Thursday, July 9, 2020

I Like Thursday #59

It's Thursday so it's time for a happy and fun post. I'm late posting this but I had an appointment this morning and then I went to a quilt shop. More about that later! It looks like we're getting some vegetables! Here's a cute tomato!

A jalapeno!

A Fresno chili pepper! I'm not a fan of anything hot but my family loves hot peppers. I'll stick with the tomatoes!

This is the premier issue of a  brand new quilt magazine, Quick and Easy Quilts. You all know how much I love Victoria Findlay Wolfe. One of her patterns is found in this issue. I just had to go out and buy it! There are some nice quilt patterns that are quick and not overly complicated. I got my copy at Joann's.

After my doctor's appointment, I went to a local quilt shop. It just opened in the last few weeks. I haven't been there in ages. I wanted to reward myself for going to the doctor.  I bought these 2 books. I'm always scouring the internet for ideas when I start quilting. They look like 2 great books to have for reference. One covers rulers while the other one is more free motion quilting. 

That's it for me this week. I hope you visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more fun and inspiring posts. I'm staying indoors. It's hot and humid out there. I've been sewing and reading. I start a long stretch at work tomorrow. Ugh. My fun is over.


  1. It is cold and wet here! We seem to be having a summer of rain. Your new quilt books look like useful references. It is nice to be able to get back into a quilt store.

    1. We haven't had much rain at all here. I love looking over the quilt patterns in these books! So many ideas!

  2. Hi Rosemary! Your veggies are coming along nicely. I love tomatoes as well as mild and hot peppers. They all look yummy to me. How nice that you could get out and stop at your LQS. I'm sure they appreciated your visit and yippee to new books on quilting. I always struggle trying to figure out what to stitch. I'm sorry your fun is over. Boo. ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Thanks, Roseanne! It's been so hot here. The only good thing about work is that it's nice and cool and it's been very quiet!

  3. I have just a few tiny tomatoes so far but I am hopeful! Yes, you deserve a little reward and supporting the smaller stores right now is a great thing to do. I too like Victoria's work and just now finished her block for the Quiltmania series. It required unsewing which was totally me, not her pattern. LOL

    1. Thanks so much, Jocelyn. I just love Victoria's work. Her patterns aren't the easiest but so worth it when done!

  4. Your tomatoes and jalapeños look so great! I have tomatoes this year, but no peppers and now I'm sorry! My mom was talking about her bumper pepper crop and I got very envious! I love the cheese/bacon jalapeño poppers!

    1. Glad you like them, Shannon! I'm not crazy about anything too spicy but my family loves them!

  5. Your veggies look great. Nice start to a salsa me thinks. Ha ha. Nice reward for going to drs. That magazine looks neat too. Will have to check it out.

    1. Thanks, Dawn! I always love buying new quilt stuff!

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I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...