Thursday, March 2, 2023

I Like Thursday #180


It's time for a happy post for I Like Thursday!  Please visit LeeAnna who blogs at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more like minded bloggers. It was my son's birthday and we finally got around to having a little party/dinner for him. My husband ordered this cake for him. He's enjoyed King of The Hill for years so we thought he would love this picture being displayed on his cake. He had a good laugh when he saw it!

About a week ago, I went to a sale put together by a few local quilt shops. Almost all fabrics were $4.99 per yard. I bought 6 yards. I could have bought more but restrained myself. I've bought a lot of fabric lately and didn't want to accumulate too much more. I tried to get a few fabrics that I knew I would use in my applique blocks. The blue fabric on the right was bought to be used as binding on my string quilt. It was so fun to look at fabric knowing how great the price was!

Here are all my Swoon blocks! The order of the blocks still needs to be finalized. I just love the look of them all together. Tula Pink fabric always looks great!

I have so many little triangles left over from the Swoon blocks so I made this cute little pin cushion. The backing was just a scrap I had in my stash. I love how the eye just sort of stares at you!! I'll probably make a few more. 

The prompt this week concerns our sewing/designing area. I shared my sewing area with a huge computer desk for years. About a year ago, we got rid of that desk and I took over the whole room. I just love it! I finally have my fabric in one place. I have the fabric separated by color. I can actually find what I'm looking for. I have a small cutting table. If I have to cut a huge piece of fabric, I still use the kitchen counter. My sewing room isn't large enough for a big cutting table. But I'll take it as it is. I just love having a dedicated space just for me and my sewing!

Have a wonderful weekend! We have another storm on the way. Ugh.


  1. I dream of having all my fabric in one place. Lucky you!

    1. Thanks, Angela! It took over 20 years but it finally happened!!

  2. Good likes! That cake is a hoot. I love your fabrics! Those swoon blocks look great!

  3. Heyyyy that pillow is looking at me! I want a piece of that cute cake. Your studio is all yours now! I love having my own room too! I set up my fabrics like that too... I should have shown some of my set ups but we can always do that another time.

    1. Thanks, LeeAnna! I almost posted pictures from my sewing room but I thought that would make a great post sometime in the future. I would love to see everyone's sewing space!

  4. So many things to like. We enjoyed King of the Hill too. Perfect cake! Beautiful swoon blocks, Rosemary and how neat to position that eye. I don't think I could put a pin in it though. LOL Fantastic price for those lovely fabrics.

    1. Thanks, Jocelyn! I never thought about sticking a pin in that eye but you're so right! I'm still trying to figure out the final layout for Swoon. I'd like to get that top together!

  5. What a steal on fabric! Restraint is hard, isn't it? Good for you though. Would've been so easy to leave with a huge armload. The Swoon blocks are so pretty and way to use up those leftovers.


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...