Thursday, February 18, 2021

I Like Thursday #91

It's time for a Thursday post! Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more fun and uplifting posts. I received this cute plant from my mom on Valentine's Day. I'm not too good with plants so if any of you can give me advice, I would appreciate it! It's such a pretty color. I'd hate to kill it!

I got this cute shirt for my son for his birthday. It reminds us that Spring is on the way! It's such a fun shirt that I just couldn't resist!

As I was quilting away, I felt as though someone was watching me! It looks like Molly was keeping an eye on my work. I hope she approves!

Lily lays down next to me every night when I go to bed. I usually read or watch TV for a little while. Lily was in a deep sleep when she heard Molly was in the room. She woke up and just gave her this stare until she left! Cats are so funny! They sure do keep us entertained!

That's my week. It was quiet which is fine with me! Enjoy the weekend. We're getting more snow. I'm not looking forward to that!


  1. Pretty Cyclamen. I am not good at keeping those alive. Heck I am struggling with succulents lately. Funny how cats are so territorial when it comes to their people and space.

    1. I hope I don't kill the plant. I'm not very good with plants. The cats are so fun to watch. They're both so silly!

  2. The cyclamen is a gorgeous color. I think just water it when dry, feed it from spring through fall, and give it light but not too much direct sunlight and you'll do fine! Your kitties are adorable. Funny how they each have their own personalities!

  3. Pretty flowers. Love that shirt. LOL at your quilting companion. Did she approve?

  4. I would be afraid of that Lily stare too lol
    Molly looks so cute inspecting those dresdans. She knows they can be tricky. That cyclamen is pretty. I think they are easy to keep. Will see if i can send you Dad had greenhouses

    1. Thanks so much, Dawn! Send me any info you can on cyclamen. I'm clueless and a killer of plants!

  5. Such a pretty flower and love the shirt you got your son! I would take the plant out of the wrapper and place a saucer or something under it for water drainage. Only water it when the soil seems dry. Don't over or under water it. Good luck!

  6. When the cyclamen looses all its leaves and flowers let it dry and put in a cool darkish place for a few months and when you see signs of new growth bring it back into bright/indirect light.


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...