Thursday, April 30, 2020

I Like Thursday #49

Image may contain: indoor

There isn't much going on over here. I go to work and then stay home. I'm getting a good amount of sewing done. I finished quilting Carolina Chain last week so I decided to sew the binding yesterday. I got my walking foot and binding baby ready to help me! I had this fabric and decided to make do with what I had. 

Image may contain: 1 person, cat and indoor

Today is Molly's birthday. She's 6 years old! My daughter's friend, Nikki, left her a little package at the front day. It's really from Nikki's cat, Mia. She got a little birthday hat!

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Mia sent her a cute little card.

Image may contain: cat and indoor

Molly got a few gifts. Catnip was one of her gifts and she seems to want to lay on it!

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She got a cute little ball too!

This was the most fun we've had here in weeks! Sad, isn't it?? Our stay at home advisory got extended for 2 more weeks. Massachusetts is still seeing a lot of new Covid infections. I'm just hoping it gets better soon. It feels like forever since we've been under the grips of coronavirus. So glad I have my quilting. It's getting me through this.

Anyways, there are more fun and positive posts to read if you visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color. I'm hoping this week gets better for all of us!


  1. Happy birthday Molly. Love your binding cute. Yes corona is really sucking the life out of everyone

    1. Thanks, Dawn! I'm hoping things get better soon. It's been bad too long!!

  2. Molly looks thrilled with the party hat. The birthday card is awesome! Yay for getting binding on a quilt.

    1. Thanks, Colette! Molly's birthday was a fun distraction!

  3. Your Carolina Chain is beautiful, and congratulations on getting it to the binding stage! What a cute cat Molly is!

  4. Hi Rosemary! OMG - Happy Birthday to Molly. Or Meowlly. What an adorable card - paws up indeed. What a good, thoughtful friend you have. Isn't that such a blessing these and all day?! I enjoyed all your photos today. Stay healthy and safe. ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Thanks, Roseanne! Molly's birthday gave me some fun pictures to post!

  5. that hat!! The expression! How adorable is that?! Your rug is so pretty, I did hand made rugs for a while

    1. I'm happy you enjoyed Molly's birthday! I bought that rug at HomeGoods so long ago! I still like it too!

  6. Molly is pretty! Your quilt looks terrific. Nice finish.

    1. Thanks, Sally! Just a little bit of kitty birthday fun!

  7. Happy Birthday Molly!!! LOL--she does not look thrilled with that hat on :D I love your binding baby--I'd never heard of them before. Does it help?

    1. Thanks, Michelle! The binding baby keeps the binding from getting all knotted up. The binding stays nice and smooth through the sewing process.


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...