Tuesday, October 29, 2024

After Wedding

 My son got married this past weekend in Keene, NH at Stonewall Farm. I haven't received many pictures yet but I did steal this picture off of Instagram. They had some professional photos taken with the quilt I made them for their wedding. It was a beautiful area although a bit cold for an outdoor ceremony. The ceremony didn't take too long and we all went inside and warmed up. I can't believe he's married and I now have a daughter-in-law! I'm so glad he's happy.

Here's a picture of me and one of my close friends. She's my son's godmother. We met in 7th grade and remained friends over the years. I had my hair and makeup done that day. I feel I look different! I didn't want to go overboard and not look like myself. I guess it worked out okay! I put my FitBit back on after pictures. My husband and I danced all night! I had over 6 miles logged in for the day!!

I received my kit for the Laurel Ridge BOM from The Quilt Show. The fabric is beautiful! Last time I looked, the kits were sold out. So glad I bought it!

Here's the BOM pattern for those of you who missed my last post about it. It will be 90" X 90".

I'm still recuperating from the whirlwind weekend. I'm hoping to have a quiet day.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

I Like Thursday #254

 I'm having a quiet week with no appointments! This week is so much more pleasant than last week. I'm linking up with LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color for I Like Thursday. This is my latest cross stitch Christmas ornament. I completely changed this one around. I didn't have a navy blue aida fabric so I opted for light blue and changed the color of the houses to navy. I just have 3 big snowflakes to stitch over each house. I love watching TV and stitching. I think it's good for my blood pressure!

My oven stopped working about 2 weeks ago. We ordered a new stove and it was installed this morning. The burners and broiler worked but not the oven. So weird! Our old stove only lasted about 7 years. I'm hoping this one lasts a bit longer than that. Our older stove was a Samsung and not many people will work on Samsung. We decided to get a new stove and not waste time. 

I took this picture about 2 weeks ago. We had a few days where the sunsets were just so colorful. October sunsets are so pretty. It must be that nice dry air.

I read a lot but usually I stick to novels. I decided to give short stories a try. This book got great reviews. There was a time that I loved short stores and preferred them to longer books. We'll see how much I like them now.

It's been warm here all week but it's definitely getting cooler now. Have a great weekend!

Monday, October 21, 2024

2 Small Finishes and a BOM

I just finished this little snowman cross stitch ornament top. It's in the new Christmas issue from Just Cross Stitch. They have a ton of cute projects. It's hard to pick which one to make. I haven't been able to buy it in stores yet. I borrowed it from the library on my Libby app. I'm glad I got to start working on these new patterns even though I don't have the magazine. It works out really well!


I used up leftover scraps from the Pumpkin Trio Table Runner to make this cute little pin cushion! These pinnies are fun to make and use up some of scraps that accumulate from our projects. Each half square triangle was trimmed to 1.5" square. It's easy to use larger pieces and then cut down to size. These make great gifts too!

I joined The Quilt Show last month hoping I would like the upcoming BOM. There are two versions, Autumn and Spring. This picture is the Autumn version which I just love! I think I'm going to buy the kit. In previous years, amounts of the fabrics were told to us ahead of time so we could use scraps and maybe similar backgrounds. I'm not sure that's going to happen this year. I really love the traditional look of this quilt. I think I'll enjoy working on it next year. I can't wait!!

Friday, October 18, 2024

Quilt Shop Visit

 I have had the busiest week! I had 5 scheduled appointments plus I'm getting ready for my son's wedding next weekend. I haven't been doing much sewing or quilting but I did manage to make a visit to my local quilt shop, Bits & Pieces in Pelham, NH. I just wanted to look at fabric and buy a few things to cheer myself up from such a hectic week. I bought these 3 orange Halloween fabrics. I never seem to buy orange fabric and thought this would be a great time to stock up. I couldn't resist them!

I usually use Aurifil thread for piecing but I thought I'd try this thread from Superior Threads. The ladies at the quilt shop love it! They're very similar in price. I hope I like it!

Looking forward to 2025, I found these 2 upcoming events. I've attended both in the past. I think I missed Fabric Frenzy last year but will try to go in February. The Expo is great! There are lots of vendors, quilts and classes. I will definitely be going. 

I hope to have a quiet weekend after my busy week. I have a friend coming over tomorrow. I'm looking forward to the visit! Have a great weekend!!

Monday, October 14, 2024

Spider Web Quilting

This is my finished Halloween Door Hanger. It measures about 18" X 22". I really wasn't sure how to quilt this piece. I wasn't sure if traditional was the way to go.

I was going to outline the flying geese and maybe quilt arcs along each side of the triangles. I just didn't think it fit the overall Halloween feeling.

I'm hoping you can see the quilting better in this picture. I quilted straight lines along the border. But the interior has one big spider web quilted over it! I thought it would be a fun way to finish this wall hanging. It wasn't too hard to do. I quilted straight lines diagonally and across the middle of the 2 sides. Then, I quilted arcs all the way around from line to line. I repeated that 3 more times. It was fast and quick. This pattern is very forgiving since spider webs are never perfect! This was a fun finish for me!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Pumpkin Trio Quilted

 My Pumpkin Trio table runner is all finished! It's been placed on my dining room table. I'm so glad I got it finished in time to use during this season. I really enjoyed making this. It wasn't too difficult and I really loved quilting it.

Here's a close up of my quilting. I think the all over loops is a fun free motion background for this runner. It seems to fit in with all those falling leaves and pumpkins on the fabric.

And I'm happy to report that the little cat mat I made is being used! Molly has found it and loves to take her cat naps on it. I'm so glad to see the kitties actually like it! I enjoyed making it for them.

Have a great weekend! It's definitely Fall weather here in New England. It's on the cool side but the air is crisp and invigorating. I'm linking up with Alycia Quilts for Finished Or Not Friday.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Pumpkin Door Hanger

I made this cute little Pumpkin Door Hanger/Wall Hanging. I only used fabrics I found in my stash. That fabric surrounding the pumpkin is actually purple, not blue. Anyways, I changed the pattern up a little bit. I tried to use Halloween fabrics. I have so many small pieces in my stash left over from other projects. 

This is the original project. You can find directions here. Since my border fabric was similar in color to the pumpkin, I added another piece at the bottom to separate the pumpkin from the border. My wall hanging measures approximately 18" X 22". It's a quick project. I think I finished it within an hour and a half. I think it's a fun project to display for Halloween. And due to it's size, it's very scrap friendly! Enjoy!!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

I Like Thursday #253

Welcome to I Like Thursday! LeeAnna hosts a group of bloggers to post happy and uplifting content once a week. Please visit her to link up to more blogs. I'm working daily on my Pumpkin Trio Table Runner. I tackled the pumpkins. The larger pumpkin was quilted with swirls. The smaller pumpkins were finished with curved crosshatching. I love the texture that is added to the runner. I have the bottom border as well as the background left to quilt. I love quilting smaller pieces since they're so fast! 

I had this odd piece of fabric in my stash. I think I got it from a grab bag during a sale at my local quilt shop. I never really knew what to do with it. I decided to make a little mat for the cats to lay on. They love sleeping in this old rocking chair. The piece measures about 15" X18". I quilted one layer of batting to each side of fabric. Then I just put both sides together, sewed it and turned it inside out. So easy!!

I just finished this book and highly recommend it. It's a little quirky and I think that's why I liked it. Phoebe is the major character and her life isn't going very well. She definitely changes things up! It's really well done. 

The prompt this week asks if you like corn mazes. I've never tried one! We have a few in the area and had planned to go a few times but it never worked out. I do remember someone got "stuck" in one and had to call 911. It didn't sound so fun after hearing that! I'm sure they're fun. Maybe someday!!

Have a wonderful weekend! 


Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...