Thursday, February 25, 2021

I Like Thursday #92

It's Thursday so it's time for a fun and uplifting post. Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more positive posts. I took my mother for her second Covid vaccine yesterday. This picture just shows you a corner of this very busy school gymnasium. There are approximately 100 people in the process of being vaccinated at all times. I'm glad to report that my mother feels fine. I went to see her this morning and she's not experiencing any side effects.

We have a cat in the neighborhood that visits my kitties! We call her Blackie but I'm not sure that's her real name. My cats usually run to a window to hiss and growl at her. She doesn't mind. She just keeps returning! I guess that's how some cat friendships are!

Molly seems to like to watch television lately. She gets right up on the shelf and gets as close as she can. She just started doing that this week. She's 6 years old and we've had her since she was a kitten. I have no idea why the she's become so interested with the TV. Who knows what runs through their minds?!

I had my mammogram last week. There was no one there. I think some women may be putting it off due to Covid. It was a quick process. I received my letter 2 days later saying my mammogram was fine. It's always such a relief when I get that letter. I'm always so nervous when I know this appointment is approaching. So glad that's over!

I hope you all have a nice weekend. It was on the warm side yesterday but it's windy today. I think the temperatures are on their way down. Oh well, Spring is coming up soon!


  1. Glad your mom got her second dose. My mom is scheduled for her first this week. LOL the cats. Funny I wonder what is so fascinating with the TV suddenly.

    1. My mother felt fine after her second vaccine. She knew I had been sick so it was a nice surprise. The kitties are always up to something!

  2. Yay for second doses! My mother is due for hers in a week, if she can work out the scheduling conflict. MA may have screwed up in delivery, but these vaccination stations are impressive! And yay for a quick in-and-out mammogram.

    1. I'm so glad I didn't put off my mammogram. I know a lot of people that skipped a year. Mine was so fast. I hope your mom feels good after her second dose. My mom was fine.

  3. Funny about the cats. Dunkin watches tv with Ruch but he prefers shows with horses. Not sure if the noise of their hooves running or if he is trying to figure out what they are? I crack up.i come home to both of them intently waTching the tv

    1. Our cats are so fun! I really like them being around. They're company and keep us on our toes!


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...