Thursday, July 30, 2020

I Like Thursday #62

It's Thursday so it's time for a happy and upbeat post. I'm so happy to say I have finished quilting Long Time Gone! I'm just posting this one picture for now. I'll be doing a whole post with more pictures. I tried some different quilt motifs and learned a few tricks! It took awhile to quilt but I'm glad it's done and looks pretty good!

I went to the dentist this week. The office staff tried to make things cheerful. I noticed there were no magazines to read while waiting. I suppose that's a good thing since we don't want to touch magazines that someone else has been handling. It just shows so many things have changed.

Image may contain: one or more people, pool, tree and outdoor

I stuck my legs in our little pool one day after work. It was surprisingly refreshing! I hung out on my deck for a while. It was a nice way to decompress from an exhausting day.

This is the backing I got for the t-shirt quilt I'm working on. I found out the quilt owner loves cats. I love the watercolor look of this fabric. I think it will be a nice contrast with the t-shirts. I just finished backing each block with fusible interfacing. However, I have to re-iron some blocks since the interfacing didn't fuse as well as it should have. I may use a little basting spray to really get it stuck on well.

That's my likes for the week! It's been hot and rain has been scarce. I can't believe it's almost August! Where does the time go? Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more fun and positive posts! 

Monday, July 27, 2020

Long Time Gone Almost Done!

This is my last block on Long Time Gone! I'm so excited. I just had a row of flying geese.

I quilted parallel lines in the triangles and arcs on the outer smaller triangles. It was quick and effective! I don't mark the lines. I use the lines on the ruler to space them out evenly.

Do you see what I see?? It's the border! I'm just about done! I'm so excited! I'll probably finish it this week. I never use the longarm during a thunderstorm and, of course, we might have a thunderstorm tomorrow! Hopefully, it will be finished soon! I already washed the binding fabric. Just getting things ready!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

I Like Thursday #61

It's Thursday so it's time for a fun and positive post. My hydrangeas are just starting to blossom. I love seeing these beautiful flowers every year. Ours are blue but I hear you can change their color by adding something to the soil. I'm happy with blue so I'll leave them alone!

I made shrimp with zucchini noodles. It was so good! I added a little pesto sauce to my serving. The recipe is Paleo but the pesto sauce is not. I didn't mind cheating a little bit!

I've always wanted to try quilted clamshells within a grid. I tried it on this block from Long Time Gone. It's fast and looks great. I will definitely try this one again.

I'm not much of a drinker but I did enjoy having a drink when going out for dinner. I haven't been out to eat in months. I saw these cute little pre-made drinks. I just have to freeze them and enjoy! I'm sure they're not the best but I feel they're worth a try!

That's it for me this week. Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more fun posts to read. We're under a thunderstorm watch so I'm getting off the computer now! Enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Just Working on my Projects!

I've been sewing my Pineapple Blocks very diligently! I had a tough week at work last week but I still managed to get a little sewing done. I've finished 28 blocks so far. They measure 10 inches square. I'm actually thinking of making this a little big than 80 X 80 which means I'd have to make more blocks. I was going to make a total of 64 blocks. I'm going to keep making more and figure that part out later! I love using up those scraps.

I finished quilting this Bowtie Block last week. I love quilting curved cross hatching! It's fast and always looks good! This block is from Long Time Gone.

Just a closeup of the center of the block.

I'm still ironing fusible interfacing to the t-shirt quilt. I'm halfway done. I ordered batting and backing. I can't wait to quilt this one. I'm hoping it works out the way I hope it will! 

I'm heading to the longarm to get some quilting done! Enjoy your day!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

I Like Thursday #60

This has not been my best week. I usually work 3 days a week. I like it best when they're spread out.  I have to get up quite early to be at work for 6am. However, this past week, I worked Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. It's exhausting! I spent most of Sunday cleaning the house. I feel like I'm finally catching up on my sleep. Anyways, one day last week, I thought the sky looked a little ominous and took a picture. I thought we'd get a thunderstorm but not even a drop of rain!

I caught Molly having a little rest. She decided my table topper in my formal dining room was just perfect for her! She looks quite comfortable. I tried to shoo her off but she ignored me. I don't think either cat is afraid of me!

I've been trying to buy this book but I can never find it in stock. It's published by Laine Publishing which is from Finland. The first English edition sold out. I'm trying to get on a list for the second edition. I love to knit socks and this book does not disappoint. The patterns I've seen are gorgeous. I hope I can get it soon!

I made this wall hanging years ago. I took a class with Mary Sorenson who was teaching needle turn applique. This was the project we were working on in her class. I could never really get the hang of needle turn and went back to my freezer paper method. The wall hanging still came out great! She did teach us some great methods to make those skinny stems. 

That's it for this week! Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more fun and positive posts. I actually have windows open today. It's not too hot. So nice to feel that breeze!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

I Like Thursday #59

It's Thursday so it's time for a happy and fun post. I'm late posting this but I had an appointment this morning and then I went to a quilt shop. More about that later! It looks like we're getting some vegetables! Here's a cute tomato!

A jalapeno!

A Fresno chili pepper! I'm not a fan of anything hot but my family loves hot peppers. I'll stick with the tomatoes!

This is the premier issue of a  brand new quilt magazine, Quick and Easy Quilts. You all know how much I love Victoria Findlay Wolfe. One of her patterns is found in this issue. I just had to go out and buy it! There are some nice quilt patterns that are quick and not overly complicated. I got my copy at Joann's.

After my doctor's appointment, I went to a local quilt shop. It just opened in the last few weeks. I haven't been there in ages. I wanted to reward myself for going to the doctor.  I bought these 2 books. I'm always scouring the internet for ideas when I start quilting. They look like 2 great books to have for reference. One covers rulers while the other one is more free motion quilting. 

That's it for me this week. I hope you visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more fun and inspiring posts. I'm staying indoors. It's hot and humid out there. I've been sewing and reading. I start a long stretch at work tomorrow. Ugh. My fun is over.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Piecing and Quilting

These are the Pineapple Blocks I've made so far. I really love the way the blocks look all together. I love the circular pattern made by the lighter fabrics. These blocks aren't very difficult. I only separate light from dark and make sure I don't sew same fabrics too close to each other. And I get to use up those pesky scraps!

I haven't been taking many pictures of my quilting on Long Time Gone. I just finished these diamonds over the weekend. I quilted double arcs along the straight edges of the diamond with a little swirl in the middle. I also stitched lines in the light background. I like it! Some lines are a little wobbly but it's passable!

I was sitting on the couch when Lily decided to sleep on me. She looked so comfy that I just sat for awhile. I didn't want to disturb the little kitty!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! I was off and enjoyed being with my family and friends.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

I Like Thursday #58

It's Thursday so it's time for a happy post! I finished this little wall hanging just in time for the 4th of July! It measures about 6" X 19". It was just a cute project to make this time of year. It was hand quilted which I haven't done in years! I always love a quick project!

I finally washed Carolina Chain and put it on my bed. I just love it! I love all the different colored scraps. I'm so glad I made it!

I love iced coffee in the summer. I especially love the Frappuccinos made by Starbucks. When I saw this was made with almond milk, I grabbed it! It's so good and the calorie count is much lower than the usual Frappuccinos. It's delicious and a nice treat to have when I'm working. 

Aren't these the cutest little scissors? I got them free with my Annie's Catalog order. I just couldn't resist them! They're under 4 inches and just adorable!

That's my likes for the week! Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more fun and positive posts. I can't believe we're already in July! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday! I'm not working so that's a good thing!

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...