Thursday, March 9, 2023

I Like Thursday #181

It's time to be positive since it's time for I Like Thursday! A bunch of bloggers offer positive and fun posts every Thursday. You can see more of these posts by visiting LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color. She always has some great posts too! This picture is the backing for the Swoon quilt. It took forever to find something my daughter liked but was also in stock. It's Tula Pink's Fairy Dust fabric in purple. The colors are richer in person. The quilt is 80" X 80" so I'm not sure how to prepare the backing yet. I'm hoping one seam will do it. I've had a busy week so I haven't even measured the fabric to see how wide it is. I'll get to it soon!

I don't usually buy many quilt books but this one was too tough to resist. It's all scrap quilts but it also includes pillows and pin cushion patterns with each quilt pattern. The pin cushions made me get it! I could make a new pin cushion every day if I had the time! They're so fun!

I try to follow the Paleo Diet but have a hard time refusing bread. I made these Keto Biscuits this morning. I don't eat anything dairy so I changed the cream cheese to plant based cream cheese. They're not as tasty as bread but they're a good substitute. It's nice to keep them handy for when I get too hungry. 

I borrowed this book and wasn't expecting much, I ended up loving it! It tells the story of Perveen who lives in India in the early 1920's. There are so many rules for her to follow. She went to Oxford but cannot enter a courtroom as a lawyer because she's a female. Her father is a lawyer and she works in his office. She gets swept up in a murder investigation. It was so well done. I loved it and highly recommend it. 

Our prompt this week is what we wish we had in our sewing rooms. I'm happy I have a space at all but there's always room for improvement. I wish my space was larger. I can't fit in a big cutting table so I end up using the kitchen counter. I try to time it when no one is home. I have a tiny closet in that room so a larger closet would have been nice too. I'm thinking of putting a little TV in there too. I usually listen to music on my phone. My daughter got me a small bluetooth speaker and it sounds really good. Overall, I love my space but we can all dream!

Have a great weekend!



  1. I really like the Tula Pink backing fabric for your Swoon quilt. I hope you can get away with just one seam. The quilt book sounds interesting.

    1. Thanks, Jeanna! I had 3 appointments this week and didn't get too much done on any of my projects.

  2. Interesting fabric. Those biscuits look good.

  3. Such pretty fabric; Tula is so wonderful with the colours. I would love to make more pin cushions, I use those I have so much. It's always fun to have a new quilt book to ogle.

    1. Thanks, Jocelyn. Pin cushions are so fun to make and practical too!

  4. that fabric is so so so cute I want some! Your swoon is pretty, I tried keto biscuits and they tasted bland sadly, the book is right up my alley, thanks for the rec. LeeAnna


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...