Thursday, November 11, 2021

I Like Thursday #116

Welcome to I Like Thursday where a few of us bloggers write happy and uplifting posts. You can visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more of these fun posts. Today is Veteran's Day and I'd like to thank all of the veterans for all they do for us. My dad was in the Korean War. It was his pathway to citizenship and he willingly served. I know he kept in touch with his Army buddies but little by little, he didn't hear from anyone. The Korean War was such a long time ago. Anyways, thank you, veterans, past and present, for keeping us safe!

That hour time change is still something to get used to. This was the sunset this past Sunday. So pretty but way too early!

I have finally finished my booties! I started on baby socks. I just love this yarn. It's so soft. I still have to thread the ribbon in the booties.

I'm still working on the binding on this quilt. I thought it was funny that Molly thought it was just fine for her to sleep on. I guess a quilt doesn't have to be finished to be used!

That's it for this week! Have a great weekend!



  1. Your booties are adorable
    Molly is one smart cookie who knows a comfy quilt when she sees one lol

  2. Oh those booties are so sweet. Um of course if it is a quilt, doesn't matter if there are pins, a pet will sit on it.

    1. Thanks, Colette! You're so right about pets and quilts! It's always a warm spot to sit on!

  3. weeee booties! the kitty is adorable snuggled in your quilt. Of course mine waiting for binding always have a needle hiding in them.sorry to be so late, I've had physical issues this week. How's retirement?

    1. Thank you, LeeAnna, and don't worry about being late. I hope you're feeling better. I love not working. The only thing I miss is my paycheck! It's sad to say I don't really miss many of the people. Some were nice but a lot of them were not. That's another reason I decided to retired. I just felt it was a very negative enrivonment.


Toil and Trouble

I finished the latest block released for the Frightful Fun BOM. I was a little nervous to make this one. The bird looked difficult to me, es...