Thursday, January 28, 2021

I Like Thursday #88

 It's Thursday again, but this one is stormy. It's been snowing off and on since yesterday. The roads are okay but it sure is nice that I don't have to rush off to work today! We're expecting some really cold temperatures this weekend. I'm not sure what's worse, snow or frigid temperatures. We're already nearing the end of January. I'm looking forward to spring and summer!

Speaking of spring, I brought out my Valentine's Day table topper. I also bought a cute little floral arrangement that reminded me of warmer weather. It cheers me up whenever I walk by it!

I got these cute stitch markers as a gift. Aren't they adorable?? I usually use plastic stitch markers that I always end up breaking. I love these! I also hope they last awhile!

Speaking of kitties, isn't this the cutest mug?? My daughter received it as gift. The eyes change when warm liquid is in the mug. I'm dying for her to use it! So cute!

Those are my likes this week. Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more fun posts. I wish you all a happy and healthy weekend! Stay warm!

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

One Sock Done!

I had a long day at work. I came home, sat on the couch and watched television. While resting, I was knitting and I actually finished my sock! I bound off using Jeny's Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-off. The top of the sock is very stretchy!

The sock fits me perfectly! I think these socks will look great when I wear jeans. They're very comfy too!

This is the picture from the book. My sock looks just like it! Time to start the next sock! The directions differentiate between right and left sock. I've never followed a pattern that had directions for a specific foot. 

It's snowing out. I'm so glad I got home before the snow started. Tomorrow morning may not be a fun ride into work but I'll worry about that tomorrow!

Thursday, January 21, 2021

I Like Thursday #87

It's time for I Like Thursday! Please join LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more fun and positive posts. I always put this little wall hanging on my front door after Christmas. I felt it had more meaning this year. It reminded me that the inauguration was taking place and that we have a new president. I'm so glad everything worked out as scheduled without any violence. Such a relief!

I attended an online continuing education Tuesday night. We heard a lot of information on different anti-wrinkle products on the market. The bottom line was that the only thing that really works are retinols and moisturizer. I went to Sephora and bought this for $9.99. I still use a pricy cream but would like to use this and see what happens. 

I bought these cute little towels for my first floor bathroom. So cute for Valentine's Day!

I received a fun package from American Quilter's Society. I got a $20 gift certificate when I extended my membership for another year. They used to send a catalog along with the magazine. It hasn't come lately. When I went online, they only had limited stock. I found these 3 items and used my gift certificate. I hope they still intend to sell merchandise. I did hear they were not going to publish anymore books.  They always had fun stuff and great fabric.

That's my week! I hope all is well with you. Enjoy the weekend!

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

More Sock Knitting

Things are very quiet over here. I'm debating whether I should start a new project. However, I've continued knitting my sock. I'm used to knitting from the cuff down to the toe but this sock was knit toe up. It doesn't really make a huge difference. The end result is the same. I did learn a new technique. I used German short rows to make the heel. I wasn't sure how it would work out. This technique does result in a nice finish for the heel. There are no holes that you see sometimes when working increases or decreases.

I'm still practicing on the longarm but I'm getting my friend's antique quilt top ready to load. I washed the backing today. It's so bright and cheerful! I think it will look so nice as the backing to the Dresden Plate. I still have to iron the Dresden Plate before starting to quilt it. Unfortunately, I've been working every other day. I can't seem to get a block of days off to really get anything accomplished. Maybe next week!! Retirement sounds better every day!

Thursday, January 14, 2021

I Like Thursday #86

It's Thursday so it's time for my I Like Thursday post! I had to work today and I'm very late to post this. Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more like minded posts. So, what have I been up to this week? I started practicing feathers and machine quilting in general. It's so fun to doodle with the longarm. I bought some cheap fabric and plan on filling it up with different quilt motifs.

I received this adorable little sewing angel. She's sitting on the windowsill in my sewing room. I love Jim Shore! A friend of mine always buys me these gorgeous angels. 

I got this quilt kit as a Christmas gift. The quilt measures 96 X 96 and all the fabrics are included!! And it has cats on it!  I really love this, I just need the time to get it started!

I just finished this book and thoroughly enjoyed it! If you get the chance, read it. It's a fun read.

That's it for me. I hope you all had a good week. See you next time!

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Color my World BOM

 I finished January's installment of the Color My World BOM from The Quilt Show. These blocks weren't too hard. I had to fix a few blocks when I used the bottom half with the wrong top half. UGH! I'll definitely be more careful next time! It all worked out fine in the end. We're using freezer paper but not sewing through the actual paper. The seam lines are folded and that fold is your sewing line. It's similar to paper piecing but the block is not attached to the paper. You just peel the freezer paper off and use it for your next block. I used one freezer paper pattern for 8 blocks. 

I bought these "tattoos" for my longarm last month. I finally got around to applying them. I think my longarm looks so nice!

Here's the other side. Isn't she pretty?? I loaded some fabric so I can practice some quilt motifs before I start quilting my friend's antique quilt top. I haven't used the machine in awhile and feel the practice will help me start her quilt better right from the start.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

I Like Thursday #85


I hope everyone had a Happy New Year. It's Thursday so it's time for some fun posts. I'm not going to address what happened yesterday at the Capitol. We're supposed to be happy today. All I can say is, 13 days to go! So if you like happy posts, please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more uplifting posts. I received this beautiful yarn and book from my friend, Sarah. She lives in the UK and is also a pharmacist and quilter. (As well as a knitter!) If any of you remember Quilter's Newsletter, they used to have a Pin Pal section. Sarah and I started writing to each about 25 years ago. As you can see, we have kept up our correspondence. She and her family visited the US in August 2001. It was fun for us to meet in person. Our families got along well and we had a great time. I always look forward to her Christmas gift. She also sent me cookies and tea but this yarn is so beautiful! I just had to share.

My hair dresser is always trying out new products on my hair. I bought this last week and love it! It makes your hair so soft and easy to style. If you find this product, buy it! You'll love it!

I got some great pins for Christmas! I'm going to place them on the fleece I wear to work. 

I've been watching this series on Netflix. My daughter got me the book for Christmas. I can't wait to read it! The series is great! Watch it if you haven't seen it yet. 

That's my week! I hope you all day a first good week of 2021. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

New Project


I tried not to join any Blocks of the Month or any Quilt Alongs, but I wasn't successful! I received a membership to The Quilt Show for Christmas. They have an amazing BOM that just started January 1. They're using mostly solid fabrics which I have a great supply in my stash. I bought a background and started making this month's blocks. I have to make 16 houses. I made 5 of House 1 which you can see in the picture. The method being used is similar to paper piecing but uses freezer paper instead. You don't sew through the freezer paper so you can use it over and over again. It wasn't too hard to figure out. 

Here's a picture of the BOM when completed. I didn't like the busy background so I bought the polka dot fabric instead. The busy background was supposed to remind you of the hustle and bustle of a city. This quilt is so different that I just couldn't resist! I'm not sure how difficult this quilt is going to get but I'm willing to try!

I've been knitting away on my sock. I'm already starting the heel. The knit stitch reminds me of basket weave! I love being able to knit while I watch television. I don't feel quite as guilty!

Did you start any new projects? I'd love to see them!

Halloween BOM Frightful Fu

I've been working on my Frightful Fun BOM since I'm all caught up with the Laurel Ridge BOM sponsored by The Quilt Show. I finished ...