Thursday, March 28, 2024

I Like Thursday #228

Welcome to I Like Thursday! A bunch of us bloggers like to write happy and uplifting posts on a weekly basis. Please visit LeeAnna to link up with more blogs. This is Block 13 of Alaska, a quilt designed by Edyta Sitar. I think this one is my favorite. It's not easy to make but the I just love it. It has a sparkle to it!  All blocks in this quilt measure 9.5" square. 

I forgot to show you Block 11 of Alaska. I only have Block 12 left to make. I jumped ahead to Block 13 since I only had to make one block. Four blocks left!! I think putting this quilt together is going to be a slow process which is fine. Slow is good!

My future daughter-in-law brought this over to my house one day. I thought it was going to be a delicious dessert for us to share. I had no idea that it wasn't real! She made this "cake" for my daughter. It actually opens up and can be used to store whatever you'd like. It would make a cute jewelry box. I'm not really sure what it's made of. It just looks very realistic!

Our prompt this week is what baby animal would you choose for a pet. I think I'd love a baby deer! I see them outside sometimes and think they're so cute. I know it's not really possible but they're too cute to resist! They look so cuddly!

Have a wonderful Easter! We're hosting Easter dinner and will start cooking tomorrow. It's a lot of work but it's so nice to have the family all together!🐣Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Quilting State Fair Sampler

 I'm ready to quilt my son and future daughter-in-law's quilt. It's so big that I loaded it in 2 steps. This is how it looks after just attaching one side of the backing and quilt top to the longarm. It's about 92" wide so pinning to the leaders took a while. I stopped after that and did the rest the next day.

After much consideration, I decided simpler is better with this quilt since it's so large. I thought bead board would look good in this area. Also, since there isn't a border, the sides are so stretchy with all those seams. I thought this would keep this edge nice and straight. 

I was going to do something curvy in this area but decided on these half inch lines instead. I think they look good in this odd shape. It's not a circle, square or octagon. The lines worked! I'll post more as I quilt more. Too many decisions with so many blocks!! I'm hoping it will get easier as I get going.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

I Like Thursday #227

It's officially Spring! I thought I'd post my Spring table runner. A few years ago, some of us bloggers made blocks and shared them. They're all slab blocks but bright and beautiful! I love looking at all the different fabrics that we all have in our stash. By the way, visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more I Like Thursday blogs.

Here's my Block 10 for Alaska, a quilt designed by Edyta Sitar. I'm surprised how fast I'm making these blocks. I have 9 blocks left to make. The border in the pattern is minimal so I may be changing that up. I want to make the quilt top first and then figure it out.

I cook practically everyday but I don't consider myself much of a cook. However, I do find a few recipes I like and thought I'd share. This is call Egg Roll Skillet. You can find the recipe here. It's fast and easy. I like to make egg rolls in the air fryer and I think this recipe would work very nicely.

I also made this Crustless Custard Pie. You can find the recipe here. I love custard pie but don't like all the calories from the crust. This recipe solves that problem. It's quick and only uses 7 ingredients. My husband really liked it!

I hope you all have a great weekend! It's supposed to be stormy here this weekend. I'm hoping it's not too bad!

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Two Projects Moving Along

I finished making the 9th block for the Alaska quilt. This is by far the easiest block in this quilt. It goes together quite quickly. All the blocks for this quilt measure 9.5" square. I'm about half done with block 10. I'll post the picture when I finish.

I'm coming along nicely on my cross stitch. I didn't realize there was embroidery in this project. This is slowing me down since I'm learning as I go along! I'm making the Lazy Daisy stitch as well as the French knot. They're not too hard but just new for me. I'm enjoying making this bureau scarf.

I'm off to the eye doctor this afternoon. I got all my stitching done this morning. I'm useless after my eyes get dilated. I'll be happy to lay on the couch and watch TV. (Hopefully, the light won't bother me too much!)

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Baby Binding

Here's the baby quilt complete with binding. I used the same fabric as the border. I usually use a 2.25" binding. I'm not sure why but that seems to be my favorite width. It's not too wide, not too thin, just right!!

I always use my walking foot when sewing a binding. I've been lazy in the past and have just used my regular quilting foot. I never really like the end result. The walking foot insures a nice flat binding.  A regular foot can sure make that binding wavy. It's so worth it to change the foot!

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Baby Quilt Finished

 It took me two days to get this baby quilt quilted. I had a few ideas as to how I was going to quilt it but I didn't really decide until I had the quilt loaded and ready to go. The quilt measures about 49" X 56". 

I wanted to quilt an all over pattern. I didn't want it to be too dense so the quilt would remain soft. I decided on quilting these meandering loops. It's common in quilts for children and looks a bit whimsical and fun.

I quilted arcs just by following the sides of the half square triangles. I quilted 1" lines above the arcs and ribbon candy within the arcs. I quilted a series of lines in the corners. Ta-da! The quilt is completely quilted. I'm working on the binding which is the same fabric as the border. This was such a fun project to work on!

Thursday, March 7, 2024

I Like Thursday #226

 Welcome to I Like Thursday. A bunch of us bloggers post happy and uplifting posts on a weekly basis. Visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more like minded blogs. I just finished Block 8 of Alaska by Edyta Sitar. I have 17 more blocks to go. I'm getting more comfortable with all those pieces meeting in the middle. Every quilt teaches you something and those points in the middle is my quilt lesson.

My baby quilt is ready to load! I ironed the backing as well as the quilt top. I always like laying the top over the backing. I use math a lot but I also like to make sure everything works once the pieces are ready for loading. I'm going to free motion the whole thing except for the borders. I just need to pick a pattern. That's the hard part!!

I found Lily sleeping in her usual spot, She had her little paws crossed. She looks so cute. I just had to share!

Our prompt this week is how you experience Spring with each of your senses. Here goes:

Taste - Easter goodies, chocolates
Touch - Warm breeze, soft petals of newly blossomed flowers
See - Flowers, longer days, reawakening of nature, Peeps
Hear- Birds, motorcycles, kids outside playing

I'll probably think of more later but that's what I came up with for now!
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Backing Arrived!

I received the backing for the baby quilt I made. It's exactly what I wanted. The baby's name is going to be Eloise so this is just perfect! I'm going to have to piece the backing and I'll try to keep the pattern intact. I haven't pieced a backing in awhile so this may take a few tries.

I started to cross stitch the dresser scarf. It measures 14" X 35". There are 4 areas to cross stitch. I'm going to cross stitch first, then back stitch and embroidery. I'll finish each area before I move on to the next. I love cross stitching while watching TV. I've been watching a few documentaries on Netflix. They always seem to suck me in!

It's cold and damp today with drizzle. I still managed to vote. It was very quick this morning. There weren't too many people there. 

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...