Thursday, April 27, 2023

I Like Thursday #188

Welcome to I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post happy and uplifting topics. You can visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to find more blogs to visit. My husband and I were watching TV when we heard this weird noise outside. According to the meteorologist, we heard graupel falling. We both looked outside and this is what we saw. I guess it's soft hail. It melts pretty fast. The air was colder above when compared to the ground. We had never heard of it! I guess you do learn something new everyday! It was a little scary since we didn't know what was happening! It was quite noisy.

I started my Spring cleaning. My son hasn't lived at home in years but I still keep his bedroom as though he lived here. I put a new quilt on his bed and cleaned the windows and curtains. After finishing, I noticed Molly had found a great place to make herself comfortable. She even pulled the quilt down so she could lay on it. It look like I'll be cleaning that room again! Fresh kitty!

I made a couple of table toppers for gifts for upcoming birthdays. I love that hydrangea fabric in the middle. I found it at JoAnn's! I get pleasantly surprised when I shop there sometimes. I just have to quilt them which shouldn't take too long. They measure about 20" X 20".

I just finished this book. I'm not a big fantasy fan but this was so well done. I really enjoyed it. I love Stephen King anyways. It kept me interested even though it's quite long. 

The prompt this week is whether you're bilingual. I spoke Italian before I could speak English. My father was fluent in English but he and my mom would always speak Italian at home. I learned a lot from watching TV but I still wasn't considered to be fluent in English when I entered first grade. I remember my dad told my first grade teacher but she didn't really respond. I picked up English very easily. I think most kids do learn languages so much faster than adults. There are so many more services available in schools now but not back then. I still did fine. I took French in school but I'm not fluent in it at all. I can understand a little bit but not much. I took it for 5 years! I think it's hard to be fluent when you don't practice in real life, outside the classroom. At least, that's how it worked for me.

Have a great weekend! We're getting another rainy weekend. So glad I'm retired and can enjoy any day I want!



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Angela. It's considered to be modern. I had to get used to it but I do like it now!

  2. I loved all of this!
    we get hail, big, small, cottony, icy, it damages a roof, it can damage a noggin.
    I had a friend back in Maryland, who immigrated from Italy (but was from one of the baltic countries originally) who spoke his native language, then Italian, then the kids in elementary school in NYC taught him how to speak English!
    He taught me words in Italian as we walked the dogs.
    My birth parents were first gen from Italy/ and Germany. I wish I'd known them.
    Love the table topper blocks and you keeping your son's room clean and ready for a visit.

    1. Thanks, LeeAnna! It hasn't always been easy to be able to speak English while my mother wasn't as fluent. I was teaching her as I was learning too. I would love to go to Italy someday. I've been in both cultures my whole life.

  3. Loved reading your language story. Do you still consider yourself bilingual? How wonderful. Ugh on window cleaning! I will do it but later! It’s raining and blowing here today. I’ll wait til it’s consistently 65 degrees or warmer!

    1. I do consider myself bilingual since my mom still talks to me in Italian. She's the only one left which is sad. I have washing windows too. I only do it once a year and always put it off!!

  4. Never heard of graupel before. Molly looks so comfy! That quilt has lovely color. That's cool you know Italian. I don't read Stephen King, but I may have to read that book!

    1. I think you'll enjoy that book. It's so well written!

  5. Graupel, never heard of it either. More weather words are entering our vocabulary I think like the Derocho we experienced which was terrrible weather. How awesome to have another language...I'm envious of your beginnings. Those table topper blocks are beautiful and you sure lucked out with that pretty flowery fabric. Stephen King is an awesome writer and I enjoyed his book, On Writing, very much. His novels adapted for movies are wonderful, Shawshank Redemption coming to mind.

    1. Thanks so much, Jocelyn! Stephen King is so talented and not just for horror. I'm afraid we're learning more weather words due to climate change. The weather has been so strange lately.

  6. I am familiar with graupel because it is an option on mPING reports made to NOAA National Severe Storms Lab (weather geek here), but I would have a hard time distinguishing it from sleet or ice pellets. That word has actually been around since the 1800s. I think we are all becoming junior meteorologists - lol!
    I agree - it is nice to be retired to enjoy all the days. :)

    1. We just had a thunderstorm but no hail or graupel this time! The weather has certainly been strange lately.


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...