Thursday, February 29, 2024

I Like Thursday #225

How can it be time for Thursday Likes so soon?? Time goes by so fast lately. Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more fun blogs posting happy and uplifting posts. I'm working quite diligently on my Alaska quilt. This is Block 7. The blocks measure 9.5" square. I can't believe I'm almost halfway through making the blocks for this awesome quilt. So far, so good!

I found this cute little plant at the store last week. They're called Tete a Tete daffodils. I plan on planting them outside once the weather improves. Speaking of weather, it's been so windy the last 24 hours. I had such a hard time sleeping. The wind was so noisy. It's supposed to calm down this afternoon. I was afraid of losing power but we never lost it. Sort of miraculous! It's quite a bit cooler than yesterday too. Crazy weather!!

As you can see, I'm all set for St. Patrick's Day. I brought out my spring flowers too. A dear quilting friend made me this table topper. I had never made anything for St. Patrick's day. How my friend knew that is a mystery! We're online friends so she's never been to my house. I love displaying it every year.

 I had never heard of this book but decided to read it anyway. It was wonderful! It is loosely based on the life of Martha Ballard, a midwife in New England in the 1700's. Don't miss this gem of a book! I couldn't put it down.

It's been a quiet week which is fine with me! Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Slow Socks

 I finished my socks! The first one seemed to take forever but the second sock was quicker. They're size large since they're for my husband. I used sock yarn. The pattern is an easy knit 3 purl 1. He's already started wearing them. Before I gave them to him, I washed them and used a sock form for drying purposes. I'm now sewing down the binding on my applique quilt. More to come about that later!!

Thursday, February 22, 2024

I Like Thursday #224

 It's time for Thursday Likes! Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more blogs featuring Thursday fun. I just finished this block for the Alaska quilt. It measures 9.5"square. This is one of the more difficult blocks but this is the last time I have to make 4 of this pattern. The middle block of the quilt is similar to this one but I only have to make one. I think after this, this quilt will get easier for me to complete. I hope so anyways!!

I went on a field trip this past week. The literacy volunteers and their students were treated to a trip to the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston. It's in the Seaport district. I took this picture of a plane taking off from Logan Airport. The airport is just across the bay.

This is my student studying the different forms of art on display. It's an interesting place to visit. The exhibit we saw featured artists from the Caribbean. It's amazing to see the different perspectives out in the world. It was really fun to see. Also, most of the students on the trip were from various countries around the world and I enjoyed hearing their opinions. 

My son and I had a joint birthday party this past weekend. These are the cakes my husband had made for us. They were so good. I made sure Ben took his home. One cake in the house is bad enough but two cakes is too tempting for me!! We had a nice celebration for the both of us. I'll post pictures of my gifts at some point. I got lots of nice stuff!!

Have a wonderful weekend! Stay warm!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

New Baby Quilt

One of my son's close friends is going to be a father. I still can't get used to the idea that these boys are actually old enough! He was married this past fall and he and his wife are looking forward to a baby girl. I knew I had to make them something so I decided on this cute little quilt. I found the pattern on Pinterest. It measures about 49" X 56". This quilt is made up of half square triangles and was fast to make!

I was looking for a background when I came across this fabric. They're naming their baby Eloise and I thought this fabric was perfect! It comes out sometime this month. So, I'm trying to be patient and wait for the backing. I bought it from Hancock's of Paducah. I can't wait to start quilting this! I have so many ideas right now. 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

I Like Thursday #223

It's time for I Like Thursday! Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more blogs posting positive and fun posts. I ordered this fabric a while ago for my son's wedding quilt. The quilt is made up of all solid fabrics and I thought this backing would complement it nicely. It's 108" wide so I won't need to make a seam. I love that!

This is Block 5 of Alaska. It measures 9.5" square. This one is much easier than the last block. I have to make 3 more of these blocks. 

 Since I rediscovered cross stitching, I've been looking for patterns. I bought this magazine last week. It has the cutest Easter and Spring designs. There are so many patterns I want to make!  I just wish I had more time!!

I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day! I got these gorgeous roses as well as a box of chocolates. We also had a nice dinner. That's a good holiday for me!

That's it for me this week. Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Alaska Blocks 1-4

Here are the first 4 blocks for Alaska by Edyta Sitar. They measure 9.5" square. They seem to be getting progressively more difficult.

I think this last block was the hardest for the whole quilt. I have to make another version of this same block but at least I'll know what to expect now! I bought the plastic templates and I'm ever so glad I did. I don't think the paper templates would have lasted very long. I have the next block all cut and will be starting it soon.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

I Like Thursday #222

It's time for Thursday likes! Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more fun blogs. I'm on the fourth block of Alaska, a quilt designed by Edyta Sitar. This one is tough! Each block is made up of 28 pieces. My block came out great but I had to be very careful while sewing. There are many more of these blocks to make so I should just need to be patient and take my time. I do love the block! It measures 9.5" square.

I'm still working on my Oopsie Daisie block from Bonnie Hunter. I have 72 completed blocks. I want to make 100. I only work on 2 at a time. It's a great stash busting block. They also finish at 9.5" square.

I'm so thrilled to let you know my Christmas Cactus plant is growing! I'm not very good at keeping plants alive but this one is thriving. I bought it in December. I had had a Christmas Cactus for years but it ended up dying. I'm hoping this one lasts awhile!

Kristin Hannah is my favorite contemporary author. Her new book came out Tuesday and I ran out to buy it! I usually read e-books but I love to buy a few so I can reread and lend them out to friends.  I can't wait to start this one! It's about nurses serving in the Viet Nam War. 

Our prompt this week is whether you prefer chocolates or flowers for Valentine's Day. I say both! One is to eat and one is to view and enjoy! My son was born on Valentine's Day so it's tough to beat that as a gift! He's my best gift ever!

Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Carrie Hall's Sampler All Quilted!

 I finished quilting this quilt over the weekend. I'm so happy I tried so many different quilt motifs. I feel some worked better than others but they look great now that it's done. I have a few closeup pictures for you to see!

Here's the center. I love the designs for this block. I didn't figure out what to do until I was at the longarm and had this block next to do. Sometimes, you need that pressure to make a decision!

I used swirl with a hook for this large block. I just outlined the applique. I liked leaving it alone so it could puff up a little.

I decided on a meander for the lower block and leaves for the smaller block above.

Lots of swirls in these 2 blocks! The top has a swirl with spiky lines around it. The applique sort of interrupts the quilting motif so it was hard to make the whole design sometimes. The bottom block has a long swirl with an echo around it.

Here are 4 corners that show the great texture and different designs. Phew, so glad it's done! I'm already working on the binding. I'd like to finish this one soon! 

Thursday, February 1, 2024

I Like Thursday #221

It's time to post positive and uplifting posts. Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more bloggers. The deer are back! I haven't seen the deer at all lately and started to worry about them. We had a snow storm a few days ago and I saw these 3 deer sitting in the snow in the woods. I always wonder if they feel the cold or does their fur insulate them?! They seemed quite comfortable and stayed there for most of the day. I always love seeing them.

I've made the first 2 blocks for Alaska. So far, so good! They're basically all kaleidoscope blocks. The pattern emerges as the fabrics interact. This quilt is made of 49 blocks that measure 9" square when finished. Each block is made 4 times except for the middle block which is made once.

One sock is completed! It fits my husband perfectly!  I'll start the next sock today. That's the tough part about socks. You think you're done but you have to make a whole other sock and then you're done!

When my socks are done, this will be my next project. It's a cross stitch dresser scarf. My grandmother used to make these when I was little. I'd like to make a few for my own home. They're difficult to find. I found this one at JoAnn's website. 

Our prompt this week asks what makes a good friend. There are so many qualities that come to mind. I think trust, support, and acceptance are at the top of the list. There are too many to list. However, you know if you've found your true friend. It's a feeling you get deep inside that lets you relax and able to expose your true self. I feel the same goes for a mate. Your mate has to be your best friend in so many ways, through thick and thin. 

Have a great weekend!!


Halloween BOM Frightful Fu

I've been working on my Frightful Fun BOM since I'm all caught up with the Laurel Ridge BOM sponsored by The Quilt Show. I finished ...