I'm finally retired and feel I can do what I love. I'm so happy to be out of the rat race! I try to quilt, read and knit as much as possible. I love to get comments and will respond to each and every one! I hope you enjoy my little blog as much as I do! Thank you for visiting me!
Thursday, April 27, 2023
I Like Thursday #188
Monday, April 24, 2023
New England Quilt Expo
I attended the New England Quilt Expo this past Thursday. It was wonderful to be at a quilt show once again! There were vendors, quilts and classes. I don't think I realized how much I missed the shows. I felt that I was back with my people! I met my future daughter-in-law there which was also fun. We had a great lunch and enjoyed seeing the quilts together. I took pictures of quilts but didn't note who made them. The place was packed so it was hard just getting these pictures. I loved this wall hanging. The placement of the colors made the design so vibrant. I think it won a ribbon if I remember correctly. I see lots of Kaffe Fassett fabrics!
This quilt seemed to twinkle and glow. It was so large that I couldn't fit the whole quilt into the picture. The quilting was very well done also.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
I Like Thursday #187
It's time for I Like Thursday! Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more fun and uplifting posts. I'll be leaving for Manchester, NH later this morning. I'm all signed up for a class on Longarm Maintenance. I'll also be visiting the vendors and drooling over the quilts! I'll post about my quilt adventure in the next week. I'm really looking forward to this. I'll be meeting my future daughter-in-law for lunch as well. It's been such a long time since I've been to a quilt show. I can't wait!
I started tutoring again. My student is from South Korea and she is delightful! We had our first meeting yesterday. She even brought me a coffee! She's already won me over. I hope to make a difference in her life and make her feel more comfortable speaking English. We'll be meeting once a week for 2 hours. After speaking to her, I have a better idea of what her first lesson plan should include. We admired this beautiful stained glass window in the library. Our library is a hidden jewel. The woodwork is gorgeous. It's kept up so nicely. My student was surprised at how beautiful our library is.
This week our prompt is our favorite smells/scents. I have been using Pure Grace for years! It has such a clean smell. I'm totally addicted to it and always have an extra on hand. Sephora used to carry it but not anymore. I found it at Macy's so I just buy it there now.
Another favorite scent is cinnamon rolls baking in the oven. When my kids were little, we were snowed in one day. I made cinnamon rolls from scratch and just remember how great my house smelled. It was a day I'll always remember. The kids couldn't wait to eat the rolls. We were stuck indoors and it just felt so cozy.
That's my likes for the week! Have a wonderful weekend!
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
A Swoon Finish and Some Applique
I'm slowly appliqueing the Cottage Tulip Block onto a 25.5" square. I've decided to just work on one quadrant at a time. I've done one quarter and will just make my way around the whole circle. This is very slow work but it's coming out okay.
This is just a close up of a corner so you can see the binding. I really love the binding fabric. It blends well with the fabric in the quilt. So nice to have it all finished!
Thursday, April 13, 2023
I Like Thursday #186
For our Easter dinner, my mother made a traditional Italian rum cake. She made her own chocolate and vanilla creams that are in the middle of the cake. There is rum in the cake but it's diluted with water so you just taste a hint of it. I haven't had this cake in years. It was so good. It's so much better than anything you can buy.
I just finished this book and loved it! I highly recommend it. It's about 2 people who meet when they're younger and reconnect in college. They're not romantically involved but they write video games together. I'm not a gamer at all but you don't have to be to enjoy this book. It's about relationships and life in general. It's so well written. I was sad when it ended which is the sign of a great book!
The prompt this week is whether we're a day or night person. I'm definitely a night person. I don't stay up real late but I hate getting up in the morning. When I used to work, I had to get up at 5 to be at work for 6am. That just about killed me! I could never fall asleep early enough and I would drag the whole day. I usually get up around 8 but I lounge and have coffee until about 9:30. I'm usually up until midnight most nights either reading or watching TV. These hours suit me so much better than my old work schedule!
Have a wonderful weekend! It's supposed to be cool off over the weekend but in the 80's the next few days up here in the Northeast.
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Cottage Tulips Block
This block is one of the hardest blocks I've ever made. Before I even started, I knew I'd have to sew Y seams. I decided to brush up on making them by watching a video made by Victoria Findlay Wolfe. She uses Y seams in many of her patterns and has taught the technique often. I found it by searching on You Tube.
I had no idea this was when the hard part starts. This is the block during assembly. I must have sewn, ripped out and re-sewn a million times! I had to stop a few times when the fabric started to fray. The block is done. It's not perfect but at least it's finished. I have to baste 1/4" all around to get it ready to applique onto a square piece of background fabric. I'll be glad when this one is done! I'm more comfortable with Y seams but I'll never consider them easy.
Thursday, April 6, 2023
I Like Thursday #185
It's Thursday so it's time for a happy post! We join LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color who hosts a bunch of us bloggers to post uplifting subjects once a week. I can't believe Easter Sunday is this coming weekend! The days are going by so fast. I wish time would just slow down once in awhile! Anyways, have a happy holiday!
Our prompt this week was Easter memories from our younger days. My grandmother always made something similar to this picture. We used to call it Easter Bread. It wasn't easy to eat. It was always a little bit on the tough side but we used to dunk it milk or coffee so it would be easier to chew. My family didn't understand the Easter Bunny at all. They were from Italy where Easter was religious holiday. I used to get the random chocolate bunny or a small store bought basket but that was never a very big deal. My mother would cook for days getting Easter dinner ready. Easter outfits were always so important! I remember admiring my mother's hat. We were all so dressed up back then. Times have certainly changed!
Enjoy the holiday! 🐣🌷🐰
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Blast From the Past Mystery Quilt
The blocks finish up at all different sizes. The largest finish at 12" square. The smallest blocks finish at 6" square. They're fun and I love using up my scraps.
I'm trying to keep close to their colors just so I don't get too many of the same color in the same place on the quilt. I'll be starting the blocks from the 4th month later today. These blocks are so fun! There's a total of 30 blocks.
Frightful Fun BOM Update
I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...

I bought this wonderful book. I've been looking through it and drooling over the beautiful quilting. The author includes many proje...
I had my day planned yesterday but it just didn't work. I had a dental appointment that went well. I had hoped to come home and write up...
It's time to flaunt those Pets on Quilts! Lily Pad Quilting is sponsoring the annual Pets on Quilts Show. It's always fun ...