Thursday, August 10, 2023

I Like Thursday #202

It's time for I Like Thursday. A bunch of us bloggers post happy and uplifting content every week. Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to find links to more like minded blogs. I just love this little kitty. We've had her for years and sometimes forget to put her outside. We didn't forget this year and she looks as cute as always! I almost want to pat her when I walk by her!

Our garden is doing so much better now. I made some Japanese eggplant tonight and there's more growing. I just stir fried it. I added a little garlic, ginger and soy sauce. It came out pretty good. It's a little more tender than regular eggplant and a little less bitter. We liked it!

We have spotlights over the driveway but it looks like we have a little more going on up there!! I love how they fit that hornet's nest right in the middle of the lights.  I think that nest will be getting sprayed this weekend. I'll be sure to stay indoors when my husband zaps it.

This week's blocks for Schoolhouse Dash is Snail Trail. I think this is such a pretty block. It went fast once you cut all those triangles. There is just one week left in this sew along. I'm already starting to sew the rows together. I feel this quilt top went fast. I have to start thinking about borders. There are none in the directions but I feel it needs one. 

That's been my week. We got a ton of rain yesterday and more may be on the way later today. I'm hoping it doesn't get too bad. Enjoy your weekend!


  1. The little kitty makes a cute yard decoration. The eggplant sounds delish. I don't think I've had that variety before. The hornet's nest gave me chills. I just got stung by a yellow jacket the other day. Love the fabrics in your Snail Trail blocks. Can't wait to see the Schoolhouse Dash quilt top all together.

    1. Thanks, Jeanna. We had yellow jackets in our basement last year. That's where I keep my longarm. So annoying. We got rid of them but it was scary for awhile!

  2. Wow, that's a big nest! I've had no luck with eggplant - how nice yours is doing well.

    1. We couldn't find any regular eggplant so we got this version instead. It's nice to try something different.

  3. I like snail's trail blocks too. That nest is amazing!

    1. Thanks, Angela. I'm wondering how long that nest has been out there. I should look up more!

  4. Cute kittie and I have a similar one at the base of a tree in the garden. It came down from the farm with us- it had been the first wife's and I couldn't leave it. Meanwhile, of course, your snail's trails blocks are perfection, Rosemary. So pretty colours.

    1. Thanks, Jocelyn! The snail's trail blocks were fun to make. I wouldn't be able to leave a a kittie behind either!!

  5. We've been fighting hornets/wasps/yellowjackets! Whatever the variety, I hate them. Recently here they have been very pesky! Driving me back indoors when I'd rather sit on the deck and read. Or have lunch. I tried to share my apple one day, It didn't help. So we put up traps. Better now. I don't think I have made a snail trail block, but I do like them. I need to give it a try! Have a good week!

    1. These bugs are such pests! They're not easy to get rid of either. I like them better outdoors! I had never made snail trail blocks before but I like them too!


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...