Thursday, December 5, 2019

I Like Thursday #28

Image may contain: indoor

Welcome to I Like Thursday! We're starting to decorate for the holiday. The first item we bought was this little house for our kitties. As you can see, Lily is already enjoying her  home that comes complete with scratching pads. We packed away the Halloween house and will use it again next year.

Image may contain: tree, snow, outdoor and nature

I love seeing the deer in my back yard. There's a pack of 5 deer that seem to visit us often. We threw our old pumpkins back there. I hope they're enjoying them!

Image may contain: snow, tree, sky, outdoor and nature

The big news we had on Monday was the snowstorm. We got 17 inches when it was finally over. I had to work at 6AM on Monday morning and I had a very difficult time getting there. I was half an hour late. It was just miserable being out that early with all that snow still falling. The ride home was much easier but that morning drive in set the tone for the day. I just wanted to be home!

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I just got this in the mail yesterday. There are lots of nice patterns again this month! There's also a gallery of winners from AQS Quiltweek in Paducah and Charleston. Such beautiful work!

That's it for me this week. Please go visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more positive and fun posts. There are so many nice bloggers out there accentuating the positive!


  1. We have a group of three deer that visit every afternoon at 4 pm--you can almost set your watch by them.))) I put out some apple cores and they scoffed those up!! I've never read American Quilter--I get Quilting Arts--but lately it's been disappointing...nice to leaf through, but nothing I would attempt...I miss Quilter's Newsletter mag--that was my got much more snow than we did--only about 3" and now mostly gone...early starts on snowy days is no fun!!;000 hugs, Julierose

    1. I miss Quilter's Newsletter too! I used to read it, cover to cover, every month. (When it was every month!) I didn't expect all that snow Monday morning. It was so early and the plows had left a mountain of snow at the end of the driveway. I wanted to run back in the house and stay inside!

  2. Gosh, that's a lot of snow. We are gradually building back a little layer a cm at a time, no storms yet. One thing I love about being retired is not having to do what you had to and you will appreciate it too when your time comes. Ahh, the snowy owls are making their way south and some of my birding friends have already gotten photos. I have not seen one! Isn't that cover gorgeous!

    1. I am definitely looking forward to not having to go anywhere during a storm when I finally get to retire. I still have a few more years to go. Isn't that owl gorgeous on the cover of the magazine? I've seen it in person. It's a lot of thread work. I wish I knew how to do that!

  3. I hate driving in snow. The challenge on Just Make It craft show (for just two weeks on NBC) was making a pet house. Simply amazing ideas. Your kitty looks cozy. Love that magazine, I should join again for it. When I was on east coast I could go to their shows and join there but we're just so isolated here now.

    1. My cats seem to love these little cardboard houses. We got them at Target. I do like American Quilter. It's worth the membership fee! I would love to go to one of their shows but they're very close to my area.

  4. Hi Rosemary! Lily looks SO darn cute in her new little home. Wowee! You got a ton of snow. Whereabouts do you live? It has to be out East somewhere . . . although Michigan got a lot of snow, too. Being a half hour late is stressful but I'm glad you made it safely without an accident. Phew. That Owl on the cover - holy moly. The texture! ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. I'm about 30 miles North of Boston, on the New Hampshire border. I was pretty shocked to see that much snow Monday morning. I feel lucky I was only 30 minutes late! It could have been much worse. That Owl quilt is so amazing!!

  5. All the deer! We have four that frequent our yard. We startled a young buck today when we were out snowshoeing. So much snow - we got about the same amount. And it's not melting fast...

    1. I love to see the deer. My cats love staring at them from inside the house They'd probably be scared if they were outdoors! I hope the snow melts soon. It's too much, too soon!!

  6. Love your deer. The cat castle is awesome. Glad you got to work, and home safely, but I totally understand how your drive can set the tone for your day.

    1. Thanks, Colette! I have another early morning tomorrow with more bad weather expected. Hope I make it in one piece!

  7. Lily looks so comfy in her house.after all theres snow and big brown deer animals outside that she needs to hide from. Dunkin stares out at them with big saucer eyes when our deer come around.they love eating my roses.i agree too much snow too soon. Ugh. Is it june yet???

    1. I'm already looking forward to Spring and it's only December!!

  8. 17 inches of snow is just TOO MUCH! Love the cat house and your cat looks very content there!!! Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you, Michele! Yes, too much snow for the first snowstorm of the season!


I Like Thursday #267

It's time for Thursday likes! Please visit LeeAnna over at  Not Afraid of Color  to link up with more blogs taking part in I Like Thursd...