Thursday, February 1, 2024

I Like Thursday #221

It's time to post positive and uplifting posts. Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more bloggers. The deer are back! I haven't seen the deer at all lately and started to worry about them. We had a snow storm a few days ago and I saw these 3 deer sitting in the snow in the woods. I always wonder if they feel the cold or does their fur insulate them?! They seemed quite comfortable and stayed there for most of the day. I always love seeing them.

I've made the first 2 blocks for Alaska. So far, so good! They're basically all kaleidoscope blocks. The pattern emerges as the fabrics interact. This quilt is made of 49 blocks that measure 9" square when finished. Each block is made 4 times except for the middle block which is made once.

One sock is completed! It fits my husband perfectly!  I'll start the next sock today. That's the tough part about socks. You think you're done but you have to make a whole other sock and then you're done!

When my socks are done, this will be my next project. It's a cross stitch dresser scarf. My grandmother used to make these when I was little. I'd like to make a few for my own home. They're difficult to find. I found this one at JoAnn's website. 

Our prompt this week asks what makes a good friend. There are so many qualities that come to mind. I think trust, support, and acceptance are at the top of the list. There are too many to list. However, you know if you've found your true friend. It's a feeling you get deep inside that lets you relax and able to expose your true self. I feel the same goes for a mate. Your mate has to be your best friend in so many ways, through thick and thin. 

Have a great weekend!!



  1. Your quilt blocks are impressive!

  2. I am loving watching Alaska come together. You could do just one sock and claim the dryer ate the other one. ;-)

    1. Hahaha! I like that idea! I already started the second sock. I hope this one goes faster!!!

  3. Hubby's sock is wonderful! That 2nd sock will go much quicker because you know exactly where you're going with that one. Sweet little deer. What a nice view.

    1. Thanks, Susie! I sure do hope that second sock knits up faster. I felt the first one took me forever!

  4. Pretty Alaska blocks. I had to look up the quilt pattern, it's such a pretty quilt. I need to knit a pair of socks for 'winter' here, my feet are always cold during the 'winter' months. I used to do such cross stitching too, I had some for all seasons.

    1. I went to a quilt show last year and they featured Alaska quilts. I saw so many of them that I had to make my own! I love knitting socks. They make a great gift!

  5. The deer leave imprints in the snow down by our pond where they overnight. I'm thinking their fur is warming enough for them. THat photo is lovely. And your Alaska is on its way! Lovely colour combination too. I sometimes see those cross stitch kits at the thrift stores. My mother and MIL also worked these projects. Great sock too! You are so clever, Rosemary!

    1. Thank you so much, Jocelyn! I love making things. Even when I should be cooking or cleaning!

  6. able to expose your true self. That's it exactly, well put Rosemary!!!
    thanks for being a good friend to me, always there and always accepting. LeeAnna

    1. I'm so glad to have found you! I always wish we lived closer. So nice to meet someone so wonderful!


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...