Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

Image may contain: flower, possible text that says 'Happy Easter!'

Happy Easter! It doesn't really feel like Easter. My mother cooked some food and I did a little baking. My husband dropped off some cake and chocolates at her house while she sent over some lasagna. He stayed out on the porch the whole time. I suppose that's the best we can do this year. I talked to my brother. I've received and sent texts. But it doesn't feel like a real holiday. Let's hope next year is better.

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The Easter Bunny did manage to drop off a few things for my kids, even though they're adults! So nice of the Easter Bunny!

Image may contain: dessert and food

I made this cake this morning. It's just a plain white cake but my family loves it. I think we're all just trying to have as normal an Easter as we can manage. I hope you have a good holiday in spite of our pandemic. At least we can still eat!


  1. HAPPY EASTER to you and yours--we all have to stay strong--holidays are tough right now for sure...
    ~ ~ ~ Julierose

    1. I hope you had a good holiday! I'm looking forward to better days ahead!

  2. The holiday feels so surreal. While a lot of people do not celebrate it could you imagine if it was Christmas? My daughter sent a plate to me. I bought a lamb cake for them.

    1. Happy Easter, Colette! Christmas would have been even worse! Let's hope things improve soon.

  3. Times are certainly weird. Everyone is wanting to get back to normal. Not sure what the new normal will look like. We can just do our best.happy Easter my friend

    1. Hope you had a good holiday! I'm looking forward to better times ahead!


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...