Thursday, May 16, 2024

I Like Thursday #234

Boy, these weeks go by fast. It's time for I Like Thursday once again. Please visit LeeAnna to link up to more blogs taking part in Thursday posts. I got some wonderful gifts for Mother's Day. These roses were a gift from my daughter's boyfriend. He chose flowers that are not toxic to our cats. He's so thoughtful! I was pleasantly surprised!!

My brother was home visiting for last week. It was so fun having him around, There's always lots of food when he's home. He left the morning of Mother's Day so my mom did get to see him. I wish he would come home more often! 

I'm just starting the final section of my cross stitch dresser scarf. I was pretty awful at making French Knots and Lazy Daisy but I'm so much better now! I'm actually enjoying embroidery now. I plan on starting Christmas ornaments soon. I like that they're small and portable so I'll be able to work on them on the deck over the summer. And that will give me plenty of time to get them ready for the holidays!

Our prompt this week is what lessons learned from childhood have impacted your world view. That's one big prompt!! I think I always tried to be nice and treat people how I would want to be treated. It helped me through my professional life. However, I'm not sure that's enough anymore. I feel things are different now. Before I left work, I found people aren't as nice as they used to be. I hope this isn't the case and I just worked with an odd bunch of people. No matter how nice and accommodating I was, some of the newer employees remained difficult and unfriendly. I think the world is a different place than when I was in school! 


  1. Ooh - such pretty roses! And I like the color of your embroidery, too. The world is a different place, but there are nice people out there. I hope they show up on your doorstep. :-)

    1. Thanks, Sally! It's too bad things are different but maybe they'll get better one of these days.

  2. An absolutely wonderful gesture from that lad! And how nice to spend time with your brother too. I'm so happy you are enjoying embroidery, Rosemary. It is a wonderful hobby too esp. portable. I firmly believe the world has changed and people in general aren't as polite as I was taught to be.

    1. Thank you for your nice comment, Jocelyn! I wish people were nicer. I hated my job so much right before I retired. The whole atmosphere is so different now. I'm glad I don't have to deal with that anymore.

  3. yes, we were taught lessons that make for good citizens. Good societies and now people are demanding and very self obsessed. We still have each other, good to see your brother, good that you got to spend some time with him. your roses are so pretty I can almost feel their velvety softness from here

    1. LeeAnna, thank you so much! The world is so different now. Maybe I'm just getting old and cranky, but it seemed nicer and simpler when we were younger.

  4. The roses are so pretty and so is your dresser scarf! Love it!


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