Thursday, February 13, 2020

I Like Thursday #38

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Happy Valentine's Day, one day early! I don't really consider Valentine's Day a holiday. It's just a fun day to remind us of all the people we love. I'll be working tomorrow so it's even less of a fun day for me! I'll look forward to coming home and eating chocolates!

Image may contain: tree, plant, outdoor and nature

I love watching the deer in my backyard. They were sitting here all day. They didn't get up and leave until late afternoon. I don't think I'd enjoy sitting on the snow all day but I bet their fur keeps them warm. 

Image may contain: sky, cloud, outdoor and nature

There are a fair amount of Med Flights from my hospital into Boston. It's always amazing to me when I get a glimpse of the helicopter. I remembered to take a picture this past Saturday. I hope the poor patient had a better outcome in one of the Boston hospitals.

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Don't check your blood pressure while you read this book! It's so suspenseful! It's a long book but not one word is wasted. I'm about 3/4 of the way through and have a hard time putting it down. It's so well written and the plot moves quickly. So enjoyable!

That's it for my likes this week! Please join LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more fun and positive posts. Have a great Valentine's Day! 


  1. how pretty the wreath is! I'd be tempted to leave it up for a long time, so each person passing by remembered to love others. Medivac helicopters are miraculous to me. I read stephen king's book on writing but not his horror stories! too chicken!

    1. Stephen King's books aren't that bad!! I've always liked his writings. They don't really bother me. I saw another helicopter today. They're more common now. I do wish people would remember the people they love more than just one day.

  2. I like his writing, but it's just too scarey;)))
    Love your heart wreath--so pretty....hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks, Julierose! This book was more suspenseful than scary. It had a great ending.

  3. OOOOH - Stephen King! I have never read his books but I have heard they are suspenseful and good. You heart wreath looks so pretty! Happy Valentine's Day - I have to work, too. ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Hope you had a good Valentine's Day at work! Mine wasn't bad but so glad I'm home!

  4. Great front door decor. Stephen King, I read The Tommyknockers, and Needful Things, love his books but there are times he is almost too descriptive. Neat pic of the heli.

    1. Thanks, Colette! I haven't read Stephen King in years but this one got my attention. It was a great read!

  5. Lots of deer! The heart wreath is so bright and cheery! Great color.

  6. Oh my that photo of the resting deer is beautiful...I’ve not seen one like that. I enjoy Stephen’s writings; I’ve never forgotten The Stand and his non fiction book about writing. Also he gives excellent interviews.

    1. Thanks, Jocelyn! Stephen King definitely has the gift of writing. I'd like to buy his book about writing. My daughter is a wonderful writer but hasn't done much with it lately. I'm hoping it would inspire her!

  7. That heart wreath is such a cool color-love it. Love me some Stephen King too.
    That’s interesting the deer didn’t move.

    1. Thanks, Mary! Yes, the deer just sat there for almost the whole day. I was sort of sad to see them leave!

  8. I love that heart wreath! Maybe tomorrow I should go see if I can find some discounts on valentines day decor! And your deer picture is so cool- it's like a seek and find! There were so many in there once I looked more closely!

    1. Thanks, Shannon! The deer blend so well with the trees and the background. It's amazing to see so many of them sitting so calmly.

  9. Pretty wreath. We have 8 deer that travel in a group behind our house. Every once in a while I will see one peeking around my shed. Espevially when I wash windows. Lol they are like WHAT is she DOING? LOL


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...