Fest in DC one year. So good. I love eggplant but can't seem to grow it here, good job! Your knitting is superb and now I see you also do a great job on cross stitch!

    1. Thank you, LeeAnna! If I had more time, I'd do more crafts. Even though I'm retired, I'm always so busy!

  2. Hi Rosemary! Thanks for sharing your easy method for making string blocks in your last post. I never wanted to use paper or a piece of muslin either. Your description is spot on. The eggplants look delicious. They are my favorite to grill with just a bit of olive oil. YUM! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. So glad you liked my little tutorial. Those blocks are quick and very addictive! Thank you for the cooking idea!

  3. Hurrah for quiet weeks! I love your cross stitch but completely understand giving it up once the kids were born. Gorgeous eggplants!!! I've been wearing a lightweight jacket to walk the dog too. I think it's only temporary though. Our weather goes up and down. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks Michele! It's cool today but summer returns on Sunday. I can't believe the first day of Fall is next week.

  4. I love your stringed blocks,btw. Well I think you should get out your book and work on that adorable counted cross stitch design. But I understand why you deviated to knitting, also a wonderful hobby. Cool here too and I think I would love Mochi! Happy you mentioned it!

    1. Thanks so much, Jocelyn! There isn't enough time for all the hobbies out there.

  5. I wish I could figure out how to make time to do ALL the crafts I enjoy. I love the knit as well. I've never tried Mochi but it sounds tasty.

    1. Some people don't like the texture of Mochi. It's soft and reminds me of marshmallow. I like it! We all need more time for the stuff we want to do!

  6. Those eggplant almost look like balloons, they're so round. One of thees days I need to pick up cross stitch again. Mochi looks weird, but it sounds tasty.

    1. Some people think Moshi has a weird texture but I like it!

  7. Congratulations on the beautiful purple harvest! I tried mochi in Hawaii -- not a big fan. However, my daughter learned to make it on a Girl Scout outing and she loved it! Kids are so much more open-minded! Have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Susie! I know a lot of people who don't like mochi. It's definitely a weird texture.


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