Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Blast From the Past FMQ Quilting

I was trying to decide whether or not I should custom quilt or use a pantograph on Blast From the Past. I decided to custom quilt. I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to try different motifs. The three borders were easy to figure out. I quilt beadboard on the outer border. It's hard to see but it's a nice pattern to use. It makes the border nice and flat. I used swirls on the middle border and ribbon candy on the last border. 

Since each block is different, I have to decide what to do each time I encounter a new block. I did arcs and loops in the half square triangles.

I also search on line to see what other quilters are done with specific blocks. I love Natalia Bonner so I found her quilting on churn dash. I always love the look of straight lines. It's amazing how simple they are but always look so good.

I forgot how to make orange peels. I had to rip it out a few times before it came back to me! I'm glad I finally remembered.

This block has weird shapes in it. I'm trying to make it look like circles surrounding the middle square. The 9-patch is so small that I just quilted X's through them. I'm still not sure what to do with the middle yet. I'll figure it out! 

This is a fun project and great to be able to quilt some old motifs that I may have forgotten about. I'll post more pictures as I make more progress.



  1. Lovely border quilting, Rosemary--it's funny how we "forget" about older patterns that we really liked...quilting or piecing.
    I am excited to be making a postage stamp quilt next...still cutting my 5" charms in halves for that...once they are all done--I will begin cutting the 4sies for the postage pieces...I have separated them into two identical piles as sewing this way results in two the same...wish me luck;000
    After this long weekend it's already Tuesday, but "feels" like a Monday somehow...hahaha
    hugs, Julierose

    1. I guess you really do lose it if you don't use it!! Hahaha! That's such a great use of your charm squares. I had lunch with a friend today and that through me off too! That holiday really shortened the week.


I Like Thursday #268

It's time for Thursday likes! Please visit LeeAnna over at  Not Afraid of Color  to link up with more blogs posting fun likes. My two ca...