Sunday, September 8, 2019

Farmer's Wife 1930's Sampler finished!!

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I finished quilting my Farmer's Wife 1930's  Sampler Quilt! I'm so excited! I really didn't think I'd finish it today. I had the last border left and I thought it would take longer. I was trying to figure out what day I was off that I could finish it up. But I just kept going and finished this afternoon! It measures 71" X 63". I usually like my quilts bigger but it's finished which is better!

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These next pictures are just close ups so you can see the blocks and the quilting.

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It wasn't easy coming up with new ideas for each block. I think I repeated a lot of the same patterns towards the end.  I was running out of new motifs.

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This picture shows the border swags as well as the curved cross hatching.

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Just another vantage point.

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This is how it looked before trimming off the excess batting and backing. It looks so much smaller! That's okay. I really love how it came out! Time to figure out what to do for binding. I had saved some of that green border fabric but I think I used it on another project. I'll think of something!


  1. Finished is great. I love your setting. Beautiful quilting.

  2. Your quilting is gorgeous as always. How about a red binding in keeping with the older look?
    Beautiful quilt

    1. Thanks, Dawn! I thought red would look good too! I'm looking through my stash to see what I can come up with!

  3. Wow that turned out gorgeous! Love the fabrics you used. Awesome quilting too.

    1. Thanks, Colette! I hate to admit how long ago I made that quilt top. It took awhile to finally get it quilted!

  4. Wow and WOW! You did a great job! I love everything about this quilt! Well done Rosemary!

  5. Very pretty, Rosemary, and your quilting choices are perfect for this quilt!

    1. Thank you so much, Karin! You know what the thought process involves when it comes to quilting!

  6. A beautiful finish Rosemary and I love your quilting!


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...