Thursday, May 30, 2024

I Like Thursday #236

It's time for Thursday likes! Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more bloggers taking part in I Like Thursday. My husband and I went out to dinner last weekend. I haven't had a Bloody Mary in ages. It was so good. It had just the right amount of spice to it. We had a nice dinner too!

I went shopping this past week and bought my shoes for my son's wedding. I've had my eye on these shoes for awhile now. Macy's had a great sale this past weekend so I grabbed them! I just need a purse to match. I think I'm going to try to wear pearl accessories also. The shoes are a bit lighter than they show in this picture. They're more similar to an ivory color. 

I got this cute card in the mail. My future daughter-in-law made it. It was such a nice surprise and so thoughtful of her. I just wanted to share!

Our prompt this week states that Memorial Day is known for cookouts, beginning of summer and the start of being able to wear white pants. I love wearing white pants. I have a pair of capris that I wear with a red and white shirt. Now that I'm retired, I don't really keep up with I should or should not be wearing. That's one of the perks of being retired! I do like wearing white, as long as I keep them clean!

It's cold and raining here this morning. I'm hoping the weather improves for the weekend!


  1. I cannot walk in heels, but those look amazing! Pretty card - I love getting surprises like that in the mail.

    1. Thank you! They're only about 3 inches. I used to wear higher when I was younger. I love getting that card!

  2. Wow! Those shoes are gorgeous! I have never used heels, but admire those who can. Nice surprise in the mail. Has she made it? Bloody Mary, so long since I had it I've almost forgotten what it tastes.

    1. Thanks, Astrid! The heels are about 3 inches which isn't too high, Yes, my future daughter-in-law made the card. It was so nice! You've got to have a Bloody Mary soon. Too good!!

  3. Lovely drink and wow, to those shoes. Pretty and elegant just the right pair for a wedding. And what a lovely future dil too, Rosemary. She sounds like she is a keeper!

    1. Thanks so much, Jocelyn! I have admired those shoes for awhile now. I just needed the right opportunity to buy them! I'm so lucky to be getting such a nice daughter-in-law!

  4. I love a spicy bloody mary! Those shoes are perfect, Rosemary. It must have touched your heart to receive that sweet card from your future DIL.

  5. that cocktail looks lush! Squee your shoes! gorgeous... I'll have to live vicariously through you with the heels... but you're gonna feel like a princess... yea!

    1. Oh, LeeAnna, I hope so!! I will send you a ton of pictures! 5 more months!!!


Quilt Shop Visit

 I have had the busiest week! I had 5 scheduled appointments plus I'm getting ready for my son's wedding next weekend. I haven't...