Thursday, February 22, 2024

I Like Thursday #224

 It's time for Thursday Likes! Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more blogs featuring Thursday fun. I just finished this block for the Alaska quilt. It measures 9.5"square. This is one of the more difficult blocks but this is the last time I have to make 4 of this pattern. The middle block of the quilt is similar to this one but I only have to make one. I think after this, this quilt will get easier for me to complete. I hope so anyways!!

I went on a field trip this past week. The literacy volunteers and their students were treated to a trip to the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston. It's in the Seaport district. I took this picture of a plane taking off from Logan Airport. The airport is just across the bay.

This is my student studying the different forms of art on display. It's an interesting place to visit. The exhibit we saw featured artists from the Caribbean. It's amazing to see the different perspectives out in the world. It was really fun to see. Also, most of the students on the trip were from various countries around the world and I enjoyed hearing their opinions. 

My son and I had a joint birthday party this past weekend. These are the cakes my husband had made for us. They were so good. I made sure Ben took his home. One cake in the house is bad enough but two cakes is too tempting for me!! We had a nice celebration for the both of us. I'll post pictures of my gifts at some point. I got lots of nice stuff!!

Have a wonderful weekend! Stay warm!!


  1. Hi Rosemary and Happy Belated Birthday! The cakes look delicious. How nice it is that your husband made separate cakes for each of you. I haven't visit the museum in Boston but I have flown into their airport. It is really pretty seeing the cape beyond. It seems as if you are going to land in the water until the last moment. Happy Thursday to you. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Thank you, Roseanne! It was a nice party for both Ben and me. Boston was so fun! I love going into the city.

  2. Happy birthday. Goodness, I'd be eating cake for breakfast and lunch. LOL. Alaska is coming along nicely.

  3. Belated Happy Birthday! Beautiful cakes! Wow, that Alaska block is amazing; I'm wondering how many points are meeting there in the center. Have a great weekend, Rosemary.

    1. Thank you! There are 8 points that meet in the middle. That's the toughest part about these blocks.

  4. Wow, I am impressed that your husband baked. Nice! Happy belated birthday!


Quilt Shop Visit

 I have had the busiest week! I had 5 scheduled appointments plus I'm getting ready for my son's wedding next weekend. I haven't...