It's Thursday so it's time for a happy and upbeat post. I'm so happy to say I have finished quilting Long Time Gone! I'm just posting this one picture for now. I'll be doing a whole post with more pictures. I tried some different quilt motifs and learned a few tricks! It took awhile to quilt but I'm glad it's done and looks pretty good!

I went to the dentist this week. The office staff tried to make things cheerful. I noticed there were no magazines to read while waiting. I suppose that's a good thing since we don't want to touch magazines that someone else has been handling. It just shows so many things have changed.

I stuck my legs in our little pool one day after work. It was surprisingly refreshing! I hung out on my deck for a while. It was a nice way to decompress from an exhausting day.

This is the backing I got for the t-shirt quilt I'm working on. I found out the quilt owner loves cats. I love the watercolor look of this fabric. I think it will be a nice contrast with the t-shirts. I just finished backing each block with fusible interfacing. However, I have to re-iron some blocks since the interfacing didn't fuse as well as it should have. I may use a little basting spray to really get it stuck on well.
That's my likes for the week! It's been hot and rain has been scarce. I can't believe it's almost August! Where does the time go? Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more fun and positive posts!