Monday, September 30, 2019

Panel 5 Long Time Gone

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I just finished Panel 5 of Long Time Gone. I really love the pineapple blocks. They add so much motion to the quilt top. It's so nice to sew together all the blocks I've been working on. They look so different in this setting.

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These aren't sewn together yet but gives a good idea of what the top will look like. I'm still working on Panel 6. I've been thinking about the border. I have a few ideas but I'm leaning towards one option. I'm going to audition a little area first just to make sure I like it!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

I Like Thursday #20

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I wanted to decorate the house for Fall this week. I had a wreath that I had used for years but had to throw away last year. After being used for close to 20 years, it just didn't look too good! All the embellishments were falling off. So I went to JoAnn's yesterday and bought this cute wreath. Not bad for 50% off!

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While I was there, I saw these cute dish towels. I like my dish towels to be absorbent and these are nice and thick! Also, it was a great deal at 60% off!!

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I bought this little pumpkin at the grocery store the other day. I had saved that little hat from last year. It is sitting on my window sill in my family room. 

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I think this is the cutest decoration of all! My daughter bought this little haunted house at Target. It has little scratch areas in the floor and top level. Each cat seems to take a turn sitting in there! It's not really big enough for both of them. It's cute to see them resting in their new house! They don't look scared at all!!

I'm linking up with LeeAnna of Not Afraid of Color. Make your way over there for more fun and positive posts!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Long Time Gone Panels 1-4

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This is my progress on Long Time Gone so far. This piece is made up of Panels 1-4. The length is a little over 60 inches. I didn't even measure the width. I have to make Panels 5 & 6 that will be sewn on the right side of this piece. I also may add an extra border so I have no idea what dimensions this quilt will end up measuring.

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This is just Panels 1-3. It gives you a better view of the upper part of this piece.

I'm thinking of adding a piano key border. I'm still looking at my options! Panels 5 & 6 are larger and more complicated. I'm starting to make the checkerboard pieces and sewing some of the blocks together. It's nice having the blocks done but there's still a lot to do!!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

I Like Thursday #19

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It seems to be getting more like Fall everyday. I just took out my fall table runner. I made this using blocks that were designed on Electric Quilt. They were having a tutorial one summer. I decided to use the blocks for a fall table runner. I really enjoyed making this. I'm not that great with Electric Quilt. I have to use the books to navigate through the program. It's a fun quilting tool to use. 

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I put this wool mat in my family room every year. The pieces were all pre-cut. I just had to stitch them down using the blanket stitch. 

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Today was on the cool side but I managed to wash these curtains and clean my family room windows. I have one room left that needs windows and curtains cleaned. My mother still cleans her windows twice a year but I barely manage to get it done once a year! Curtains and windows are a pain to clean!

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I'm so thankful for my veterinarian, Dr. Kane. This is a nice picture of her hospital

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Lily and Molly are in those carriers in the waiting room at the vet's office. They weren't very happy. Thanks to Dr. Kane, we had a great appointment with a minimum of stress for our kitties. They hate leaving the house! They sounded very loud while waiting for our appointment. For 2 little cats, it's surprising how loud they are!

Those are my happy thoughts for the week. I'll be linking up with LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color. Go visit her site for more positive posts!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Long Time Gone Panels

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Here are all the blocks to make the quilt, Long Time Gone. When you see them all together, it looks a little nutty! It's all different blocks in all different sizes. However, I think there is a method to the genius of Jen Kingwell. 

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Here is Panel #1. The quilt top is made up of 6 panels. I love the very light grey strips. It looks great with any other color out there.

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Here's Panel #2. So far, so good! I always hold my breath and hope all the panels fit together properly. I'm working on Panel #3. I will sew Panels #2 and #3 together and then Panel #1 is sewn on top of them. Let's hope they fit! I always find it exciting to sew a quilt top together after making all the blocks. It's wonderful to see all  your hard work coming together.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

I Like Thursday #18

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I'm starting this week's likes with my Binding Buddy! I just made some binding and finally got to use this. I think she looks very cute holding all my binding so nice and neat. I usually just roll it up but it's easy to unravel. My Binding Buddy keeps my binding in perfect order until I'm ready to use it!

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This is a wool pressing mat made of New Zealand wool. It measures around 17" X 14". I love it! My seams lie nice and flat. Both sides get steamed at the same time. I also own a small 7" square mat for smaller pieces. I found this one on Amazon but bought my smaller one from a local quilt shop.

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I'm not very good with plants. I've had this African Violet for about 3 years. It's a wonder it's still alive! With Fall on the way, I really appreciate seeing a blossoming flower. This plants sits on my kitchen windowsill. My husband bought it for one of our wedding anniversaries. 

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One of my favorite stores is Sephora. That's where I found this great body lotion. I love the smell of it! It smells so clean and fresh. Imagine how disappointed I was when I found out Sephora doesn't carry this anymore. I had to mail order it. One of these 16oz bottles lasts me close to 6 months. I did hear Kohl's also carries it so I may try them next time. I use this everyday and would be so upset if I couldn't find it anymore.

That's my likes for the week! To read about more happy and positive posts, please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color! Have a great week!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Farmer's Wife 1930's Sampler finished!!

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I finished quilting my Farmer's Wife 1930's  Sampler Quilt! I'm so excited! I really didn't think I'd finish it today. I had the last border left and I thought it would take longer. I was trying to figure out what day I was off that I could finish it up. But I just kept going and finished this afternoon! It measures 71" X 63". I usually like my quilts bigger but it's finished which is better!

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These next pictures are just close ups so you can see the blocks and the quilting.

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It wasn't easy coming up with new ideas for each block. I think I repeated a lot of the same patterns towards the end.  I was running out of new motifs.

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This picture shows the border swags as well as the curved cross hatching.

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Just another vantage point.

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This is how it looked before trimming off the excess batting and backing. It looks so much smaller! That's okay. I really love how it came out! Time to figure out what to do for binding. I had saved some of that green border fabric but I think I used it on another project. I'll think of something!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

I Like Thursday #17

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I love this little chandelier! It hangs over the desk at the beauty salon. It's so cute. It really adds some elegance to the whole place.

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I love this little mirror! I bought it at the New England Quilt Museum in Lowell, MA. I love quilty gifts!

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I bought this kit years ago. I think my daughter was going to make them cute snowman ornaments. I don't think she even tried! I thought this would be fun to do while watching TV. I have plenty of time until Christmas. (I hope!)

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This is my favorite coaster! I don't think I need to explain this one! Haha!

I'll be linking up with LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color. Go visit her blog and see more fun and positive posts!

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Thank you, Dawn!

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I won this great book from Dawn who now blogs at Relaxing Robin. She had a giveaway this past Friday and I was lucky enough to win!! I received this book, Mod Block, published by the Missouri Star Quilt Company. Great patterns!

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Dawn was also kind enough to send me a fat quarter, jar opener and lovely note.

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This is the back of the jar opener. So clever! 

I just wanted to thank Dawn for her generosity. It was so fun to get this package in the mail. Thank you!

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...