Thursday, February 27, 2020

I Like Thursday #40

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Welcome to my version of I Love Thursday! I'm pleased to announce Disco is finished and off the longarm. I love the texture of the quilting. When you decide your quilting design, you're never 100% sure of the end result. I'm so happy with this look! I love the different textures playing over the surface of the quilt. I truly believe quilting makes the quilt! Of course, the actual quilt pattern is important too! That's why we all spend so much time putting our quilt tops together.

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This is my shawl so far. I'm up to 4 repeats. 

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Here's a better look at the pattern. It's not the shawl on the cover of the book. I think I have to work up to that one. This one is called Nacarat.

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This is a picture of Nacarat from the book, Curls. So pretty!!

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My mother gave me this little plant for Valentine's Day. It's a miracle it's still alive! I'm not too good with plants, indoors or out!

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I couldn't find Molly. She was hiding in the cubby in the cat tree! Such a silly girl! 

Thanks for visiting I Like Thursday! Head on over to Not Afraid of Color where LeeAnna hosts more I Like Thursday posts. See you next time!

Monday, February 24, 2020

Quilt Updates

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I'm slowly putting Carolina Chain together. There are so many seams to line up! Each row takes forever! I always think it's more difficult to sew a quilt together on point. I'm not sure why but a straight setting just seems easier to me. It's slow going but I love the result. I'll just take my time going forward. 

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I finished my blocks for Fast Forward. These are all in my blocks set up correctly without the border. I'm so happy to have the blocks finished. I just set up the blocks without paying too much attention to the fabrics. I'll be a little more fussy with the final set up. I just wanted to get an idea of what the quilt will look. I love the fabrics and it's such a great size. It's supposed to finish at 80" X 80".

That's how I spent my day off! Back to work tomorrow! 

Thursday, February 20, 2020

I Like Thursday #39

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Welcome to I Like Thursday! We had a birthday party for my son this past weekend. My daughter made him his cake! She made it from scratch. She added all the candy he likes as decorations. The frosting between the layers was mixed with Oreo Cookies. It was good but so filling and so sweet!

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I need a hand project now that my applique wall hanging is done. I haven't knit in awhile but I've chosen a shawl/wrap from this book. I only have a very small piece done. I'll post it next week if I make good progress. There are many increases/decreases and I'm hoping I'm doing them correctly!

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I just got this sugar bowl. Isn't it so cute!? I just couldn't resist!

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I  like what I'm seeing in this picture! I'm almost done quilting my Disco Quilt! It's always exciting to see the end in sight. I feel that quilting this quilt went by so fast.  Once I figured out what to do, it seems to have just zipped by!

That's it for my likes this week. Please join LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more fun and positive posts! 

Monday, February 17, 2020

Two Almost Finishes!

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I have finally finished all the blocks for Carolina Chain and started the layout phase! This quilt finishes at 77" X 80" approximately. It was a little difficult to make sure I was putting the correct block in the proper orientation. This picture is the best I could do to try to fit in the entire quilt. I'm sure I'll notice some problem after I put the quilt together! It always works out that way for me!

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I usually lay out my quilts in the foyer but I could see I was going to run out of room quickly. I finally had to move to my family room. The only problem with the family room is the cats love it in there and they will love to play with my blocks! So far, they've left it alone. I'm going to pin it into rows soon so the cats can't screw up my order.

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I finally finished this little wall hanging. It took me awhile because I used hand applique to finish it. It's from American Quilter September 2019. It will finish at 18"X 24". It was designed by Karla Kiefner. I'm still trying to figure out how to quilt it. I may just outline each flower and free motion quilt the background. It was a fun little project to make. I usually don't make wall hangings but this was too cute to pass up!

Thursday, February 13, 2020

I Like Thursday #38

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Happy Valentine's Day, one day early! I don't really consider Valentine's Day a holiday. It's just a fun day to remind us of all the people we love. I'll be working tomorrow so it's even less of a fun day for me! I'll look forward to coming home and eating chocolates!

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I love watching the deer in my backyard. They were sitting here all day. They didn't get up and leave until late afternoon. I don't think I'd enjoy sitting on the snow all day but I bet their fur keeps them warm. 

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There are a fair amount of Med Flights from my hospital into Boston. It's always amazing to me when I get a glimpse of the helicopter. I remembered to take a picture this past Saturday. I hope the poor patient had a better outcome in one of the Boston hospitals.

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Don't check your blood pressure while you read this book! It's so suspenseful! It's a long book but not one word is wasted. I'm about 3/4 of the way through and have a hard time putting it down. It's so well written and the plot moves quickly. So enjoyable!

That's it for my likes this week! Please join LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more fun and positive posts. Have a great Valentine's Day! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Look What I Got!

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I was so excited to get this in the mail! I have the pattern to make Victoria Findlay Wolfe's Star Storm Quilt pattern. However, she had a kit made up of some of her older fabrics that were just reprinted. I had to have it! I was planning to use my stash but couldn't resist these fabrics. The colors are so rich and vibrant. The photograph doesn't convey how gorgeous these fabrics really are. I also got that little note in my order. I will enjoy!!

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I also got this Curve Braid Strip ruler to make a Cascade quilt. 

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This is a picture from her website that shows the Cascade quilt. That would be a great stash buster! I have her book, Modern Quilt Magic, with the pattern and directions. I'm still finishing up my two projects but I'm looking ahead and love what I'll be working on! Too bad I have to work and time is always an issue! 

Thursday, February 6, 2020

I Like Thursday #37

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I was so happy to be off today. It started off with a snowstorm but it really wasn't that bad. That's a good thing because I had a hair appointment at 9. As soon as it was over, I headed to the 10th Annual Fabric Blow Out Sale in Nashua, NH. There were 4 shops vending at this event. This picture gives you an idea of the set up. 

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Most vendors also had patterns, books, kits etc. I walked around for a little while. I like to buy fabrics at these sales for backings. Most fabrics were $5.99 per yard. One shop did have them cheaper at $5 per yard. 

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After wandering around aimlessly for awhile, I ended up buying 2 Aurifil threads and one pattern. Aurifil is my favorite thread for piecing as well as quilting. This pattern is by Jaybird Quilts whom I also love! I didn't buy any fabric. I was a little overwhelmed by all the choices. Nothing jumped out at me so I decided to hold off buying backings. 

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The weather wasn't the best today but the days are getting longer. I took this photo at 5:12PM! It was just getting dark. The colors were so beautiful that I had to run in and take a picture.!

That's it for me this week. Please go visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more fun and positive posts. Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, February 3, 2020

Two Projects Almost Done!

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I'm halfway through Fast Forward. This is such a fun pattern to work on. It really is fast and I love the look of these blocks. 

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I needed a low contrast stripe for the border for Fast Forward. This isn't the best picture. It was sort of nice out today so I washed the fabric and put it out on the deck to dry. It needs to be ironed. It's a very pale grayish green. It actually looks very nice next to the blocks I've made.

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I'm finally at the end of Carolina Chain! My last 3 blocks are on this board as well as 5 single blocks for the setting triangles.I have 17 more single blocks to make. Ugh!  It's been a long road but I'm almost there! 

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...