Thursday, February 23, 2023

I Like Thursday #179

It's time for I Like Thursday. A bunch of us bloggers write happy and uplifting posts once a week. Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to link up with more blogs. We got a snowstorm overnight. Everyone's been complaining that we didn't get much snow this year. It always seems to catch up to us! I think we got about 4 inches but some of it was wet and slushy. It's supposed to get really cold soon so that slush will turn to ice. That doesn't sound fun to me!

I have completed 8 Swoon blocks. I have the 9th all cut and ready to go. I even have the sashing cut! I really love these colors and think they look so great together. Tula Pink fabrics are so rich in color. Her designs are fun too!

I got this clock as a gift. It's on the wall in my sewing room. It's right over my sewing machine so I can see what time it is. Once I start sewing, the time seems to stop. I get so caught up in what I'm doing that I'm always surprised to see the actual time. This clock keeps me grounded!

Isn't this llama adorable? She's also in my sewing room. My daughter bought her from a farm that raises alpaca. This one is all dressed up and brightens up my room. My room has a lot of pink in it so it fits right in!

The prompt this week is what thoughtful things we do for our significant other. My husband takes care of my car for me. He gets it washed and serviced. I get my own gas but that's about it! I always do the laundry but I match up his socks and roll them up. His mother had a sock basket and just threw socks in there without pairing them up. He always hated that! I make the coffee on the weekends. He never even drank coffee until he met me! I think most of all, he knows when I need to be alone. I think I do the same for him too. You sometimes need that quiet time. I know I do!

Have a great weekend! It's supposed to be brutally cold here this weekend. 😣


  1. it's so cold here, and we got another 2" or so all day yesterday. Lows around minus 7-10. Never enough snow around here as water is at a premium and colorado services the states west of here too.
    never fear, its supposed to warm up in a couple days to 50's
    so right about spouses... knowing when the other one needs quiet to regroup is an important skill. Loved your list too... mine wrangles the cars too, and thank Goodness

    1. I have always felt so uncomfortable talking to mechanics. Most of the time, I have no idea what they're talking about. It's better my husband deals with them. He speaks their language and I don't! There are rumors of a large snowstorm on Tuesday. We always end up getting that snow. It might be early or late, but we always get it.

  2. Your Swoon blocks are really pretty. Love the clock and the lama is so cute. Snow? BRRR! It's end of February, soon it's spring your side!

    1. Thanks, Astrid! We didn't get much snow all winter. The snow decided to make a late appearance this year. Another storm forecast for Monday into Tuesday. How much longer until Spring?!

  3. That is an excellent clock! Your Swoon blocks are pretty. I love llamas - that one is a hoot!

  4. Lovely post, Rosemary. Those Swoon blocks are beauties and you are right, Tula's fabrics brighten any day. Love those items in your sewing space. It sounds like you and hubby are very in sync, the way it should be.

    1. Thanks, Jocelyn! My husband is really good at getting gifts for me. It took awhile though! Haha!

  5. You sure make a nice Swoon quilt. I love your new clock and the llama is just too cute.

    1. Thanks so much, Jeanna! This is my second Swoon and I really enjoy making this pattern.

  6. Not matching up the socks?!! No! Of course you need to match them up before putting them away! Ha ha


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...