Welcome to my version of I Love Thursday! I'm pleased to announce Disco is finished and off the longarm. I love the texture of the quilting. When you decide your quilting design, you're never 100% sure of the end result. I'm so happy with this look! I love the different textures playing over the surface of the quilt. I truly believe quilting makes the quilt! Of course, the actual quilt pattern is important too! That's why we all spend so much time putting our quilt tops together.

This is my shawl so far. I'm up to 4 repeats.

Here's a better look at the pattern. It's not the shawl on the cover of the book. I think I have to work up to that one. This one is called Nacarat.

This is a picture of Nacarat from the book, Curls. So pretty!!

My mother gave me this little plant for Valentine's Day. It's a miracle it's still alive! I'm not too good with plants, indoors or out!

I couldn't find Molly. She was hiding in the cubby in the cat tree! Such a silly girl!
Thanks for visiting I Like Thursday! Head on over to Not Afraid of Color where LeeAnna hosts more I Like Thursday posts. See you next time!