Thursday, April 30, 2020

I Like Thursday #49

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There isn't much going on over here. I go to work and then stay home. I'm getting a good amount of sewing done. I finished quilting Carolina Chain last week so I decided to sew the binding yesterday. I got my walking foot and binding baby ready to help me! I had this fabric and decided to make do with what I had. 

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Today is Molly's birthday. She's 6 years old! My daughter's friend, Nikki, left her a little package at the front day. It's really from Nikki's cat, Mia. She got a little birthday hat!

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Mia sent her a cute little card.

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Molly got a few gifts. Catnip was one of her gifts and she seems to want to lay on it!

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She got a cute little ball too!

This was the most fun we've had here in weeks! Sad, isn't it?? Our stay at home advisory got extended for 2 more weeks. Massachusetts is still seeing a lot of new Covid infections. I'm just hoping it gets better soon. It feels like forever since we've been under the grips of coronavirus. So glad I have my quilting. It's getting me through this.

Anyways, there are more fun and positive posts to read if you visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color. I'm hoping this week gets better for all of us!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Carolina Chain Quilted!

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Carolina Chain is off the longarm and all quilted! The whole quilting process was quick. I used a pantograph which turned out to be fast. I used North Wind as the edge to edge design. This is the second pantograph I've ever used.

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Just a close up of the quilt design. I took a lecture on using pantographs a few years ago. That class was so helpful. I still use the handout when I need to brush up on her directions. 

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This is the back. I love the fun kitties! They look very happy!

Time to get the binding ready! 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

I Like Thursday #48

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It's Thursday so it's time for a happy and positive post! I've been working on Star Storm for a little while now. I just have 3 wedges left! I'm always amazed as each piece fits so perfectly. The instructions for this pattern are very detailed. I'm looking forward to finishing up this beauty!  It will finish at 80" X 80". Such a great size!

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I found this poster hanging outside the hospital cafeteria. I thought it was so cute. I had to take a picture. Sorry, it's a little crooked. I was holding my lunch and trying to take a picture at the same time!

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I received these slippers as a gift. Aren't they just purrfect?? The kitties are so cute. I can't wait to wear them around the house.

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I bought these car coasters a little while back from Missouri Star Quilt Company. I like how they add a little color to my car interior. I think my spirits are lifted a little bit when I see these coasters. The patterns and colors are so cheerful.

Those are my likes for the week. Please join LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more happy and uplifting posts. We sure do need it at this time!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Quilting Away

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I started my Scrappy Pineapple Quilt this past Friday. I used some of the leftover bits of fabric from Star Storm. I was supposed to take a class at MQX this past Friday. Since it was cancelled, I decided to sew the day away at home. I worked on Star Storm and made this block as well. It wasn't as good as MQX but I still had an enjoyable day! I missed shopping at all those vendors. Hopefully, next year! I used my new Pineapple Trimmer ruler and it worked great!

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Star Storm is half done! I have 5 out of 10 wedges all sewn together. You can really see the pattern emerging! It will measure 80" X 80" when it's finished. I just love these fabrics. Victoria Findlay Wolfe is a genius!

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Here's a couple of pictures of Carolina Chain on the longarm. I took the plunge and started quilting using the North Wind pantograph. I love it! The pantograph takes a while to get ready but once it's all taped and points are marked, it's so fast and easy! I'm almost halfway done!

Back to work and reality tomorrow. I've been off for 3 wonderful days. I'm hoping and praying our Covid patients are getting better. It's tough working right now 

Thursday, April 16, 2020

I Like Thursday #47

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I hope everyone had as nice an Easter as could be expected this year. My mother send over Easter Eggs for my kids. It's the traditional Easter eggs found in Italy. She finds them at the market every year and still buys them for my adult kids! My son took his back to his apartment. I bet it's already been eaten!

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My whole family loves this white cake I make. I found the recipe on Pinterest. I made it for Easter even though it wasn't the usual holiday. I think this cake helped us to feel better during the time of Coronavirus!

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I have 3 of the 10 wedges all made and sewn together for Star Storm. This quilt is a joy to sew. All the hard work is done ahead of time. You basically sit at the machine and sew your strips together. Then you iron and cut them according to the template provided in the pattern. I just love it! Everything fits beautifully!

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I finally loaded Carolina Chain onto the longarm. I got the pantograph all lined up too. It's called North Wind. I wanted something round and curvy to offset the straight lines of the quilt top. I've been practicing without sewing. It takes a little while to be able to sew the pantograph comfortably and as smoothly as possible. I'm hoping to start sewing it this weekend.

Those are my likes for the week! Sorry I'm so late but I had to work today. Please go visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more happy and uplifting posts. We need to be positive right now! Go take a peek!

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

Image may contain: flower, possible text that says 'Happy Easter!'

Happy Easter! It doesn't really feel like Easter. My mother cooked some food and I did a little baking. My husband dropped off some cake and chocolates at her house while she sent over some lasagna. He stayed out on the porch the whole time. I suppose that's the best we can do this year. I talked to my brother. I've received and sent texts. But it doesn't feel like a real holiday. Let's hope next year is better.

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The Easter Bunny did manage to drop off a few things for my kids, even though they're adults! So nice of the Easter Bunny!

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I made this cake this morning. It's just a plain white cake but my family loves it. I think we're all just trying to have as normal an Easter as we can manage. I hope you have a good holiday in spite of our pandemic. At least we can still eat!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

I Like Thursday #46

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Welcome to another I Like Thursday post! The weeks go by so fast! I'm working on Star Storm. I have 2 out of the 10 pieces done and sewn together! It's so fun to work on this quilt and watch the pattern emerge. 

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I finally loaded Carolina Chain onto the longarm. I might quilt a pantograph. This quilt is so busy that I'm not sure you'd even notice custom quilting. I'm still deciding! I'm glad it's loaded and out of the way for now,

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My next scrap project is a Pineapple quilt. I did buy a template set but it will take me forever. I think this ruler will be much quicker. My quilt shop is still open. They got a waiver due to the fact that they're making face masks. It was so nice to go out and shop like a normal person!

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I also bought a yard of this solid. It's just so pretty. I'm going to use this fabric for the middle squares of the Pineapple block. I always like having a scrap project going on. It makes me feel a little less guilty about having a fabric stash!

That's it for me this week. Please join LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more positive and uplifting posts. See you next week! Stay home and stay safe!

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Star Storm/Facemasks

Image may contain: one or more people and people standing

After getting my fabric ready, I finally made my first wedge for my Star Storm quilt designed by Victoria Findlay Wolfe. I will end up with a total of 10 wedges. All the fabrics are all cut, marked and ready to be sewn together. 

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The strips are longer than needed. The strip set is then trimmed using one of the templates provided in the pattern. I just love the fabrics. The fabrics are also designed by Victoria. 

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I've been asked to make more facemasks. I made the pink one for my mom! She has some disposable masks sent to her by my brother but she's afraid she'll use them all up and then have nothing she can use.

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My mother is going to attach elastic strips to  her mask. She didn't want the long ties. Hers was so fast to make. Those ties take awhile!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

I Like Thursday #45

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Well, it's been another weird week. I'm not enjoying staying at home and am definitely not enjoying going to work. I wish we had never heard of coronavirus and life was the way it used to be. However, that's not our reality, is it? So, we just have to learn to cope. I seem to be cooking and baking a little more lately. I made this banana bread today. It's a paleo recipe but you can't really tell the difference. It sure made my house smell nice!

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I made this for dinner the other night. It's Spaghetti Squash Casserole. It's also another paleo recipe. Everyone loves this recipe! The spaghetti squash takes the place of pasta. The recipe includes ground beef, cherry tomatoes as well as spinach. Full of great nutrition and tastes so good! I usually get 2 dinners out of it which I like the best!

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I have read that we may be hearing that cloth face masks might be more advantageous than previously thought. I decided to make some for my friends and family. I heard batik is better since it's a tighter weave. I've heard it's tough to find elastic so I just made my own ties from the fabric.

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I just finished this one for my son. He didn't want a pattern on the fabric. This was the best I could do. So nice to have my fabric stash when I need it!

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This picture made me laugh. Donuts Delite in Rochester, NY made a doughnut honoring Dr. Fauci! So funny! He's become so prominent during this pandemic. He always seems to lend a reassuring voice to the daily news conferences. My brother lives in the Rochester area and says he loves this doughnut shop! 

That's is for me this week! Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more positive and uplifting posts!  I'm hoping the coming weeks are better and not as bad as predicted. Let's all stay strong and healthy!

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...