Thursday, March 21, 2024

I Like Thursday #227

It's officially Spring! I thought I'd post my Spring table runner. A few years ago, some of us bloggers made blocks and shared them. They're all slab blocks but bright and beautiful! I love looking at all the different fabrics that we all have in our stash. By the way, visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more I Like Thursday blogs.

Here's my Block 10 for Alaska, a quilt designed by Edyta Sitar. I'm surprised how fast I'm making these blocks. I have 9 blocks left to make. The border in the pattern is minimal so I may be changing that up. I want to make the quilt top first and then figure it out.

I cook practically everyday but I don't consider myself much of a cook. However, I do find a few recipes I like and thought I'd share. This is call Egg Roll Skillet. You can find the recipe here. It's fast and easy. I like to make egg rolls in the air fryer and I think this recipe would work very nicely.

I also made this Crustless Custard Pie. You can find the recipe here. I love custard pie but don't like all the calories from the crust. This recipe solves that problem. It's quick and only uses 7 ingredients. My husband really liked it!

I hope you all have a great weekend! It's supposed to be stormy here this weekend. I'm hoping it's not too bad!


  1. I love the colors on that table runner. That egg roll skillet looks tasty. Mmmm... custard pie.

    1. Thanks, Sally! I really like both of those recipes I posted.

  2. I remember swapping those blocks. You made a very nice table runner with yours. I need to get mine out and put them into something. The star blocks look challenging but are so pretty. The custard sounds delicious. Thank you for sharing the link to the recipe.

    1. Did I get one of your blocks?? I can't remember who sent me each block. I hope you enjoy the recipes!

    2. If it was the swap Dawn coordinated then yes. I remember sending you a block for a swap and I received one in blues from you.


I Like Thursday #268

It's time for Thursday likes! Please visit LeeAnna over at  Not Afraid of Color  to link up with more blogs posting fun likes. My two ca...