Monday, February 24, 2020

Quilt Updates

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I'm slowly putting Carolina Chain together. There are so many seams to line up! Each row takes forever! I always think it's more difficult to sew a quilt together on point. I'm not sure why but a straight setting just seems easier to me. It's slow going but I love the result. I'll just take my time going forward. 

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I finished my blocks for Fast Forward. These are all in my blocks set up correctly without the border. I'm so happy to have the blocks finished. I just set up the blocks without paying too much attention to the fabrics. I'll be a little more fussy with the final set up. I just wanted to get an idea of what the quilt will look. I love the fabrics and it's such a great size. It's supposed to finish at 80" X 80".

That's how I spent my day off! Back to work tomorrow! 


  1. If I didn't already say so, I adore that applique basket of blooms you made. Also these projects are moving along nicely. I would not have resisted that sugar dish either. I for one, would like to see your knitting.

    1. Thanks so much, Jocelyn! I'll post a picture of my knitting soon!

  2. Great progress. Love your carolina chains. So pretty

  3. Beautiful Carolina Chain--I don't attempt many BH (only 2 actually a while back ) patterns because of all those seam crossings...but you are doing a super job on them...;)))
    Fast Forward looks lovely and will be fun to quilt I'll bet...hugs, Julierose

    1. Thank you, Julierose! While I was sewing Carolina Chain together, I was thinking I should take a break from Bonnie Hunter's quilts! They're too intense!!

  4. Carolina Chain will be gorgeous. I agree setting on point makes it seem like there are more intersections.

    1. Thanks, Colette! I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks on point setting is more difficult! It takes me forever to sew on one row.


I Like Thursday #261 (Late!!)

I'm so late posting for I Like Thursday. Once a week, a group of bloggers post fun and happy likes. Please visit LeeAnna at  Not Afraid ...