Thursday, May 28, 2020

I Like Thursday #53

It's Thursday so here's a fun post! We got this little scratching house for our cats. 

It's a fun summer theme! They don't know the difference but we like seeing it!

My daughter ordered this pool. She doesn't think she'll make it to the beach too often this summer. I just may have to take a little "dip"! It's supposedly the first small pool designed for adults. Target has some cute things!

I made a paleo lemon olive oil cake. You can get the recipe at A Calculated Whisk. It was good and no one could guess I used almond flour.

After a little neglect, I'm back to knitting my shawl. I had too many bindings and labels to sew. I'm so glad I wrote down the next row! I sometimes forget about that!

That's my likes for the week. Please go visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more fun and uplifting posts! Enjoy the weekend!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Quilt Labels

I spent the last few days sewing down binding as well as labels. I don't feel the quilt is done until I sew on that label! It's a pain to do but so worth it. I never remember what year I made a specific quilt. These quilts are all set to wash now.

This picture just shows the front of the quilt so you know which quilts I finished!

This is one of the few times I found both cats sitting on my bed. Lily thinks this is her room and Molly rarely comes in here. I was so surprised to find them both on the bed! It didn't last too long. I think Lily hit Molly in the head but it was nice while it lasted!

Have a nice Memorial Day!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

I Like Thursday #52

It's Thursday! It's time for a fun post! If you'd like to see more uplifting posts, go visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color. This picture shows my 6 completed Pineapple Blocks. They are so fun to make. I love using the Pineapple Trimmer ruler by Creative Grids. I love the accuracy as well as the ease of use. 


These two blocks are still in progress. I'm actually getting faster at piecing them. I love going through my scraps. I'm not sure why but I find it enjoyable!

I finished the binding on Carolina Chain. Lily promptly got under the quilt. Molly came in looking for her! I think she's waiting for her to come out!

I saw this on Instagram. I might start doing it although I haven't even attempted it yet. I guess it doesn't take very long. I'll let you know if I do it!

That's it for me. Our state has relaxed our stay at home orders. I'm still staying home. I'm waiting to see what happens. It gives me more time to quilt! The hospital is much quieter. So happy about that! Have a nice long weekend. I'll be working. (as usual)

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

More Machine Quilting!

I was so looking forward to being off today but I woke up with a headache. I was afraid I'd waste the day away. After eating a good lunch with a little Motrin, my headache went away and I could get to my longarm! Long Time Gone has some very odd shaped blocks. This is the top half of the Plus Sign block. I got almost half done. It's framed by ribbon candy.

This is the Jacob's Ladder block. I added curves to the darker squares and quilted wishbones to the larger pieces. Quilting in the ditch is still so hard to keep straight! I seem to be getting better at it and then the next time I quilt, it looks worse! I'll just have to keep at it!

These Churn Dash blocks measure 3 inches square! I quilted loops around the outside of the block. I alternated pebbles with arcs for the centers. These are too small!!

Courthouse steps weren't too bad. I quilted loops as well as a nice line down the middle of the lighter strips. I just outlined the darker strips.

It's coming along, slowly but surely! Our state is out of lockdown but I don't plan on going out just yet. I'm going to give it a little time. The hospital is calming down. I think we'll be able to start elective surgery soon. I just want a little normalcy for now. 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

I Like Thursday #51

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Since it's Thursday, it's time for I Like Thursday! You can read more happy and uplifting posts if you go visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color. I've made 4 Scrappy Pineapple Blocks. I love making this block! I'm using my scraps and this block is one of my all time favorites. I love the movement from the color placement. I've started on working at 2 blocks at a time. It seems to work out better that way. 

Image may contain: plant, flower, outdoor and nature

I hope everyone had a nice Mother's Day. My son and girlfriend brought me this nice planter. It's out on my deck. I brought it in due to the wind and low temperatures in the mornings. It's warmer today so it's outside again. I'm still waiting for the nice weather. Where is it??

Image may contain: flower, plant and indoor

My husband got me roses and chocolates. No chocolates to show, they're already gone! Haha! My daughter ordered me a sock knitting book that we're still waiting to receive. I don't mind waiting!

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I'm still staying in the house most of the time. I did have an appointment with the eye doctor on Tuesday and went to the grocery store Wednesday. I started reading this book Monday and cannot put it down! I heard there's a miniseries on HBO but I cancelled HBO a long time ago. I'm about halfway through and am really enjoying it. 

That's my week in a nutshell! I hope our weather warms up a bit. I wish you all a great week!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Long Time Gone Quilting

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I decided to start quilting Long Time Gone. I'm going to take my time with this one. There are so many different types of blocks. I'll decide what to do as I advance through the quilt. This braided border is very stretchy. Too many bias edges! I stitched in the ditch and then quilted 2 straight lines about half an inch apart. It made the border so much more stable! I like the nice clean look. I decided to try this on a whim and it worked out!

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This is just a close up of the border.

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I quilted a small ribbon candy in the sashing.The sashing is about one inch wide. I had to be very careful while quilting it!

I quilted arcs around the sides of the darker triangles. I tried quilting something in the lighter triangle but I didn't like how it looked. After quilting 4 of them, I decided to rip it out and leave it alone! I guess my whims don't always work out! Sometimes, less is better!

That's as far as I've gone with this quilt. I'm looking forward to working on it soon! I'm off for a few days but I have an eye doctor appointment later on this morning.I doubt I'll do much after having my eyes dilated. Maybe, tomorrow?!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

I Like Thursday #50

Image may contain: flower, plant, outdoor and nature

Welcome to I Like Thursday where you can read some positive and upbeat posts. This past Sunday was close to 80 degrees. As you can see, our lilacs loved the warmth!

Image may contain: plant, tree, flower, outdoor and nature

Our neighbors tree looked so pretty. My allergies were bothering me so I guess it's that time of year. It's supposed to rain for the next few days so hopefully, my allergies will calm down.

 Image may contain: night, sky, tree and outdoor

The moon was lighting up my bedroom last night. I tried to take a picture. You can sort of see the trees behind my house. 

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I usually get my mother a box of Russell Stover chocolates for Mother's Day. I also ordered her a few books since the library is closed. When I went to the drugstore, I couldn't find one box of Russell Stover's. I found this bag of Dove chocolates and bought this instead. I hope her books get here in time. I'm afraid Mother's Day is going to be like Easter. The holidays during the time of coronavirus aren't the best! Let's just hope things improve soon!

Go visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more happy and fun posts! Have a wonderful week and Happy Mother's Day!

Monday, May 4, 2020

Star Storm Quilt Top

Image may contain: indoor

It's done! I can't believe I finished it! The directions were very detailed but a small part of me was wondering if I was following them correctly. I guess I did! It really does measure correctly at 80" X 80". I now have 4 quilt tops to quilt. I will be loading Long Time Gone this week. I ironed the quilt top as well as the backing this morning. I'll be custom quilting that one!

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I've been hand sewing the binding on Carolina Chain. I love how this is finishing up. It's nice and flat and the amount of quilting has made it softer.

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I made 3 labels to sew onto my latest finished projects. It's such a nice feeling to finish these quilts!

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...