Sunday, June 30, 2019

Flying Geese Everywhere!

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My next blocks for Long Time Gone are all made up of Flying Geese. This is one long strip that's supposed to look like a zig zag. It's made up of 16 Flying Geese, 8 dark and 8 light.

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I have 48 more to sew together. They're all cut and marked. I just have to sit down and sew. We had so many thunder storms coming through our area that I decided not to sew. I had plenty of other things to do like laundry, dishes, etc. I hope to get most of them done tomorrow. 

The weather was crazy today! It would get sunny, then dark. We'd get thunder, lightning and sheets of rain. Tomorrow is supposed to be much better. 

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I have 2 quilts that need labels and I keep them in a chair behind the couch. Molly found them and decided it was a great place to nap! She didn't care that my hexagon kit was right behind her!  Maybe she was reminding me to work on it! Good idea, Molly!!

Thursday, June 27, 2019

I Like Thursday #7

Image may contain: outdoor

I found this little guy on my deck furniture. He kept moving around but seemed quite content sunning himself. He's so light that I almost didn't see him at first!

Image may contain: plant, tree, sky, outdoor and nature

Speaking of my deck, our plants are doing well! The 2 left pots are tomatoes. The right 2 pots are hot peppers. I don't like anything spicy but my husband does! I'll take the tomatoes and he can take the hot peppers!

Image may contain: plant, flower, outdoor and nature

Pansies have always been one of my favorite flowers. Aren't they so happy?! We bought those cement pots almost 20 years ago. I love how they age. I think it makes them look even better. 

Image may contain: dessert and food

It was my husband's birthday this past weekend. I made him his favorite cake. It's just white cake with whipped vanilla frosting. I found a recipe on Pinterest for White Wedding Cake. It's more dense than regular cake. It's so good! I can't make it too often. I'd be eating it all the time! Special occasions are fine!

That's my favorites for the last 2 weeks. I've been so busy that I forgot to take pictures of what I like. These posts are such good reminders to stop and smell the flowers! I do enjoy sharing my likes on Thursdays. If you'd like to see more likes, join LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to see more nice things! Enjoy!!

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Quilting 1930's Farmer's Wife

Image may contain: indoor

I finally started to quilt my 1930's Farmer's Wife quilt. I kept changing my mind about how I wanted to quilt it. I was looking in books and online for various ideas. I ended with this design. The outer border has a triple swag with one inch piano keys finishing up the rest of the border.

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I free motion quilted ribbon candy in the inner border. So far, so good! I'll be doing lots of ruler work in the blocks. The pieces are very small and I think ruler work makes the most sense. However, I've been known to change my mind! We'll have to see what happens!

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Disco and Scraps

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I bought a kit for Disco a few years ago when I visited Keepsake Quilting in NH. I really don't want to start a new project. I'm still working on Long Time Gone and Carolina Chain which are both scrap quilts. The only problem I've been having is that I'm using the same fabrics over and over again.

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For both scrap quilts, I have to cut pieces that measure 3 1/2 inches by 2 inches. When I read the directions for Disco, I found that each piece I'm cutting has a 3 1/2 inch measurement. I have a nice little amount of fabric left when I'm done cutting the pieces from each fat quarter. So I decided to start cutting Disco but use the scraps to infuse a  little more variety into my other scrap quilts. The piece above is a half hexagon. I have Jaybird Quilts' rulers which make the cutting so very fast and easy.
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These are the triangles that are sewn on both sides of the half hexagon. The fabrics are by Carolyn Friedlander. These fabrics make a nice contrast when mixed with my own stash fabrics. The only bad thing is that I'm cutting for 3 quilts and that makes my cutting very slow. I'll be happy when I'm done! It's just a little tedious right now. 

Thursday, June 13, 2019

I Like Thursday #6

Image may contain: plant, outdoor and nature

This is another outdoor sculptor found at our library. It's not too far from The Children's Room. It's in the backyard of the library. I don't really see anyone ever sitting around it. I just thought it was a unique item to find at the library!

Image may contain: plant, shoes, tree and outdoor

Speaking of The Children's Room, this is a patio that the children can use to sit outside and read books. There's a door from the children's area that leads right out to the brick patio. I've heard some of the kids have picnics out there.

My husband was getting ready to cut the grass when he found this little guy. He was actually on the street. My husband put on gloves and moved him onto the grass. I'm pretty sure he's a baby robin. There was a larger robin (his mother??) hovering in the background. My husband bought a little plastic fence and hoped it would keep the bird from being hurt from any other animals that might be roaming the neighborhood. We keep seeing the mother going over to him. I hope she's giving him a nice tasty worm! He chirps which I hope lets the mama know where he is.

Image may contain: flower and text

I was lucky enough to receive an Advance Reader's Copy of this book and I loved it! I sort of devoured it in a matter of a few days. I'm hoping to read this author's other books. If you get the chance to read it, get it! It's a little sappy but so full of good feelings!

Want to see more nice things that make you feel good?? Go visit LeeAnne at Not Afraid of Color!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

More Scraps for LTG

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This is the last HST block I made for Long Time Gone. It's made up of 16 X 16 squares. I sewed 4X4
squares and then sewed them all together. I thought it would be better than sewing each row separately and having to line up 7 seams each time. I kust had to be careful with color placement. There were a few times I sewed a block backwards and had to use that trusty seam ripper!

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The next set of blocks are made of up Flying Geese blocks. I have to make 64 of them. This is my start in cutting out the pieces. It will take a few cutting sessions before I can sit at the machine and sew them together. I'm also cutting out pieces for Carolina Chain. It's a little difficult keeping them separate but I'm enjoying using up my scraps!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

More Blocks LTG

Image may contain: stripes

I finished up two more blocks for Long Time Gone. This one measures 12 1/2 inches square. I made 64 Half Square Triangles. I will need them to make 3 blocks for this quilt. I liked putting in a cute flower from a Kaffe Fassett fabric I found. I love his colors and thought it would be a great center for this particular block.

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This is another block that I used HST. This block measures 14 1/2 inches X 10 1/2 inches. This is a great way to use up those scraps. Fabrics that aren't so pretty seem to blend right in!

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These are all my blocks so far in no particular order. I think I'm getting there, little by little! I usually do I Like Thursday but I forgot all about it this week. I'll have to get ready for next week! 

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Longarm Secret Drawer

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Can you see it?? My husband and my brother finally installed my Secret Drawer onto my longarm frame. My husband bought it for me for Christmas. However, it didn't arrive until sometime in January. It takes two people so my husband tried to get my son to help but he was always too busy.

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Luckily, my brother came home for a visit. He's an anesthesiologist in upstate New York. It's always difficult for him to get time off. He likes to put things together so I asked him to help my husband install my drawer. He came this morning and even brought us a ton of food!

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It took them about an hour and half to finish the job. It looks perfect! I'm so glad it's finally installed. I already put all my pantographs and rulers in there. I feel the pantographs take up too much space so I might find another way of storing them. For now, they're staying in there! It's so convenient and useful. I love it!

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...